Gold Weaponization Secrets

( Courtesy: Paul Collin ) “Boy On A Water Buffalo” carved ruby statue ( weight: 10 carats, 1996 appraisal: $15,000,000 USD, owner: Dr. Zoltan Jaszberenyi. [ NOTE: This ‘asset’ assigned in 1996 to Aristocrat Endeavors deeding it under private assignment to an independent offshore ( Grenada ) bank as a ‘capital asset’ involving ‘The Legacy Foundation’ ( Las Vegas, Nevada ). Detailed documentation ( i.e. contracts, assay evaluation, photographs, signed and dated documents, etc. ) remain within ‘The Howard Hughes Files’ as independently reported within Project Camelot.

Gold Weaponization Secrets
by, Paul Collin

WASHINGTON, D.C. – March 11, 2021 – “Wherever there is gold, there will be spies lurking about” – Paul Collin ( circa: 2002 – 2021 ). That infamous statement came from a former intelligence operations specialist turned-author began researching certain subjects he publicly wrote about and self-published online however, only a fraction of 1% from his actual experiences from The Americas to The Caribbean, Western Europe to Africa and the Middle East to Eastern Europe where the collective amount of secret international intrigue details were partially released – not everything – publicly. Amongst a plethora of interests, all held multiple secrets.

While researching, writing and publishing only ‘odd cases’, since 1998, one ( 1 ) particular case caught his eye, which was yet another ‘high-risk’ foreign case situation’.

Con-Man Or Struggling Angel?

Far away-from America, on an offshore island, lived an American who some say was an ‘ex-patriot’; defacto or dejure, but ‘not officially’.

With more than his fair share of down-turned living through a series of disappointments, an affable gentleman whose religious overtones and expressed ‘good concerns for humanity’s betterment’, saw him begin an “independent offshore bank.”

Catching the attention of many mainstream news media outlets, it was ‘not ‘good press’ but rather ‘bad press’, which made him more infamous than anything else.

His bank mentioned having “billions” in “assets,” which news media outlets claimed were “fraudulent” however, such were ‘never detailed’ nor ‘offered for public showing’ that might have lent credence to those reports.

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Conflicting reports came for depositors and investors whom were showered with profits and so, he was showered with praise, while others were angry because they ‘did not continually receive their high rates of interest’ except for a few months.

Was he just another ‘confidence man’ ( con-man ) or was he actually more of a ‘struggling angel’?

Worldwide, prominently recognized news reports en-masse pointed him out ‘negatively’ however, upon closer scrutiny the quantity of international ‘secrets’ – although never detailed – were ‘always witheld’ away-from better public discernment.

Internationally ‘crucifying’ a ‘secretly religious man’ was easy, just as long as mainstream news press coverage of government disavowment of any man’s ‘humanity’, and the only way that could be successfully accomplished was to secretly send-in a multitude as ‘spies’ to accomplish such a feat.

Victoria’s ‘secret’ was the only report attempting to open public eyes to the facts that there was something more’ actually going-on within the case of Mr. Van Brink.

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Brinkmanship –

The Wall Street Journal and other media news outlets identified a man named Gilbert Allen Ziegler ( also known as ) Van Arthur Brink, who they pegged as ring-leader of an international bank fraud and money-laundering network, where from America ( Portland, Oregon to Hawaii ) he travelled to The Caribbean ( Grenada ) and then on to Africa ( Uganda ).

Collin saw far more – when Van Brink became his ‘client’ – for 4-years ( 2002 – 2006 ).

The Contract –

Brink’s contractual arrangements with Collin was to locate all of Brink’s founded foreign offshore independent bank’s ‘legacy high-value financial asset instruments’ and ‘support documents’ after they all went missing around the time Brink’s bank CEO Mark Kennedy conducted meetings with an international business consultant named Gabriel Francis MacEnroe representing a consortium based out-of Switzerland interested in purchasing Brink’s bank in Grenada.

Beginning Brinkmanship –

What surrounded Brink was his insatiable thirst to do away with ‘fiat currency’ financial systems ( operating on ‘float’ ) by, establishing his own ‘global gold based banking system’ after attending a ‘seminar’ in Atlanta, Georgia during 1996 when he flew home to Portland, Oregon where he packed his luggage, said his good-byes, and flew to Hawaii whereupon he remotely established his first foreign offshore independent bank in The Caribbean ( St. George’s, Grenada ).

Winners And Losers –

Years later, Brink then flew to Africa ( Kampala, Uganda ) where years later he was extracted out-of his palatial compound ( owned by a Swiss Businessman ) within Luzira, Uganda whereafter, INTERPOL scaled the wall, shot and killed his SARACEN Security guard whereupon May 18, 2004 turned Brink over at Entebbe airport ( Kampala, Uganda ) to the C.I.A.-led “Squad Six” special cadre ( a ‘flying squad’ ) of CounterIntelligence Special Agents kept in secret within the U.S. Department of Justice ( DOJ ) as employees of the Federal Bureau of Investigations ( FBI ) whom flew Brink to Johannesburg, South Africa then on-to Houston, Texas ( USA ) from where Brink finally arrived in Portland, Oregon.

[ HISTORICAL NOTE: Many years earlier, ‘Squad Six’ extracted former President Manuel Noreiga out-of Panama. ]

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Brinkmamanship Continued ‘Life After Brink’s Death’ –

Brink while awaiting a U.S. federal court ( in Portland, Oregon ) trial after 1-year, which never materialized with any verdict, died on December 10, 2005 – three ( 3 ) days ‘after Collin solved Brink’s contractual arrangements locating the assets of that bank with Brink’s criminal defense attorney’. Brink’s cause of death was from ‘heart failure’ ( poor blood circulation ) while at a relative’s home ( Wilsonville, Oregon ).

Collin’s contractual $3,500,000 ( USD ) for 4-years of work was never paid after client Brink died.

For government, and the mainstream news media, Van Brink died.

How on Earth could ‘Global Economic Brinkmanship’ continue living after its creator ( Van Brink ) was dead and buried?

‘That’ is the ‘secret’, along with all the ‘other secrets’ Brink left behind, which no one knows anything about. Until now.

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Brinkmanship Secret Missionings –

There were many missionings lived by Van Brink varying in intensities for many people worldwide. Some, were the ‘good guys’ – hidden in the background – while others appeared to be the ‘bad guys’.

Sorting good from bad amidst all the smoke and mirrors of global intelligence operations tasking is not easy for public discernment for, what may only ‘appear bad’ may not always be the case in-hand.

Client Van Brink’s more secret activities involved, amongst other things, rebel terrorist sudative ( LRA and SPLA Commander ) movements in southern Sudan and elsewhere, surrounding funding and other logistical support out-of SARACEN KAMPALA LTD. and its family member ALEXANDER AIR cargo operations.

Research Reference –

Even more surprising was client Brink’s secret involvement with a man ( William Telander, then a California businessman ) who initially funded ( $200,000 USD ) the Texas A&M University scientific experimental program transforming material from within ‘basic rocks’ into several categories of highly valuable minerals within what are known as Platinum Group Metals ( PGM ) more commonly recognized as Platinum, Gold and Silver.

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TIME magazine ( May 8, 1989 ); and,

NEWSWEEK magazine ( May 9, 1989 ) ]

Transmutation Of Precious Metals –

For 20-years, during the course and scope of various international activities, Collin hid details surrounding his private clients, studies, observations and collections of informational ‘private intelligence’ surrounding certain methods and procedures involving, amongst other matters, metal transmutation subjects.

Secrets Of Assay Testing Standards –

One major discovery of Collin’s private information includes ‘seemingly legitimate metal assay testing’ where secretly but purposefully there exists altering – through certain International Standards of Measurements – so-as to continually ‘limit gold findings’ in ‘certain circumstances’ by providng ‘false assay reports’ based strictly upon ‘established but skewed test measurement guidelines’ where differences in results surround both ‘time durations’ and ‘temperature levels’ applied to only ‘certain rock ore samples’ amidst what appears to be ‘legitimate assay testing procedurals’ whereby ‘test results automatically net less than true ( false ) measurement outcomes’ therefore improperly gauging ‘PGM level presences’ within ‘certain rock ore samplings’ that might otherwise see positive results if tests were conducted at slightly ‘higher temperatures’ and for ‘slightly longer time durations’ whereby such was revealed by a science professor at a university in Russia decades ago. Hence, overall ‘quantities’ of international PGM testing ‘samples disappear as worthless by clandestinely within International Standards of Measurements possessing cleverly designed guidelines so-as to ‘limitedly allocate’ and therefore ‘economically weaponize’ gold in-to existence or not. In more simpler terms, the rock ore sample under a standard assay test might indicate ‘no gold of value’ when ‘another test without such standards’ indicates ‘gold of value’.

Another Collin discovery uncovered a ‘stolen gold transmutation formula’ by a scientist who assigned-out his own secret formula – although while under contract with ENGLEHARD – to others ( e.g. William Telander nd an offshore independent bank ) whom also obtained the obscure ‘foreign patent’, which was brought together offshore in St. Vincent and The Grenadines international business corporation ( IBC ) secretly known as ISO-TECH LTD. that was then made a ‘secret asset’ within a Grenada bank co-founded by client Brink then holding ‘that stolen formula’ contained within a very slim file folder that ‘Squad Six’ and another team of other U.S. federal government employees overlooked during 4-years of reviewing thousands of files.

What was ‘ISO-TECH LTD.’? Didn’t ring any bells so, it was overlooked for 20-years by everyone except Collin who wrote and published his report on an equally obscure website in 2003 that very few people bothered to review because it was 43-pages long.

