NonReferenceable Objects ( NRO )

[ PHOTO #1 ( above ): U.S. Navy missile launched from Pacific Ocean undersea channel dugout cliff holes near Santa Catalina island November 8, 2010, or as officials claimed it was only a passenger airline jetstream from Hawaii? ( click to enlarge ) ]

[ PHOTO #2 ( above ): U.S. Navy missile launched from Pacific Ocean undersea channel dugout cliff holes near Santa Catalina island November 8, 2010, or as officials claimed it was only a passenger airline jetstream from Hawaii? ( click to enlarge ) ]

[ PHOTO ( above ): U.S. Navy missile launched from Pacific Ocean undersea channel dugout cliff holes near Santa Catalina island November 8, 2010, or as officials claimed it was only a passenger airline jetstream from Hawaii? ( click to enlarge ) ]

NonReferenceable Objects ( NRO )
Harvesting Extra-Superconductive Magnetic Element Properties
by, Concept Activity Research Vault ( CARV / Paul Collin )

December 7, 2011 16:00:42 ( PST ) Updated ( Originally Published: November 22, 2010 )

CALIFORNIA, Los Angeles, San Nicholas Island – December 7, 2011 – Depends on how one looks at it, but amongst southern California islands, Santa Catalina rests about 23-miles offshore where the deadly Pacific Ocean channel is deeper than Mount Everest is high.

This Pacific Ocean channel is also home for the world’s largest Great White shark species, and for decades – according to some southern Cailifornia residents – Santa Catalina island is suspected of harboring offshore resident extraterrestrial aliens ( also known as ) ‘non-referenceable aliens’ caught with Unidentified Submersible Objects ( USO ), Unidentified Flying Objects ( UFO ), and /or Non-Referenceable Objects ( NRO ) diving in and out of this sea passageway to their suspected deep sea base.

While there has been no mention of what these extraterrestrial aliens might be doing underwater, a few believe there is a distinct – although remote – possibility they [ nonreferenceable biological entities ] may be utilizing their Non-Referenceable Objects ( NRO ) interalia Unidentified Submersible Objects ( USO ) to harvest a planet Earth natural resource ’super-magnetic fluid’ easily removed by them from ultra-deep sea volcano molten minerals they then only extract the super-magnetic properties therefrom, afterwhich they jetison the remaining molten lava.

While that may be too unbelieveable you are urged to pause before making any final determinations about this report because the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ( NOAA ) Ocean Scienes and Technology ( OST ) department in the ultra-deep sea below the Pacific Ocean, far west of the California island of Santa Catalina, is right on target with what some believe to be aliens from outer space reaches beyone the Earth.

The 2007 New Zealand American Submarine Ring of Fire ( NZASRoF or NZASRF ) Mariana Trench expedition using the AUV ( Autonomous Underwater Vehicle ) ABE ( Autonomous Benthic Explorer ) was assigned to detail map the ultra-deep sea Brothers volcano, a rhyodacite ( silicious ) explosive volcano more than 2,600 feet ( 800-meters ) above its surrounding deep-sea floor to its caldera rim located 1-mile ( 1,500 meters ) beneath the surface of the Pacific Ocean where it erupted with so much explosive force that it carried carried volatile energy and volume partially emptying its ‘magma chamber’ where its collapsed caldera area measures 1.6 nautical miles ( 3-kilometers ) by ( x ) 2.2 nm ( 4-kilometers ) to a depth of 300 meters below the volcano rim.

Brothers Volcano, however has more to offer out-of the ultra-deep Pacific Ocean where its ‘large magnetic anomalies’ register many hundreds of nano-Teslas, a unit of magnetic field strength amplitudes from its volcanic lava, from nearby just southeast where ‘several volcanic domes’ ( ‘slightly less explosive’ than Brothers major caldera was ) that are ‘younger’ and ‘larger volcanic lava bodies’ associated with ‘greater magnetic anomalies’ expectedly holding a ‘strong magnetic anomaly signature’.