Collin’s files of information on a multitude of his client Brink plus, other companies, organizations, foreign Trusts and Foundations, as well as universities, collegiate professors, students, individuals and federal government court record files along with more secret operational details of client Brink surrounding just when, where and who was transacting secret business affairs was cumbersome to organize.

After Collin was termed by the C.I.A. Deputy Chief in Washington, D.C. to ‘not’ be what he considered was a “Team Player” – after 4-years of service ( working 18-hours a day 6-days a week ) – where Collin was not brought-in under their “federal “Business Agreement,” Collin simply turned a ‘copy’ of all his work-product files and notes ( from 2001 – 2007 ) over in-person to his ‘federal handler’ who was the Supervisory Special Agent In Charge ( SAIC ) for ‘Squad Six’, with the parting comment:

“Good luck sorting-out the value all those copies of my information files your Squad nicknamed as a “Mini Wikipedia” on all the no-good-niks. I believe your boss ( a Deputy Chief CIA in D.C. ) not providing that business agreement you went to pick up in October 2007 buried more than just us.”

What involved transmutation from simple bull-dozer ‘alluvial’ excavations, to laboratory chemical treatment processings and even simple home-based backyard methodologies and procedures following formulas netting anyone how to ‘grow’ gold, platinum and silver remains alive to this very day.

Although Collin’s report ( See Below ) began 20-years ago and contains many surprises along with one ( 1 ) extremely rudimentary formula ( below ), it does not fully contain all the various formulas, copy of the foreign Patent plus much more still retained within Collin’s electronic files; much of which, might otherwise be considered “Unevaluated Intelligence ( UI ) today.

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Global Economic Brinkmanship – Segment 3 – Global PMC Agents & Nuclear Gold Secrets –

by, Paul Collin ( The Unwanted Publicity Intelligence Guy )

WASHINGTON, D.C. – April 1, 2003 – What was once viewed years ago at university science laboratories amidst claims that gold and other precious metals could be enhanced from rocks, has taken a huge U-turn from the old roads of laughter and yore of yesteryear.

What government agencies for years have claimed as fraud, smoke and mirrors, magic or, pure science-fiction is now coming to a head with a more serious ‘economic’ question. What could such an effect as making precious metals so easily now have on financial markets?

A little secret has become more of a revelation now for a select few people. Apparently, there is a secret combination of certain chemical ingredient formulas and processing techniques that are said to alter or transform basic ore (certain rocks, sands, gravels) atomic values into enhanced and/or, increased amounts of valuable metals using a variety of relatively easy processing techniques that almost anyone can do.

What happens to the value of precious metals on world commodity markets if all of a sudden they become less expensive to process and many more mines start popping up?

“There’s no magic to it. Just the right ingredients and processing techniques,” is what’s being quietly uttered from many chemists, scientists, and a select few other people who have over the past few decades invested millions of dollars. There are a few more today, who know about these successful developments.

Information that was originally derived from an elixir found in ancient Greek mythology, surfaced in uncovering secrets about a few banks, financial consultants, and government agents, some of whom, had no idea what they all were working together for. In all actuality they were working fast and furiously on something more secret that involved greed in what someday will be known as the 20th Century gold rush.

For those who don’t know the main reason ‘why’ precious metals have always been so expensive, it is not all because of the mineral’s scarcity but, their ‘processing’ and ‘refining’ of ores conducted after mining takes place. Specific grades of ore purity where undesirable elements are reduced, leaving a more pure valuable metal in its place. This is one of the major key elements to ‘why’ some metals are so expensive today.

Lowering the costs of ore processing, refinement, and increasing the number of mines by using a different enhancement technique where commonly found ores could be transformed into greater quantities of precious metals, would see current precious metals values, instantly plummet.

The value of such secrets is reason enough for governments and industries to worry. Those who have built economic empires dependent on limited numbers of mines that use old valuable ore processing techniques, wouldn’t want their business and profits tossed out by someone who could come along and begin mining low-value ores and transform them into highly valuable ores for a much cheaper price.

Firms like ENGELHARD – CLAL wouldn’t just walk away. Something of greater value would have to come there way in order for them to maintain product value futures.

Smaller independent firms might not take pity on large specialty firms like Engelhard, with all its legacy of wealth over several decades. In fact, some might say, “Engelhard’s had their fill. Now, it’s ‘our’ turn at the feeding trough! And, why not?”

News that significantly greater quantities of precious metals (gold, platinum, palladium, rhodium, osmium, tantalum, etc.) can now be produced from other types of low-grade ores mined worldwide are what a few geo-chemists, chemical engineers, metallurgists, rocket scientists, and a few others had known about years ago but, they’ve now let the cat out of the bag and a few are becoming billionaires overnight. See, e.g. Equity Retirement Distributors Ltd. ( ERDL ).

With this information coming into the public limelight in spurts, why hasn’t there been more worldwide headline news coverage about it?

One reason might be that a shift through a form of global economic brinkmanship might ensue, thereby creating a significant economic impact. And perhaps, for that one reason, government tries to keep things hushed up.

Governments are infamous for spreading announcements of myth, magic, smoke and mirrors or, ‘fraud’ so, people won’t want to have anything to do with it. It’s so easy to simply laugh it all off. Perhaps that ‘was’ the case, until recently. But, make no mistake about it, the news lid is clamped tightly over what’s going on with a firm called FIRE’S GLOW L.L.C..

For the most part, many people would prefer to close themselves off and not subscribe to what they consider to be sheer nonsense and lunacy simply because, like so many before them exclaimed, “Why that’s ridiculous. The world isn’t ’round’! How could you be so stupid as to believe such an idiotic thing as that?” For those poor stupid fools that still believe the world remains ‘flat’, pity the fools that try to push nonsense about growing gold from sands and gravels on them too.

A few people today however, want to discover what’s actually going on behind the scenes. Some might just take that risk and begin conducting their own experiments. Others however, may be too timid when it comes to science projects of any kind for good reason that they might just blow themselves up in the process.

Then there are those who might decide to go ask the all-knowing, all powerful Wizards. Choosing to ask the venerable public servants of governments are like believing that they are Wizards who somehow know everything about anything and then some. Perhaps a pointed question or two directed in any one of ‘their’ directions will net some laughter or perhaps, cautionary advice enough to scare anyone.

For those government officials who don’t know half of what they say they know, are ‘already aware of’ or, ‘can find out’, they too fear further ridicule they might receive if they even began making inquiries into such topics as turning parts of rocks into increased valuable metals, which no doubt would fall into the ruination of any politician who asks about UFOs and alien abductions as well. Next candidate, please!

Whether people fear public ridicule, embarrassment or, looked upon as a possible ‘fringe-case lunatic’, others will proceed take their own destiny into their own hands regardless, for richer or poorer.

The fact of the matter – pro or con – is that everyone who reads this is going to learn more about it.

Perhaps, more pointed and continuing questions will be asked of certain officials. Maybe some can be bold enough to stand up and say publicly, “Hey! The world ‘is’ round, and guess what? Low-grade ores can be enhanced into significant amounts of valuable metals and mined from more parts of the world!”

Since at least 1965 at the University of Washington ( Washington, USA ), the scientific community has been kept quiet by government agencies concerning a secret geo-chemical process, which enhances standard quantities of natural minerals found in common rocks, sands, and gravels.

One of several means by which, small base metals – found inside rocks and such – may be turned into greater quantities of gold, platinum, palladium, etc. is by a means of cold fusion, which has been experimented with for several decades now. This technique however, produces a low-yield nuclear reaction during its process. Keyword here being ‘nuclear’, this is when governments decided to step in and place a lid on it to the public.

Governments certainly don’t want its citizenry conducting their own experiments for perhaps, several reasons. There may be a safety issue, the inability to control what people do in their own homes and backyards and/or, it might place a bearing on a nation trying to maintain ‘control’ over economics in global financial marketplaces.

During the late-1980s, at Texas A&M University, scientists were working on the process of cold fusion, but when significant amounts of valuable minerals began appearing, the experiments took on significant publicity.

The chemical reactions taking place in the University’s laboratory were found to be altering atoms within mercury and a select few other types of base metals, thereby causing the more valuable metals to demonstrably increase or ‘mutate’. Hence the name of such a process, “transmutation,” was attached to these experiments.

History on ‘metal transmutation’ techniques began in Asia, migrated as far away as South Africa, and eventually wound up in the United States. Evidence surfaced in 2001 concerning a portion or ‘phase’ of this scientific process, which may have actually have begun as far back as the early 1940s in a U.S. War Department secret program that involved both the U.S. Navy and U.S. Army Air Corps on the eastern seaboard.

Now, in the late-1990s, a suspected foreign government non-official cover ( NOC ) agent named Gabriel Francis MacEnroe – rumored working with the U.S. Department of the Treasury and other federal agencies [ NOTE: worked under both a “Business Agreement” and “License” for the C.I.A. and “Squad Six” ]

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MacEnroe was sent by the C.I.A. led ‘Squad Six’ ( Portland, Oregon ) down to the Caribbean bank FIRST INTERNATIONAL BANK OF GRENADA LIMITED ( FIBG ) on the island of Grenada where FIBG bank co-founder Van Brink ‘legitimately obtained’ the ‘original transmutation gold formula’ from its then-current ‘second ( 2nd ) ‘owner’ / ‘holder’ William Telander who infused $200,000 ( USD ) to Texas A&M University for its ‘cold fusion scientific experimental studies’ whereupon only later by accident were base metals turned into ‘greater valued measurement amounts of gold’.

Buried under a ton of suspicion as being the primary government secret agent was then 62-year old Irishman Gabriel F. MacEnroe suspected business disguise was a “Consultant” whose worldwide travels in search of opportunities to place International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) loans in key business opportunities.

Rumors about MacEnroe varied. Some even say he privately works for at least one PMC ( Private Military Company ) [ NOTE: BDO – Visura ] as a former insurance risk management agent, now dabbling in the field of business financial risk management. See, e.g. report entitled, “Global Economic Brinkmanship – Segment 2 – PMC Risk Network Legacies”

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If any of the rumors are true, MacEnroe himself as a PMC agent under private contract might also be held suspect as having ventured off from his ‘U.S. government assignments’ to have begun ‘his own secret transmutation gold experiments’.

Afterall, if a 16-year old school girl accomplished such, why couldn’t MacEnroe?

But, there were some missing links for MacEnroe; matters he didn’t fully comprehend plus plenty more he would probably have to get; one way or the other – by hook or crook – so he could complete his gold making techniques.

Suspecting that just blind insatiable greed was MacEnroe’s driving factor has been reported by some, but most commoners might find it rather curious as to why a person who reportedly has a net worth of nearly $700-million (US) could ever want for anything more.

Some sources closer to those who are more familiar with MacEnroe personally, know that he becomes agitated in having to juggle his twelve (12) exotic classic motor cars (rare and highly prized) from Egham (UK) to Zurich, and Zurich to St. Gallen, Switzerland. He’s quite adept at playing with automobile chess pieces just like his business operations around the world.

MacEnroe, from the Republic of Ireland, years ago married a former Miss Ireland Dr. Tiffany MacEnroe ( nee Scales ). Although settled in Egham, Sussex County ( UK ), MacEnroe’s primary residence, his foreign base of business operations was run out of an office and apartment located in St. Gallen, Switzerland.

MacEnroe having first spied First International Bank of Grenada Limited ( FIBG bank ) from one of its competitor banks, i.e. Bank Crozier, in Grenada, had more information.

MacEnroe secretly possessed a ‘special knowledge’ about the Grenada bank, more so than typical offshore banking and investment opportunity knowledge. MacEnroe knew of several golden opportunities that lay hidden deep inside that bank, which would take him to several other gold arenas.

Secret information intercepts were being made available to others outside the sanctum sanctorums of this Grenada-based bank and all about its yellow brick road, which may have captured the attention of at least one (1) wealthy European industrialist friend of MacEnroe. Perhaps, the heir tycoon, i.e. Dr. Luciano Caroni, with his strong connections to leaders of many countries might be able to decide which business outside his own, might be allowed flourish and which might pose a threat and thereby require elimination by pre-planned global strategies.

While many Western government agents circumnavigated the globe in order to reign in control of stalwart offshore independent firms and institutions, competing businesses secretly hire business financial risk management consultants, some of whom utilize their specialty talents for stylized Private Military Companies ( PMC ) like KROLL ASSOCIATES INC. ( New York and Florida ) and SALADIN SECURITY ( UK ) for their economic war strategies used to manipulate global financial markets in a variety of regions worldwide.

PMC consultants or agents are being used today more so than ever before. Financial business economic savvy war specialists who may transform themselves into whatever governments or conglomerates wish them to be. Those that can afford to pay the price, who wish to effect change on a client’s competitors most often times, win.

In Grenada, the FIBG bank seemed to be troubling one of its largest competitor banks, i.e. Bank Crozier, which might just go to any extremes to remain in business, by putting a halt to its largest competitor, FIBG.

Serious incidents like what happened to FIBG, have become a fact of modern day business institution life or ‘deaths’ as the case may be.

Firms are being ‘force-closed’ at an alarming rate by what appears to some, as a different theme then what is always typically viewed in the news.

Odd but cleverly surreptitious business behavior being directed in concert by competitors are rarely ( if ever ) publicized.

While the ENRON firm was force-closed there was no other story of what may have occurred ‘behind-the-scenes’ that brought it down. Just the usual byline carried by most wire services, i.e. chief executive crooks ripping off the company by seeing to it that the books were cooked.

Storylines like ENRON may have Ma and Pa Kettle fooled, but it doesn’t necessarily wash in every case for those more familiar with what may actually be controlling corporate advisory boardrooms.

That may not be what necessarily what happened to ENRON, and from considerable research now, it certainly wasn’t what the press reported on FIBG in Grenada.

From mid-1998 to now [ 2003 ], it seems that perhaps more than just the director of Bank Crozier in Grenada, the SCHINDLER Group and DAIMLER-CHRYSLER financial wizardries in Switzerland may have been brought together in a cleverly designed scheme to eliminate what was ‘not known’ that surrounded First International Bank of Grenada Limited.

Banding together perhaps, with several Western intelligence agencies, one (1) suspected businessman ( Gabriel MacEntoe ) appears to have been hired as a lone-gun contract agent by at least one ( 1 ) PMC firm [ BDO – Visura ].

MacEnroe, seems to have reportedly carried out a careful set of instructions that quite nicely into a grander and more sinister program. An automatically closing steel business trap, which served to crucify hundreds of people from all around the world. But even more specifically, only ones who had become associated with FIBG. People like housewives, doctors, wealthy retirees, and those many others from all walks of life.

Some may have looked upon him as “MacEnroe, The Magnificent” while many more only saw him as “MacEnroe The Monster.” Presumably, that all depended on which side of the fence one chose to sit on.

Where all other attempts to decimate the organization and stability of FIBG via rumors – turned quickly into negatively smeared publicity campaigns had at first failed to create any of the common publics attention throughout the world, it was serving to mount an economic war on at least one (1) front in an effort to topple FIBG, but that wasn’t enough to do it.

While Western government financial oversight agencies sent out alerts to other banks discouraging them from doing business with FIBG because of what they had heard but, never actually been able to prove, MacEnroe was sent in to finish their job as a de facto or de jure suspect PMC agent in this case.

With no one has been willing to come forward with any black and white proof of MacEnroe having been hired in this case, it had remained a mystery until someone began putting all the pieces together. So perhaps now, revelation to some previously hidden facts may shed some interesting spotlights to someone who can provide even more pieces of the puzzle.

It seems now that MacEnroe took one (1) very specific path toward several arenas filled with real ‘gold’. There was mention of the world famous ENGELHARD-CLAL gold and other precious metals production firm perhaps being peripherally involved in this case as the name came up many times to FIBG. So, where metals and their by-products are involved in heavy industrial machine conglomerates in Europe are concerned, any tip in the supply of precious metals may go to significantly impact them and world markets they are heavily invested in trying to protect as theirs and no one else.

FIBG had independently embarked on their own investments in scientifically bringing about a new global precious metals economy that obviously many world governments were not interested in seeing ever come about.

While FIBG stood to get very rich, very quickly and by offering to pass off to depositors and investors huge percentage rate returns on their monies, much depended on that banks survivability.

MacEnroe it seems was sent in to tip the scales backward toward the rich and hidden famous heir tycoons and Western world government strengths. And, had the United States not become privy to FIBG FAX (facsimile) telephone transmissions, MacEnroe would have never been alerted to how gold would wind up becoming his primary personal interest, away from what he was supposed to have been doing.

But, somehow FIBG private communications were no longer legitimately private. MacEnroe had been tipped about the banks gold projects when it seems he somehow mysteriously became privy to information in those an FIBG FAX communications when the name of a California businessman, i.e. William Telander, popped up at FIBG as one of their project consultants.

How MacEnroe obtained the bank communications still remains a mystery, although in past years, U.S. court transcripts indicated hearsay evidence to MacEnroe supposedly having boasted of claims that he had worked directly for the U.S. National Security Agency ( N.S.A. ), one of the world leaders in the intelligence industries designed to monitor all worldwide telecommunication and radio communication traffic.

In that court record, MacEnroe was mentioned as having even further claimed to have worked for and assisted the United States Central Intelligence Agency ( C.I.A. ), which somehow was in charge of setting up phony mirrored firms within the U.S. Federal Reserve Board system to effect financial covers for its front groups and company operations worldwide. Companies that also serve as arms brokerages and third world logistic specialists to transport armament and special technology shipments in and out of third world governments to effect balances of power and regime changes.

According to the U.S. court transcripts, MacEnroe didn’t stop his work there either as it went on to include the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (F.B.I.) and miscellaneous agencies within the U.S. Treasury Department too.

If only a small percentage of what was claimed to be MacEnroe facts in U.S. court records was true, MacEnroe had the blessings and power behind him of more than just the business entities than what were also discovered from independent information sources.

MacEnroe has been and is still regarded by many financial experts as either hell on the wings and wheels of big governments, European conglomerates and world-leading old wealth and the neuvo-riche heir tycoon or, a cowboy soldier with delusions of grandeur of unparallelled proportions in the financial world that might try serve as toppling any combined image strength of an agent working for John Wayne, General George C. Patton, and Adolph Hitler. See, e.g. report entitled, “Global Economic Brinkmanship – Segment 2 – PMC Risk Network Legacies”

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MacEnroe seemed to have found out what more than just an ordinary PMC agent could ever discover, and his presence in Grenada seemed to stem from FIBG having hired Telander as a project investor and consultant.