During this expedition, as is the case on many traditional marine geophysical surveys, a Remote Vehicle ( R/V ) Sonne will ‘tow’ ( from the sea surface ) a magnetometer ( dipped into but not far below the surface of the sea where it is dragged along to roughly measure ‘magnetic field amplitudes’ far above buried volcano lava domes revealing ‘magnetic anomaly surveying’ to ‘identify recent lava flows’, however Brothers volcano nearby domes in the southeast Pacific Ocean lay 1,500 to 2,500 meters beneath any surface tow magnetometer that will only provide a ‘very broad kilometer scale’ reading of ‘magnetic anomaly variations’ but not readings like anything positioned near the ‘actual volcanic structure’ so, for a much higher resolution of magnetic anomaly variables, a more precise ‘magnetic anomaly information’ survey can be performed with the Autonomous Benthic Explorer ( ABE ), an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle ( AUV ), that can perform a series of ultra-deep sea dives and flights ( 50 meters above the volcano domes ) following parallel lines while collecting ‘magnetic anomaly measurements’ from a mounted onboard ‘fluxgate magnetometer’ ( the size of a hand palm ) performing swath fly-overs collecting ‘bathymetry’, ‘conductivity’, ‘temperature’, and ‘chemical’ measurement instrument readings used to estimate ‘magnetization of the volcano’ correlated with what is seen on bathymetry and ‘volcanic flow unit identification images.

The Brothers Volcano caldera area sees ‘geothermal vents’ of lava spewing a residual ‘high temperature demagnetization fluid’ that ‘alters magnetic chemistry’ of ‘titanomagnetite’, a natural super-magnetic mineral, however after this ‘geothermal alteration’ even titanomagnetite is rendered far less magnetic. This ‘geographic high-temperature demagnetizing fluid alteration’ can be found even within ‘magnetic dead zones’ where both ‘active’ and ‘inactive’ as well as ‘young’ an ‘old’ lava vent sites exist.

On land surfaces, studies of similar collapsed volcano calderas ( depressions ) suggest calderas were filled with formed deposits of a pyroclastic low-density vesicular material.

References provided, click on: and to begin learning more.

Who says that all intelligent biological entities, unknown to us, are not of this world but only from outer space? We already know that the ultra-deep sea holds biological entities foreign to us, however what we ‘do not know’ is the extent of ultra-deep sea biological entity spieces. Does the simply fact that ‘we do not know about all of them’ render them ‘aliens’ on Earth? No. What if there are ‘advanced biological entities’ of the ultra-deep sea? What if these creatures were on Earth before us? If that proves to be the case, then all human beings could very well be new ’aliens’ on Earth. Keyword, being, ‘new’ so just how new makes a ‘new alien’ on Earth?

In 1989, a large Unidentified Submersible Object ( USO ) was discovered floating on the surface of the Pacific Ocean, according to eyewitnesses  aboard an ocean going vessel that tracked the UFO / USO underwater on sonar.

This same USO, was witnessed releasing what appeared to be several smaller Unidentified Submersible Objects ( USO ), submerged on a heading southwest beyond Santa Catalina island where it disappeared off sonar tracking. Did this USO travel underwater to the Mariana Trench or, as yet to be identified, seabase location?

On June 14, 1992 more than two-hundred ( 200 ) Unidentified Flying Objects ( UFO ) interalia Unidentified Submersible Objects ( USO ) were witnessed by at least twenty-seven ( 27 ) residents of Los Angeles County in southern California, according to MUFON ( Los Angeles, California ) chapter UFO / USO researcher Preston Dennett.

These UFO / USO Non-Referenceable Objects ( NRO ), however were not ’hovering in the sky’ but ‘rising-up out-of the Pacific Ocean channel near Santa Catalina island’ west of Santa Monica, California, according to resident witnesses positioned less than 10-miles east in the foothills of Los Angeles.

These two-hundred ( 200 ) UFO / USO  crafts, that came out-of the Santa Catalina island channel of the Pacific Ocean for several seconds, gathered into several cluster formation ( small squadrons ) before each set shot-off upward like missiles into southwest sky beyond southern California’s Santa Catalina island.

Were these two-hundred ( 200 ) Non-Referenceable Objects ( NRO ), which were all headed southwest by air in the same direction as the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean, or were they travelling far beyond it and the atmosphere of Earth?