History proves that it was Telander who was personally responsible for having funded a significant scientific breakthrough at Texas A&M University that began secretly as a cold-fusion research project, but which wound up discovering how common base metals could be turned into much larger quantities of real gold and other valuable Platinum Group Metals ( PGM ). MacEnroe had been following this discovery for whoever had hired him and had something in mind that would turn the FIBG bank upside down and inside out.

The introduction of MacEnroe to the Grenada bank was supposedly to have come initially from the bank seeking a European big bank and associated licensing permits to handle larger international business transactions for FIBG, which the Grenada bank did not have the ability to do from where it sat because, of government restrictions on such banks as that were forced into complying with regulations. Other legitimate ways around this had been taken quite successfully, but only by a few international banks which grew to become quite large.

In this regard, FIBG decided to hire a former Howard Hughes trustee as its consultant, who went to Europe in an effort to locate a suitable bank or group that might be able to assist FIBG in Grenada.

While in Germany at a hospital speaking to a doctor, the consultant stumbled across another old Howard Hughes business contact that was asked about the FIBG quest.

His old Hughes business friend later told the consultant that the man to get for arranging such a deal would be Gabriel MacEnroe, a person rumored to have been associated with the British-based House of Rothschild. Further, that MacEnroe was the only man who could put such a deal of this magnitude together above all others, as he could be trusted.

When asked where MacEnroe could be found, it just so happened that MacEnroe was oddly enough, already in Grenada on “other business.”

Unbeknownst to FIBG or the consultant, MacEnroe was already in Grenada at a secret meeting with an FIBG rival bank, Bank Crozier.

MacEnroe, the FIBG new CEO Mark Kennedy, and the former CEO and founder – turned consultant Van Arthur Brink were all able to meet rather swiftly in Grenada.

Upon their first meeting, MacEnroe brazenly asked Brink, “Weren’t you involved with that Texas gold scandal?”

Brink bristled for he had no clue as to what MacEnroe was referring to by such a rude statement.

Exhibiting such an unusual initial posture for any business meeting, only demonstrated to Brink that MacEnroe was agitated and unstable for no apparent reason. If MacEnroe ‘was an agent for the U.S. federal government, then he either possessed ‘no social business graces’ or was ‘acting on another behalf’.

The truth was, that neither Brink or the bank was involved simply because the bank hadn’t even come into existence, and Brink had no contacts with anyone in Texas when MacEnroe had read a news article in TIME magazine back in 1989.

Interestingly enough, FIBG had brought a consultant onboard for one of the bank’s gold projects whose name was William Telander who had years earlier, funded a Texas A&M cold fusion research project, but no references were ever made to any gold scandal by Telander to the bank or Brink.

MacEnroe could very well have been referring to a Texas A&M research project – reported by TIME and NEWSWEEK magazine in 1989 – having became ridiculed by colleagues of the projects chief scientist John O’Mara Bockris who claimed to have discovered ‘significant increases of gold presence’ that began appearing as a by-product accident from one of his ‘other experiments’ dealing with ‘cold fusion’, ‘transmutation’, ‘Tritium’ and more.

At Texas A&M University, a group led by J. O’M. Bockris noticed extremely high concentrations of tritium in their experiments on 24 April 1989. The J. O’M. Bockris group published a paper in the Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry in October 1989.

The paper reported that 11 of a set of 24 cells produced tritium at levels “100 to 1015 times above that expected from the normal isotopic enrichment of electrolysis.”

One such experiment, conducted by John O’M. Bockris, an A&M electrochemist, involved running a series of electrolytic cells modeled after those in Utah. Some cells sporadically produced tritium, a standard byproduct of nuclear fusion. The experiment was the strongest evidence anywhere for cold fusion.

The first published paper to corroborate the excess heat claim was published by Texas A&M professor emeritus John O’Mara Bockris on September 1989 in Electrochimica Acta. Even though many papers were published in 1989 reporting a failure to replicate the Fleischmann–Pons work, their 1990 paper and Bockris’ paper have never been refuted successfully in the formal, scientific literature.

Research References –

MacEnroe’s accusation and conclusion directed toward Brink was rather odd but, unbeknownst to both Brink and MacEnroe, William Telander had never scammed Texas A&M University out of a dime.

In fact, such may have been the other way around.

After William Telander put up $200,000 for the Texas A&M University stopped the project short, did an accounting, and then refused to return all of Telander’s monies. Interestingly, it appears as though Texas A&M University cold fusion research program ( wholly funded by Telander ) apparently scammed him out-of $32,000 ( USD ).

Research References –

What the scientist that made all the claims never became involved with the bank or Brink so, what led MacEnroe to suspect Brink, FIBG, a Texas scientist, and Telander as all somehow being involved in a Texas scandal is anyone’s guess.

Curiously, MacEnroe did mention gold, Texas and scandal, but did he have his wires crossed or did he actually know more about the consultant and the banks projects? If so, how did an outsider come across that information, and who told MacEnroe to try to manufacture something out of nothing? The fact was, it was ‘not public information’.

Now, in the midst of the very early-1990s, the Texas A&M University scandal heightened.

In 1989, TIME and NEWSWEEK magazines carried news of the Texas A&M University cold fusion project, from where its grant came from a “California businessman” ( William Telander ) who was years later released from U.S. federal prison custody during April 1993 on an unrelated $7,800,000 million claim that had been originally directed to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ( SEC ) for its adjudication.

But, it appears from research over the years that MacEnroe may have been using curious ( at best ) accusation pretexts in order to loosen the FIBG bank’s lips on at least one ( 1 ) or more of their other gold projects.

Once again, FIBG bank Van Brink projects that had not been released by the bank for public information.

FIBG had suspected assigned assets applicable to gold, valued at about $10,000,000,000 billion ( US ).

Gold that perhaps, dealt with World War II war Japanese gold that had long ago been hidden in what was referred to as “Kobe boxes,” which were scattered all over the world primarily in a few secret locations throughout South Pacific islands ( Mindanao, Republic of The Philippines ) and elsewhere.

Research Reference –

Gold was suspected as having been found stashed since World War II by the former Japanese Imperial military in The Philippines and in Malaysia.

It just so happens that MacEnroe had been working with Muslim interests in Malaysia to remove Kobe boxed gold and other gold bullion to designated areas in the Middle East. It is also a fact that without the express permission and authority of Japan, Word War ll Kobe boxed gold had been previously restricted from any removal.

Interestingly enough, FIBG also had assigned assets of $47.5-billion (US) in gold bullion, which was being stored at the Bank of Japan.

There certainly was a deep-seated interest concerning gold around this Grenada bank’s business dealings and it seems MacEnroe could smell his riches from thousands of miles away in Europe.

MacEnroes discovered association between Telander, a Texas gold formula, FIBG gold mine projects, Kobe box gold, and other bullion-bar gold assigned assets of FIBG had remained a mystery to the rest of the world. Only the details, as to who the mans name was, which was behind the hiring of MacEnroe or the PMC firm assigned to send MacEnroe after it all, had remained a well kept secret.

Something was guiding MacEnroe. Perhaps, an indirect PMC contractors client that may have been the Engelhard-CLAL gold company itself or perhaps, MacEnroe was truly an agent of the U.S. government as was reported of his own claims to others that he was. A little known fact, that did come out of a U.S. court transcript

It just so happens that concurrent with Telanders financing of the Texas A&M research project, Engelhard-CLAL had made a written offer of $150-million (US) for the gold formula itself, but that offer was refused. And then mysteriously, Telanders troubles with the SEC just seemed to pop up overnight.

Not being one to easily forgive and forget, Telander negotiated a radical arrangement in 1998 with then FIBG CEO (Brink), to sell the formula on the following conditions, that:

  1. It would be further developed;
  2. Engelhard-CLAL never come into possession of it; and,
  3. Telander to receive $10,000 ( USD ) a limit placed by his parole officer for all that he would be allowed to receive from the formula.

Brink agreed and proceeded to have formed a St. Vincent & The Grenadines firm, i.e. ISO-TECH LTD., which became the ‘technical owner’ of the formula.

ISO-TECH LTD. had then been co-owned by FIBG and Dr. Guang H. Lin, a researcher at Texas A&M University who assisted in what popularly later became known as the gold research project, which Telander had funded with $200,000 ( USD ).

Iso-Tech in-turn, licensed the use of the formula to a Nevada firm, i.e. Powerhouse Technologies. Powerhouse entered into an agreement with a firm, i.e. Energy International, Inc., to develop the Phoenix pilot processing plant in Arizona, utilizing the formula.

Because of MacEnroe’s ‘buffalo tactics’ and rude business behavior, he got nothing to satisfy his insatiable thirst for his quest for gold. He remained frustrated, not being able to hide the expression on his face that gave him away and what he was up to with the new CEO of FIBG (Kennedy) and its ex-CEO (Brink) during their meeting in Grenada.

If MacEnroe was acting as a flatfoot investigator, he was about as graceful as a bull moose in a china store who couldn’t keep his mouth shut.

MacEnroe’s ability to carefully handle information and what little secrets he had obviously been given about the bank, exposed him and the fact that he really hadn’t done his homework as a PMC agent at all, on the bank, the bankers or, as it turned out, the gold either.

Later, after MacEnroe kicked the slats out from under the Grenada bank, which then toppled FIBG behind the scenes with planted news reports about possible bank fraud. MacEnroe then began secretly conducting his own backyard gold experiments, trying to come up with a formula on his own.

FIBG was, according to news reports, Grenadas largest bank at the time, dwarfing Bank Crozier, there in comparison.

While FIBG continued to fund research further developing a successful gold formula, it also funded engagements of third-party scientists to come in and monitor each step of tests being performed.

Test results varied from a low positive amount of three hundred percent ( 300% ) gold enhancement recoveries, to as much as one thousand eight hundred percent ( 1,800% ) in enhanced gold recoveries.

Many of the test results but never the actual formula itself was passed back and forth among various parties, via telephone FAX (facsimile) transmissions that were perhaps intercepted and passed along through channels to MacEnroe. How else could he have possibly made such a wild guess?

The co-joint investment of FIBG and Dr. Guang H. Lin with Iso-Tech, saw that Dr. Lin had successfully refined the original Telander-funded formula, and had gone on to develop it as per their agreement with Telander.

Vastly improved enhancing quantities of gold had netted Iso-Tech a scientific quantum leap in its studies and tests being conducted by the Phoenix project at a test site in Arizona.

In addition to Phoenix came yet another FIBG gold project.

In this other gold project, rather than enhancement formulas at the Phoenix ( Arizona ) project, FIBG saw to establishing mining claims near Pahrump, Nevada.

Studies and testing of another formula began in what would require mining the necessary basic mineral components, which would be producing gold and other valuable minerals through a gold extraction process.

The bank’s plan was to become the first privately owned bank with 100% of its own gold-backed instruments.

MacEnroe had presented himself to First International Bank of Grenada, Ltd. as representing a large, powerful, and wealthy European consortium. One that was willing and capable of assisting FIBG. But, facts proved otherwise. MacEnroe went on to request as would have been normally necessary that the bank dispose of its assets in order to prepare itself for the entrance and assistance of new owners of FIBG that he had been pro-offering all along.

Instead, MacEnroe wound up demonstrating that his assurances were something entirely different and not what he had previously indicated was the case at all. It was only later understood and proven to have been a cleverly designed scam, perpetrated on the FIBG bank and, right from the very beginning.

The then-new CEO ( Mark Kennedy ) at FIBG was invited to visit with MacEnroe at his office in St. Gallen, Switzerland, on or about February 3rd 2000.

On Kennedys arrival into MacEnroes office, he turned their bank deal completely around and switched it off by deciding to turn on Kennedy just to purposely try to get Brink in trouble with the law. The plans were already laid out on the table, right before Kennedys eyes, as MacEnroe started in.

First Brink, then the bank. MacEnroe began extortion techniques by striking fear into the heart of Kennedy that he would lose his freedom and be arrested by FBI agents if he didn’t cooperate with MacEnroe.

Although this plan was cumbersome, all it took was MacEnroe sending the banks then-new CEO ( Mark Kennedy ) back to Grenada like a well guided cruise missile, as MacEnroes instrument of brass destruction.

Kennedy was carefully instructed and coached my MacEnroe on what to do. First, just a couple of phone calls. Then the computer hard drives at Brinks residence. Next? The paper file documents, then just two (2) more phone calls, and that would be the end of the Grenada bank once and for all. Grenada and the FBI would ignite all the bombs. Or, so MacEnroe thought.

Nothing was discussed at all by MacEnroe to Kennedy about buying up or taking over the Grenada bank. MacEnroe did not have the best interest of the bank, its depositors, investors, employees or the reputations of its directors and consultants at heart. He wanted everyone dead in the water and stinking to high heaven throughout the worldwide press.

It became evident to MacEnroe that, in order for his plan to work, the bank had to be collapsed fast. He obviously knew that if the bank had a former trustee for Howard Hughes circumnavigating the globe in addition to its other consultants heralding proven success records, it wouldn’t be long before FIBG took care of any problem if given a little time. Kennedy was the only ace MacEnroe had up his sleeve, and a trump card he played for all it was worth.

It seems that MacEnroe couldn’t get enough ‘flesh’ torn off Brink so, he went on a disinformation campaign and a character assassination publicity mission to destroy Brink earlier, since he was so convinced that he wasn’t going to get answers about what the bank had going on and everything else he wanted to know. Kennedy was MacEnroe’s last stab at collapsing this bank, which most certainly occurred.

By convincing Kennedy to do what he wanted, MacEnroe wound up leaving no records of his fraud on FIBG, a treachery that seemingly eliminated any alibi that the bank might try to muster in its defense. That added to finishing-off the bank.

All these details would’ve been swept under the rug as just an unsuccessful takeover of the bank, when it actually was much more than what any thorough news reports would account for at the time.

Frustrated no doubt at having been rebuffed by Brink, MacEnroe then finally confessed to Kennedy that he was really after Brink all along, the FIBG bank consultant, former CEO, and founder of the bank.

Kennedy was also instructed to cooperate by gathering up any records of MacEnroe and disposing of them as he so instructed.

Then, as fast as MacEnroe came on the scene to supposedly assist FIBG by surreptitiously setting it up for eventual collapse, he disappeared, leaving the bank in the lurch with assigned assets unavailable per MacEnroes instructions to Kennedy as was found secretly to have been the case.

It was Kennedy had that effectively prepare FIBG just as MacEnroe had instructed. Kennedy rounded up for the most part, all the banks records of its existing assets. This was purposely done in order to supposedly qualify FIBG for the phony MacEnroe ‘financial rescue package’ and take-over of the bank.

These important documents had been serving as all the necessary proof FIBG had needed to validate the banks assigned assets and other claims, which placed such an incredibly high value on the bank in the first place.

It was these same documents that were to also serve to counteract any government threats that were being whipped up in the press locally and around the world concerning FIBG in Grenada, as so much negative controversy was being generated that stemmed from publicity about its existing asset structure. And, so the records then became a primary target. Without them, FIBG could prove nothing to anyone.

FIBG was in no position legally as it had been bound under contracts not to reveal information about its assigned assets and many other confidential business contracts and legal policies by law to not take down its financial pants and begin revealing its business secrets to anyone, especially MacEnroe and ENGELHARD-CLAL based on highly speculative news controversy, no matter how severe. It just couldn’t.

MacEnroe’s plan was a fraud pretext designed to assist in finally collapsing the Grenada bank, which was only trying to seek a solution for its depositors and investors in lieu of a wave of negative news.

MacEnroe’s suspected PMC contractor was rumored to be coming out of a Private Military Company ( PMC ) firm, i.e. KROLL ASSOCIATES INC. (aka) O’GARA Protective Services (aka) ARMOR HOLDING ( New York ), via their privately planted clever British news agent David Marchant listed as owning a previously well respected online financial business newsletter in Miami Beach, Florida.

Marchant proclaimed his long time personal friendship with a PMC firms ( Kroll Associates, Inc. ) agent, i.e. Tom Fedorek, who began advising him since before he was a reporter for a Caribbean island newspaper, i.e. Bermuda Sun.

It was Fedorek who broke the business-ice for Marchant in starting up his news business at a facility just a short distance away from Kroll Associates, Inc. when he first came to the United States.

It was also Tom Fedorek who made sure through Kroll Associate contacts within the United States government that Marchants continued Immigration and Naturalization Service permanent residency status was a done deal as long as Marchant behaved and did what he was told.

And, through his friend Fedorek, Kroll made sure that Marchants visa was arranged with a special status through approval at the U.S. State Department.

Marchant has plenty of favoritism debts to pay back if he wants to remain in the United States so, he has continued to play along with the story line of whatever the current presidential administration passes down through the U.S. Attorneys office, and a plethora of federal regulatory agencies as well.

In 1996, Marchant got booted out of the Caribbean island nation of Bermuda by its government, after Marchant had followed intelligence that was being leaked to him from his good friend Tom Fedorek at Kroll in the United States.

Marchant had created a sizable wake in Bermuda when it came to a Marine and Casualty insurance firm scandal that he kept continually reporting on publicly. It was that story that earned Marchant his reputation as being a rather successful hard-hitting investigative reporter back until 1996, but it really wasn’t all his doing.

Marchant was definitely receiving tips on who to scandalize in his reporting by information coming from his good friend (Fedorek) at Kroll in the U.S. who had its own intelligence sources within the U.S. government. Perhaps even credible manufactured stories too that pointed Marchant in one direction more so than in another to investigate.

The Bermuda government got so upset with all the economic chaos that Marchants investigative news reports had generated from the tiny island to all over the world, which began ruining Bermuda as an economic tax-haven from investors and depositors coming from the United States and elsewhere, that it decided to refuse issuing him a resident work permit that would have allowed him to stay on with his previous news assignment at the Bermuda Sun.

While Marchants successful stories in Bermuda depended on work product information being supplied to him in Bermuda by Fedorek at Kroll in the U.S., it also served to get him booted from the island too, which Kroll fully expected it would.

The PMC intelligence agency sword of Kroll having cut Marchant both ways, Fedorek was successful in keeping Marchant on the Kroll hook by inviting him to come to the United States and carry-on his investigative news reporting by assisting him with setting up his own sub-contracted firm for Kroll near their Miami Beach, Florida office in 1996.

Kroll Associates, Inc. contracted with Marchant and placed him under their private investigators license in Florida. Later, Marchant had to get his own, but the fact that he had worked under the license of Kroll, weighed heavily in favor of his obtaining an immediate licensing opportunity with the State of Florida examiners. Marchant however, later failed to renew his State of Florida private investigators license in 2002.

The Kroll firm was trusted with sensitive information by the U.S. government so, Marchant received virtual intelligence tips, which went to actually make him so prominent with the field of federal U.S. law enforcement agencies that granted him his permanent residency status in America along with other profitable business news tips.

Trying to muster an exposure campaign on Marchant’s corrupt business practices or those of his associated PMC associates is like going up against Fort Knox in the U.S. where his news reports are viewed as gold guarded by federal employees.