Worried local residents – including those from Santa Monica, California to as far south as Malibu, California – filed UFO / USO eyewitness reports by telephone with switchboard operators of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department ( LASO ), Santa Monica Police Department ( SMPD ) as well as with other officials.

One ( 1 ) caller, who was recorded by a law enforcement operator, sounded hesitant perhaps, embarrassed, but nevertheless concerned enough to report the unidentifiable objects he had just witnessed.

The wealth of these eyewitness local resident report descriptions were fed by local officials to officials of the federal United States government, amongst which included the U.S. Coast Guard ( USCG ) that reportedly refused to honor a request to search the Pacific Ocean area near Catalina island for any trace remnant discharges any of the two-hundred ( 200 )  UFOs / USOs may have left or jetisoned.

On December 25, 2004 in southern California adjacent to Santa Catalina island the Long Beach Police Department ( LBPD ) had their own mid-air encounter with a UFO / USO officially recorded on their police helicopter Forward Looking Infra-Red ( FLIR ) camera ( see video below ):

During July 2009 in Santa Monica, California another UFO / USO – resembling the same UFO / USO encounter with the Long Beach Police Department helicopter ( video above ) – was filmed in color from the coastal City of Santa Monica, California just off the westcoast Pacific Ocean channel near Santa Catalina island ( see video below ):

On November 8, 2010 another Unidentified Flying Object ( UFO ) and / or Unidentified Submersible Object ( USO ) was sighted in southern California near Santa Catalina island witnessed it while filming it from aboard a southern California City of Los Angeles television ( KCBS TV ) news station helicopter ( see video below ):

The UFO / USO filmed ( above ) by the news station helicopter news was denied by ‘all’ official United States federal government agencies claiming they had no knowledge if it and had nothing to do with the Unidentified Flying Object ( UFO ) sighted.

Interestingly, after U.S. federal officials interviewed the KCBS TV news station helicopter reporter, the same reporter then disavowed what he previously reported by agreeing with U.S. federal officials that what he had seen filmed were just ice crystals glistening off a ‘small airplane’ travelling into the horizon during sunset.

Did this KCBS-TV news reporter undergo U.S. federal government official embedding? Why would the KCBS-TV news reporter change what he previously witnessed and then reported to the greater southern California Los Angeles news area public?

What about the KCBS-TV news helicopter video ( above )?

Listen very carefully to precisely what the news helicopter reporter describes ( below ) in the most ‘general of terms’:

Was the KCBS-TV Sky news helicopter video ‘interrupted’ or ‘earlier replaced’ by ‘decoy film footage’ to ‘disguise what was really being witnessed’ to ‘match general descriptions’ reported the KCBS-TV Sky 2 helicopter news reporter?

Watch what former U.S. federal government Department of Defense ( DoD ) military officials whom have decades of experience with what was sighted off the coast of southern California near Catalina island ( below ):

Now compare what civilian reporters said to agree with ‘official U.S. government cover story lines’ the later reported ( below ):

If the UFO / USO video was implanted or switched, might it have appeared more like the films ( further above )? One may no longer wonder what was actually seen coming out-of the Pacific Ocean near Santa Catalina island. Then again, the UFO / USO may have originated near another southern California island, San Nicholas island ( see video below ).

The U.S. National Reconnaissance Office ( NRO ) may have a purposeful misnomer embedded within its initials. Historical research proves that the U.S. federal government entity charged with who “owns the night” refers to Unidentified Flying Objects ( UFO ) as being ‘objects’ of “Non-Reference” or Non-Refrerencable Objects ( NRO ).