Marchant, along with his longtime friend, i.e. Peter Johannson, primary director of the Grenada competition bank Crozier Bank did not enjoy having FIBG as an international competitor in Grenada at the same time so they formed a secret union in order to combat and try to topple FIBG through negative press releases coming out of the United States when it seemed that the press in Grenada had little affect if any on FIBG.

Now it was possible that if a U.S. news source combined with a Grenada news source bandied together in a concerted effort to stimulate more worldwide public controversy, that other larger news agencies might follow on their heels, which they most certainly did.

First came the popular Wall Street Journal, next came the worldwide influences of spreading news gossip from small wire services into its own, United Press International. It wasn’t long before these news outfits had the whole financial business world hoping, and getting the U.S. government involved in a good healthy worldwide rumor especially where a bank that had secret gold projects would surely be stimulated by one of the U.S. governments closest Private Military Companies, Kroll, which could always seed insiders on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.

With enough negative financial business world news notoriety, stimulating phone calls, and a little lobbying behind the scenes being directed by Kroll, anything was possible to come from Marchants good work for Kroll out of Miami Beach.

Shortly after the collapse of FIBG in Grenada, Bank Crozier got into serious trouble in 2001 with Canadian authorities for doing exactly what Marchant claimed FIBG had been caught doing, by soliciting private investors out of Canada through its independent investment consultants setting up offices there to solicit investment funds from Canadian citizens to be moved offshore in Grenada.

The interesting issue was, Marchant never made any big whoopla about Bank Crozier because, Peter Johansson was his friend for years so, therein lied the U.S.-based Kroll news agents corrupt and unethical investigative journalism.

Finally, it was beginning to be exposed by a brand new independent online news resource, i.e. The Offshore Informant, which began carrying reports exposing a Grenada bank, i.e. Bank Crozier, and its Crozier Financial Services Group having been secretly booted out of Canada by government authorities for soliciting its citizens unlawfully.

The report went on to expose bank CEO, i.e. Peter Johansson, as having a long relationship with an offshore business and financial news investigative reporter, i.e. David Edmond Marchant out of Miami, Florida.

Details indicated that a curious exchange of ‘business favors’ gave an appearance of violations of business professions’ codes of conduct. See, e.g. “Bank Crozier News Racketeering.”

Surprisingly enough, The Offshore Informant penetrated the covert shield of Kroll Associates, Inc. by revealing another report, about the long standing relationship between Kroll in New York and Marchant, the reporter in Florida

Additional Offshore Informant reports unveiled problems that had cropped up for Kroll Associates, Inc. in its inadequacies to rate properly the level of severity for handling U.S. National Security background checks within the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ( SEC ) staff members.

The issue concerning Kroll’s report to the House inflamed its U.S. Investigation Subcommittee that mentioned the nature of Krolls inability to perceive and produce an acceptable threat analysis ‘order of priorities’. See, e.g. “Kroll SEC Security Report Flawed.”

Reference –

Bank Crozier held certain keys. Less anyone forget, it was Bank Crozier that MacEnroe was seen coming out of, just prior to his meeting with a Crozier competitor bank, i.e. First International Bank of Grenada, Ltd., and its representatives, i.e. Brink and Kennedy.

What now appears to have been going on was that Kroll, who had supported investigative reporter David E. Marchant with tips to stories that Marchant profited from, got Marchant to work closely with his friend, Peter Johansson at Bank Crozier who was working with Gabriel MacEnroe as their agent to swindle the First International Bank of Grenada, Ltd..

MacEnroe came to FIBG with their request for a suitable group of buyers for the bank in lieu of David Marchant’s news reports that caused a run on the bank.

Instead of genuinely helping FIBG with business arrangements, MacEnroe attempted to get control of FIBG’s gold research formula and more.

MacEnroe conned the FIBG bank into disposing of all its assets to prepare for its new owners (supposedly being brought in by MacEnroe) to take over FIBG but, MacEnroe never had any intention of sending new owners in, as promised.

This then left FIBG with little records remaining of any assets it had been initially established with.

Then, Marchant drummed-up more ‘news reports’ that FIBG was a fraud with no significant assets.

This type of negative news exposed the bank to depositors and investors great concern, so much so that that then wanted to remove their monies. Hence, the FIBG bank fell shortly thereafter.

As Bank Crozier postured itself as a competitor to FIBG in Grenada holding close ties to Marchant in Florida and MacEnroe in Europe, it isn’t rocket science to figure out that Peter Johansson was directing the assault by hiring Kroll to send in MacEnroe and Marchant to close FIBG down in the Caribbean.

Perhaps, now well see an awful lot of people go scurrying under baseboards and out from under the lights. Its pretty obvious what happened, why it happened, who caused it to happen, and who the parties were who made it all happen. The question is, How can this be remedied today or tomorrow?

MacEnroe’s borderline business personality is not the only problem he has trouble covering.

MacEnroe, since the mid-1990s, has been plagued with teeter-tauter (not quite criminal) having been peripherally involved with a number of U.S. federal civil fraud cases pertaining to high yield investment programs (HYIP).

MacEnroe seems to be the ‘instrument’ of introduction in cases like a U.S. District Court case in New Jersey, a few years ago, that involved one of his firm’s, i.e. Commercial Capital Establishment, clients, i.e. Raymond Keith Richards (a British resident of Monaco), who is the tycoon of the European industrial machine manufacturing firm, i.e. INSULPAK, which wound up becoming a victim himself.

Someone should ask Richards, “If a wealthy tycoon meets up with MacEnroe who provides the introduction to invest $60-million into what turns out to have been a ‘diversity fraud’ is their some way to be impervious to such things by knowing firsthand before one leaps?” Many who know what happened to Richards have learned never to trust MacEnroe and the same amount of people if not more would bet that Richards will now agree. What better financial business reference can MacEnroe expect that that?

MacEnroe is infamous for luring wealthy investors, tycoons, royalty, and many more in by the dozens from all over the world even to this very day. His treacheries hasn’t skipped anything more than a 1-week heartbeat as it turned out it did on October 31, 2001 when he was caught but then released by the FBI.

Another case involving MacEnroe personally is a U.S. District Court civil fraud matter being tried in a federal case at San Diego, California, which still trails.

But nothing ever seemed to stick to MacEnroe or his firms, which apparently didn’t seem to indicate enough criminality until the year 2000 in yet another case.

On October 31st 2000, MacEnroe was arrested in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina by F.B.I. agents, but unfortunately not on the FIBG case in Grenada.

This time it was another bank investment fraud involving money laundering, a reputed Trafficante Crime Family member, i.e. Joseph Silvestri (Florida), and a long time friend of MacEnroe’s, i.e. David Alan Morgenstern (Florida), who were arrested with MacEnroe.

Clearly, it was the ex-CEO and founder of FIBG (Brink) who was MacEnroe’s target, but was it the formula for gold that he was really after for his own selfish reasons?

Was MacEnroe supposed to be acting as a discreet PMC agent for a contractor like the U.S. government? Did Crozier Bank hire MacEnroe to eliminate its competition?

Perhaps, Engelhard-CLAL did wave a significant fee in front of MacEnroe or perhaps satisfied his interests in precious metals like gold.

Then again, perhaps MacEnroe already had contacts within Engelhard-CLAL based on gold possibly hidden in Malaysia that required moving to the Middle East or elsewhere.

MacEnroe proved his own personal business dealings and long time acquaintanceship with one (1) conglomerates tycoon, i.e. Dr. Luciano Caroni, hierarchy of Daimler-Chrysler ( St. Gallen, Switzerland ), SCHINDLER Group (St. Gallen, Switzerland), and Lista International (St. Gallen, Switzerland); and, some of MacEnroes St. Gallen, Switzerland offices being at the same address locations for Credit Suisse Bank Group subsidiary, i.e. Winterthur-Leben insurance (St. Gallen, Switzerland), and BDO International subsidiary, i.e. BDO Visura – Financial ( St. Gallen, Switzerland ), in addition to his many other ventures. See, e.g. report entitled, “Global Economic Brinkmanship – Segment 2 – PMC Risk Network Legacies”

Research Reference –

FIBG with all those gold projects? Certainly no great challenge for any MacEnroe-tied European conglomerate that may have wanted to keep the gold technology all to themselves a big ‘secret’, since FIBG projects were coming up as big financial roses to soon be blooming worldwide.

FIBG was no piker when it came to their having received enough control of billions of assigned Asian gold and other wealthy assets, to have then become a much larger threat than anyone might have originally perceived.

When there is that much money or potential of money shifting, so will the balance of power and control throughout the world.

To understand the significance and secrets of gold enhancement formulas, the basic mineral extraction process, and the history, its definitely worth anyone’s investigation.

On January 19, 1994 in a story found in The Chronicle of Higher Education, entitled, “A&M’s Alchemy Caper,” it only just began to tell a small part of the story about a British chemistry Professor, i.e. Dr. John O’M. Bockris, at Texas A&M University and his 1992 alchemical research efforts to ‘turn mercury into gold’, and other valuable metal enhancements using cold-fusion.

Technology discoveries from a non-renowned scientist, usually meets with some professional ridicule from colleagues. Dr. Bockris was no different, at first.

It just so happens that years later, Telander was the same person whose name appeared on the bank’s FAX, and within over 1/2-million documents later seized by FBI agents, from the files of FIBG, which was forced to close in 2000.

FIBG had been assaulted for over two (2) years with a flurry of claims coming initially from U.S. and Canadian government sources. Rumors began circulating globally via internet message boards. And, ambitious news reporters and financial business experts became ensnared in a bitterly disputed controversy over claims that the Grenada bank was somehow supposed to be laundering money. A fact, which today, now seems most certain that it wasn’t.

Oddly enough three ( 3 ) calendar years later, no criminal action whatsoever has yet been taken by the U.S. government against the FIBG founder, Van Brink. Curious also is that he continues to be vilified in the international press as the biggest banking crook of the past 100-years.

MacEnroe had tried to tell everyone that Brink was some villainous crook. He even met with the FIBG then current CEO, i.e. Mark Kennedy, and told him that Brink (former CEO, founder, and consultant) was going to be taken down by the F.B.I., and that if Kennedy knew what was good for himself, he had better do exactly as MacEnroe was going to instruct him to do.

During the flurry of negative news publicity about the bank and Brink who was obviously a primary target but who was never arrested or charged with any crime, what happened and why did so many people wind up losing so much money when the bank closed? Moreover, who was ‘really’ responsible for the closing of the bank and the loss of depositors and investors monies, not to mention so many ruined reputations and lives that were smashed economically and socially?

All this treacherous publicity is extremely odd since allegations first began in December 1998 from a Miami, Florida online financial business newsgroup, i.e. Offshore Business News and Research, Inc., and later in 2002 with duplicate news from its other firm, i.e. World Compliance, Inc.

Owner and spokesperson, i.e. David Marchant, a British citizen hailing from Wales to now Miami Beach, Florida began his howling on every online financial news message board – including his online competitors – and even to United Press International and congressional subcommittees about the lessons to be learned in Grenada bank scams.

The negative news pretext tactics helped in the closure of over 24 banks in just 2-years, one of which was the First International Bank of Grenada Limited that was located near Marchant’s friend’s bank, i.e. Crozier Bank.

It seems that every one wanted a nice big slice of the depositors and investors money from FIBG, one way or another.

From Canada to Grenada, came one the worlds most powerful and famous accountancy and auditing firm, i.e. Price-Waterhouse-Coopers (PWC), with one of its offices directors, i.e. Marcus A. Wide, to go after all the assets of First International Bank of Grenada Limited (FIBG). Wide, published several huge audit reports on the bank, but was missing the reports that showed where the banks proof was for its deeded and assigned assets that disappeared after MacEnroes shenanigans.

PWC seemed to have no problem at first, locating enough assets to pay itself for its exorbitant audit and investigation services, which sucked what it could out of the banks assets it did recover. So much was taken from depositors and investors of FIBG that according to Wide, “nothing was left over” to return to the banks depositors and investors of the Grenada bank.

Now, it is presumed that the banks gold transmutation formula was actually disposed of without reference being ever made to the Grenada court from the courts first appointed liquidator of FIBG, who wildly just disposed of assets worth less than $25,000 each, possibly without even knowing what the gold formula was or where it had been located in filing cabinets, which were also sold at a public auction held on the streets of downtown Grenada.

FIBG was seized by the Grenada government on August 11, 2000, and not put into court-ordered liquidation until February 28, 2001.

Two ( 2 ) successive government-appointed administrators labored months over the books and records of the bank. In his reports as liquidator, Marcus A. Wide who claimed that many of the asset documents that the FIBG former CEO Brink had claimed were supposed to be in the banks files, were no where to be found and that in fairness to Brink, were duly noted by independent accountants that examined the banks books and records.

There are five (5) possible theories to what may have happened to the formula of gold:

  1. MacEnroe persuaded Kennedy to turn it over to him;
  2. One (1) of the Grenada government two (2) successive appointed managers of FIBG discovered it, and removed it from the files;
  3. Marcus A. Wide, as liquidator, was able to dispose of assets that in his sole discretion were worth less than US $25,000 without making any reference to the court on the final disposition of what those assets were may have handed it off to a party offering him some token sum;
  4. MacEnroe not being resourceful enough to prevail upon any of the above three (3) scenarios; and perhaps not being patient or intelligent enough to read through a bound notebook that held, all of the following:

a. The formula for the Phoenix development project;

b. The copy of the Engelhard-CLAL offer of $150-million (US) for the formula; and,

c. The attached other formula; never having actually realized it was of more important value than they could ever dream of.

  1. Marcus A. Wide may have just tossed it in the trash; the tropical birds having more vision to pick over it closer than he, which may have more than likely happened.

In fairness, FIBG depositors who have been advised by Marcus A. Wide that when he finishes with the liquidation of FIBG that there will be nothing left over to distribute to them, one may assume that someone did read the book. Especially so, since in his reports as liquidator, it was Wide who openly criticized former CEO Brink for having invested upwards of $1-million in further research and development of a gold formula.

It should be noted that in the fall of 2000 the Government of Grenada called in a Canadian branch of Price-Waterhouse-Coopers ( PWC ) to perform a forensic audit of FIBG.

The firm that was engaged was the same one that had accepted the engagement to serve as consultants to the Grenada International Financial Services Authority ( GIFSA ) and was the same firm that later was named as the liquidator of FIBG, i.e. the firm, which Marcus A. Wide has been a long time Managing Director of.

This being so, Wide has been in actual possession of the books and records of FIBG since 2000.

The overly expensive audit, and the stupidity throughout the PWC bungled investigation could only point one finger, and this time it was pointed specifically tat the bank’s founder, i.e. Van Brink, trying to go after what little he had left of his own personal possessions in Africa in 2002.

No ever stopped to think how just a small Canadian office affiliate of PWC happened to be chosen right out of the blue to see to the overhaul of Grenadas offshore sector, starting with FIBG.

Was there an un-seen hand at work in that selection? Or, when Grenada’s Prime Minister, Dr. Keith Mitchell made a trip to the United Nations in New York in 2000, did he just happen to get online somewhere and pull up a Canadian office of PWC out of the internet Yellow Pages and give them a call?

The gold processing formula was never found – or so the story goes – and the FIBG two ( 2 ) projects just mysteriously disappeared.

Pathological Criticism –

John O’M. Bockris bore much ridicule from critics and peers, some whom scoffed at him while others at Harvard University whimsically awarded him their infamous “Ignominious ( Ig ) Nobel prize in Physics” for his experiments demonstrating ‘chemical transmutation of base metals into silver and gold’.

Dr. Bockris however was indeed a leading professor and researcher, in addition to the field of ‘cold fusion’, whose accomplishments were prominently cited within famous scientific and professional journals in addition to being featured within Infinite Energy Magazine, a firm that had Bockris sitting on their advisory board.

Research Reference ( VIDEO ) –

Cold fusion research is a subject that still to this very day holds a very high-level interest with U.S. National Security, and is overseen by the U.S. Department of Energy due to the experimentations ‘high-energy’ that is the by-product of a manufactured low-yield nuclear energy reaction during the metals transmutation process.

Telander’s dispute with Texas A&M still trailed with wanting his remaining unspent monies returned to him since it was the University that had purposely stopped the experimentations on the research project or in lieu of that, use his monies for its intended purpose, i.e. to funding of the research project that the University had shut down.

The University just decided to freeze Telander’s money in that it had somehow been convinced to no longer fund any further alchemy as it was nervous about returning the Telander’s $32,000 ( USD ).

The history and background covering such processing has been a well-kept secret, holding a U.S. government national security classification on it as Sensitive Compartmented Information ( SCI ) and an associated but unknown ‘priority level’ but, there is still information available, if the public knows where to look.

Telander had long supported “The Philadelphia Project,” which was a project supposedly ‘not’ to be confused with “The Philadelphia Experiment,” which was something else and only rumored to be an electromagnetic U.S. defense Naval ship radar cloaking experiment conducted decades earlier in Norfolk, Virginia or thereabouts in the U.S.

Now, what the “Philadelphia Project” pertained to was a research effort that transformed ordinary small amounts of ‘base metals’ – usually found in relatively common rocks worldwide – that were then chemically doped and then placed inside special ovens for heating. During the cooking process of metals transmutation, a low-energy temperature ‘nuclear reaction’ occurs while the ovens vent the toxic gases.

Bockris was involved in the project at one point, but his participation ended at Texas A&M University in 1993, amidst scandals. But, Bockris continued to follow the scientific investigation aspects of the processing technology.

Telander impressed on FIBG the fact that he regretted his inaccessibility with Dr. Bockris due to impositions preventing further contact, and it was only later suspected that the SEC conviction issue was the round-about way to pull Telander out of commission related to further realizing anything more on the Texas A&M experiments on the gold transmutation project.

FIBG agreed with William Telander that Dr. Guang H. Lin, who refined Telanders Texas A&M University gold transmutation formula to be used within the banks “Phoenix Project,” would conduct it without either Dr. Bockris or Joe E. Champion.

No one knew ‘why’ Dr. Lin was immersed in paranoia about revealing his extremely enhanced version of the metals transmutation formula.

Could it have been that Dr. Lin had made an earlier discovery to what Dr. Bockris and Dr. Champion later discovered about a ‘another technology splinter’ that he refused to discuss with the bank?

Although Dr. Lin’s formula was unique in that it did ‘not’ require having to procure ‘government restricted materials’ [ HC1 and H2S04 ], is on the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency list of forbidden materials, and HN03 is probably now on that same list ] in order to successfully bring about the metals transmutation process, there may have been that other ‘different technology’ reason for Lin’s extreme paranoia combined with the fact that Dr. Lin would not initially even release his formula to those at the Phoenix, Arizona test site.