What if the U.S. National Reconnaissance Office ( NRO ) actually stands for the U.S. Non-Referenceables Office ( NRO ) charged with reconnaissance over Non-Referenceable Objects ( NRO ) “Who Rule The Night?” Learn a little something more about U.S. federal government clearance levels and what surrounds the NRO ( video below ):

Now, if those following this report are ‘thoroughly convinced’ and ‘absolutely sure’ that what is being discussed here has being cleverly twisted around into something less than factual, the following ( below ) serious speach given by the recently deceased former Minister of Defense for Canada may come to some as a rather shocking surprise:

The following five ( 5 ) color video mini-series ( below ) introduces Unidentied Submersible Objects ( USO ) also known as Non-Referenceable Objects ( NRO ):

The Truth Is Out There Amidst The Abyss Below

Far west of southern California islands, in the Pacific Ocean, lays the Marianna Trench where on May 24, 2009 an ultra-deep sea discovery project [ ] documented videos of ’self-illuminating ultra-deep sea creatures’ using no ’artificial light’ but a ‘natural bioluminescent process’ known as ‘counterillumination’, which is really something one needs to ’see to believe’ ( below ):

While the 2009 video ( above ) provides documented factual understandings of evidence for what truly exists ( i.e. bioluminescent sea creatures ) in the ultra-deep sea, another video clip ( below ) that was filmed twenty ( 20 ) years earlier in 1988 provided displays of bioluminescent sea creatures in the ultra-deep sea science-fiction motion picture film “The Abyss.” Perhaps, in another 20-years ( more or less ) in the future, this insight may allow the public to even better fathom and understanding what lies in the ultra-deep sea further ( below):

Now equipped with a new set of eyes, one wishing to go even deeper might research before consulting government on NonReferenceable Objects ( NRO ) claimed nonexistent for the public.

Submitted for review and commentary by,

Concept Activity Research Vault ( CARV ), Host
E-MAIL: ConceptActivityResearchVault@Gmail.Com
WWW: http://ConceptActivityResearchVault.WordPress.Com



NASA UFO Alien Encounters

[ PHOTO ( above ): NASA Space Shuttle STS 115 official mission photo of a an “ExtraTerrestrial BioSynthetic Entity” ( EBSE ), a mobius waveform propulsion system spaceborn infant that is also known by what others refer to as part of a “Space Serpent” that a NASA astronaut refers to as an “eel” ( click to enlarge ) ]

NASA UFO Alien Encounters
by, Concept Activity Research Vault ( CARV )

December 1, 2011 14:22:08 (PST) Updated ( Originally Published: January 27, 2011 )

CALIFORNIA, Los Angeles – December 1, 2011 – NASA? We may ‘all’ have a problem! Over the past several decades multiple space flight missions from the United States and Russia have officially documented strange encounters occuring in outer space with astronauts.

Not just ‘unidentified flying objects’ ( UFO ), but other unreferenceable object encounters such as serpent like entities that appear to be biosynthetic lifeforms, plus other spaceborne phenomena that astronauts referred to as being their ”visitors.”

While all this initially sounds totally unbelievable, official audio and video film clip transmissions ( see below ) between space missioning astronauts and their mission ground control central proving NASA UFO Alien Encounters are officially very real.

Several prominent United States astronauts have now gone on public record revealing their personal experiences with official U.S. government encounters surrounding nonreferenceable objects and entities ( UFOs & Aliens ):


The following additional ’official video clips and audio broadcasts’ ( below ) will reveal some amazing things for you if  these two ( 2 ) ’basic principles’ are remembered while viewing them:

1.  Meteorites ‘do not suddenly change direction’ and ‘do not make left-hand turns, right-hand turns or U turns’ like a ’piloted spacecraft’; and,

2. Debris in outer space, known as ‘space junk’ ( e.g. pieces of rocket boosters, expended satellites, etc. ), does not exit the Earth’s gravitational pull ( that extends – at a much lesser strength – into outerspace ) nor does it at high rates of speed’ either, but will either ‘float around in outer space’ and/or ‘return ( in a ‘decaying orbit’ ) to Earth’s atmosphere where it may either burn-up or fall to the surface of the Earth.

A few of the documentary motion picture film clips ( below ) are in ’full color’, ’black and white’, or ’tinted green’ screen resolutions – many of which are comprised of ’time-elapsed monitoring film sped-up’ so, ‘objects being monitored may not be moving as fast as they appear’, however ’other films may have objects moving in real speed ( e.g. ‘slow docking arms and astronaut manuevers’ or ‘fast electronic movements’ of ’camera lens housings’ that ‘spin around quickly’ to ‘catch a view of other objects moving in any direction at any time’ ).

Nevertheless, always keep in-mind the two ( 2 ) ‘outerspace principles’ that only ‘spacecraft make course corrections’ – turning and going in different directions – ‘not meteorites, comets, asteroids or space debris’.

Now, please enjoy watching ‘these specific four ( 4 ) videos’ ( below ) especially selected after careful analysis from ou-of ’hundreds of others found with flaws’:

By 1971, a NASA Apollo 14 rocket carried a Lunar Excursion Module ( LEM ) camera providing the following photo ( below ):

[ PHOTO ( above ): official NASA LEM camera photo of moon in background with UFO lights in right foreground ( click to enlarge ) ]

In the above photo, was there a ‘piece of lighted extermal equipment’ outside the NASA spacecraft? No. Was there any ‘distortion in the camera lense or reflection’? No.

In 1967, four ( 4 ) years before the aforementioned 1971 LEM launch, PACIFIC OPTICAL ( El Segundo, California ) generated thousands of LEM camera rose quartz glass lenses polished to perfection and tested for ‘any possible distortion factors’ using special ‘lightwave measurement instruments’ set according to ’government standards for approval’ long before being installed within those cameras used aboard the LEM, within an incredible number of NASA space rocket missions, and U.S. Air Force National Reconnaisance Office ( NRO ) missions. How are those facts known? I personally know those particular camera lenses ’do not capture any destortion whatsoever from glare or image reflections’ because I ‘personally worked on those lenses’, knew what they consisted of, as well as their unique characteristics also used in weaponized missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles.

As far back as 1966, when I was still attending high school, I also worked the graveyard shift at the McDonnel Douglas Space Systems Center ( now BOEING ) where within a special area then-known as “The Quad” a famous defecting Russian astrophysicist secretly worked for the U.S. government on the Mercury mission space capsules. Yes, and there were two ( 2 ) such capsules! Not much comes as much of a mystery to me, especially after four ( 4 ) decades of researching intelligence for the U.S. government.

The aforementioned films and broadcats document previously unknown ’new hazards surfacing in space’, believed one of the primary reasons why ‘all NASA spacecraft insurance policy coverage was cancelled’ as NASA lost its direct U.S. government funding when it became apparent to the U.S. government intelligence directorate ( CIA Science and Technology Division ) need of private-sector corporate market bids on future space mission contracts – swinging the axe into the heart of the NASA empire given its final ”tally-ho.”

That decision made perfect economic sense to the U.S. government because now its ‘secret private-sector enterprise takes on far more financial risk than it does just space mission challenges’ where shareholder investment returns will consequently realize less profit from having to absorb the costs associated with higher insurance policy coverages directly related to ‘new risk management assessments’ ( see official films and broadcasts above ) where insurance company policy directive issuances placed on ‘future mission spacecraft’ see more financial burden placed onto thebacks of ’investors’ while essening ever-growing financial burdens on U.S. Department of the Treasury foreign debt repayment plans the Federal Reserve Board decided NASA was just costing too much money and something had to be done about getting rid of the NASA burden without jeopardizing U.S. global space superiority. What began during 1985 as an intelligence mission to bury secret technology effortings within closely guarded private-sector enterprises satisfies corporate promises of long ago.

It’s simply a case of one hand washing another at the expense of the people, is all, where a new space tax that may have been pulled from tomorrow shelf concepts of George Orwell for those living in futuristic societies. Unfortunately, such activity already broke plenty of pencil point lead in private-sector workshop sessions at FANX III ( Ft. George G. Meade, Maryland ) in 1998 supporting private sector funded public insurance investment programs as yet another economic means by which U.S. Social Security Administration insurance may likely receive its axe because of the ever-looming baby boomer debt crisis the U.S. government faces dead ahead as next on its big aggenda. NASA was likely but a precursor government primer for what’s in-store next for the ‘little people’. Up, up and away, that beautiful balloon – that not so beautiful balloon anymore.


Submitted for review and commentary by,


Concept Activity Research Vault ( CARV ), Host
E-MAIL: ConceptActivityResearchVault@Gmail.Com
WWW: http://ConceptActivityResearchVault.WordPress.Com