There’s more than just a strong possibility that the test facility – like any other – may have been tuned in to by the the ever watchful eyes and ears of the U.S. government so, Dr. Lin probably never bothered mentioning this worrisome issue to FIBG.

In some metals transmutation processes, ‘low-energy nuclear reactions’ occur and may fluctuate in intensity depending on the combination of chemicals, irradiation, radio chemistry frequencies, and materials inside the controlled chambers, which are designed to vent toxic gases.

FIBG’s consulting engineer Leon Harrington was contracted to oversee the plants project developments. Harrington had experience with related electro-chemical metals industries and high technology facility development projects and programs in management and oversight.

Harrington was an excellent sceptic for FIBG equipped with enough experience and good sense to know when considerable caution should be used when overseeing new projects such as this.

Coming to the bank’s test facility, i.e. Energy International (Phoenix, Arizona), with an open mind, no one was going to pull the wool over Harrington’s eyes.

At first, it was difficult to believe that anything like growing gold from basic ores was even possible so, Harrington proved himself to be an excellent balance representative of the genuine interests of the bank, which had invested just under $1,000,000 million dollars for the project.

The bank had been notified that there had been a minor incident at the Phoenix Project test laboratory but, no one seemed worried about anything at the time. Later, it was reported that someone at the lab found residual ore particles, left over from previous experiments of theirs, and that they would be re-testing and examining closely those metal dust particles using various methods.

The residual ore dust particles wound up possessing greater amounts of valuable metals than ever before analyzed but, they didn’t just contain only gold.

Significant yields were evident for other metals within the Platinum Group Metals ( PGM ). This discovery provided them with incredibly huge returns, which were later estimated to be upwards of 1,800% valuable metal amounts being returned from some of the ores being tested.

Out of those previous dust particles came yet another development, which Harrington designed, which was their own particle recovery system, which was to capture particles that would have otherwise been taken away through an ordinary exhaust system.

In addition to William Telander, Dr. Lin expressed his concerns to the bank that their formula never wind-up in the hands of the world famous gold producing firm, i.e. ENGELHARD-CLAL.

On another interesting front, it was a secret that MacEnroe had been representing Muslim client interests in Malaysia. While under that work contract, MacEnroe, was looking into assisting them in bringing ‘gold’ out of one of the Southeast Asia islands.

A close friend to MacEnroe happens to be the global arms broker and logistics expert, Satiris “Sonny” Galahad Fassoulis, who had controlled the firm, i.e. Commerce International China (CIC) since 1930, which later became known as CIC International Ltd., with its headquarters in Hoboken, New Jersey, USA.

Sonny’s close friend, i.e. Garland Williams, was a major U.S. intelligence operative, signed into play in the Far East.

Williams teamed up with his close friend, i.e. William “Wild Bill” Donovan, who ran the U.S. Office of Strategic Services ( O.S.S. ), which later changed its name to the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency ( C.I.A. ).

Williams and Sonny were privy to intelligence that was going on in North Africa and the Far East where they had been assigned during World War II.

If anyone would have secret knowledge where the Kobe boxed Japanese gold was hidden, it could very well be MacEnroe’s friend, Sonny.

Sonny inherited a silk and fur trading firm that had been established in 1930, which he later turned – after the World War II – into his current firm, i.e. CIC International Ltd..

Today, the firm takes its own interesting place in aerospace, defense surveillance electronic equipment, medium to heavy munitions, military supplies, and logistic services.

According to Forbes Magazine, CIC International Ltd. reports employing 740+ employees, and posted gross revenues in excess of $3/4-billion (US) in 2002. CIC International Ltd. has many offices worldwide, two (2) of which are located in Hoboken, New Jersey and Stamford, Connecticut.

CIC International in Hoboken, New Jersey partner with its online business and financial newsgroup, i.e. Hedge Fund Alert (a Harrison Scott publication). Hedge Fund Alert issues an online business financial newsletter, and so does David E. Marchant’s firm, i.e. Offshore Business News and Research, Inc. ( OBNR ), which publishes the newsletter, i.e. OffshoreAlert, in conjunction with, his ‘other’ online business and financial newsgroup, i.e. World Compliance.

In January 2003, David Marchant publicly proclaimed in an online posting at his website that “hundreds of thousands of dollars went in to his firm [OBNR] but, none of the money came from his friend’s bank, i.e. Bank Crozier.

MacEnroe appears to have been keenly interested in FIBG for more secretly hidden gold reasons.

First International Bank of Grenada, Ltd. had ‘deeded assets’ of $10-billion ( U.S. ) from Japanese Kobe box gold – relating to World War II Japanese assets – secretly held in the Philippines.

It is a fact that according to the U.S. government, FIBG claimed to have been assigned bearer checks in the amount of $3.8-billion (US) issued by Dai-Ichi Kangyo Banking Company and multiple millions in Certificates of Deposit issued by the Bank of China.

However, by the time that the U.S. government got around to conducting its investigation into FIBG, it was allegedly told by both of the Asian banks they contacted that, the banks denied knowledge of FIBG. It could very well be because, those banks couldn’t have possibly known about FIBG or its deeded assets since the assets were deeded to the ‘bank’ and not held at either of the Asian banks in the name of FIBG. So, where’s the so-called ‘fraud’ that watch-dog investigative reporters were reporting-on at-least that lone issue?

Although there is no public information to suggest that Gabriel MacEnroe is obtaining secret information from within the European Union ( EU ) Partnership Program concerning other nations secret mining ventures or any other intelligence information, he ‘does’ have a brother, i.e. Geoff MacEnroe, who ‘is’ extremely involved with such affairs connected to the European Union.

Gabriel MacEnroe’s brother Geoff MacEnroe was involved within the European Union Partnership Program and its Transborder Partnership employment programs between Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, and the rest of the world.

Geoff MacEnroe was conducting meetings with a wide variety of nations concerning natural resources as applied to their mining and discovery processes, which is a matter of public record, if carefully researched.

It would certainly be difficult ( at best ) to indicate that these two (2) MacEnroe brothers do not discuss anything other than idle chit-chat when they meet once a year in public at Christmas. But, then what ‘would’ their talks entail?

Aside from Middle Eastern Muslim sideline interests within Malaysia to have Gabriel MacEnroe make arrangements to secretly usher-out their gold holdings in both bullion and Kobe boxed gold as well, there is an international supplier of heavy defense equipment, i.e. BDM International (aka) Braddock, Dunn and McDonald, Inc. ( McLean, Virginia ) that lists its ‘fourth ( 4th ) subsidiary’ as a well-known PMC firm, i.e. VINNELL Corporation ( Fairfax, Virginia ). Perhaps, this could be where MacEnroe’s friend Sonny and his firm ( CIC International ), fit in for handling logistics.

Following in the wake of VINNELL and BDM, or the other way around, which may be more likely since Sonny’s CIC International firm has been around since 1930, long before BDM was ever formed by the U.S. military general who was placed in charge of it at first in order to get pushed through the U.S. Congress, the much troubled and poorly ‘armored personnel carrier’ infamously known as the Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle ( BIFV ), used during the U.S. war on Iraq in 2003.

VINNELL is one of the strongest world-class PMC ( Private Military Companies ), having completed many successful accomplishments for the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency ( C.I.A. ) from Malaysia to the Middle East, and is often found to be at the very heart of international conflicts. See, e.g. report entitled, “Global Economic Brinkmanship – Segment 1 – PMC Secret Background Functionaries”

Research Reference –

So, ‘which’ PMC or ‘how many’ PMCs MacEnroe may contract out to with at any given period in time, still remains anyone’s guess. It could be Kroll, Vinnell or, more probably MacEnroe’s friend’s ( Satiris “Sonny” Galahad Fassoulis’ ) firm, CIC International, Ltd. No one will admit to it although MacEnroe continues to tie himself close to Sonny while boasting that he works for several U.S. government agencies on the side.

MacEnroe holds very close ties with an former Bahrain banker, who had moved from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), to the arms capital of the world in Cypress, who claims affiliations with the Kuwaiti Royal Family. See, e.g. report entitled, “Global Economic Brinkmanship – Segment 2 – PMC Risk Network Legacies”

Research Reference –

Gabriel MacEnroe’s behavior indicates worldwide pursuits on ‘gold’ issues, which extend beyond mere speculation, according to all information collected and analyzed to-date.

MacEnroe’s accusatory comments to Van Brink (then consultant for FIBG) challenged him on possibly having been involved with “the Texas gold scandal,” which he curiously blurted out at his first meeting indicated that he wasn’t there solely for bank business regarding assistance in establishing a good working relationship for FIBG with a strong European bank, which is what they had originally sought to have MacEnroe arrange for them.

MacEnroe’s brain was on ‘gold’ all along but, which PMC contractor gave him all his information? MacEnroe had never been advised by FIBG that it had a gold mining process underway so, why did MacEnroe bring up the Texas gold scandal?

As time passed, several odd events occurred with regard to the metals transmutation formulization enhancement experiments that may have gone on to affect other scientific discoveries about the way individuals may eventually perceive themselves in the future.

In mid-2002, a tiny group of researchers who claimed to have successfully conducted their own gold transmutation experiments that grew gold from basic ores in rocks, sands, and gravels claimed to be secretly working on another process that sounded pretty bizarre.

The group led by Dr. Joe C. Champion claimed to have developed ‘proof’ on their notion that during the midst of one of the gold transmutation experiments that they had discovered some anomalies, which they later found to be some form of transdimensional shift occurrence.

They last public announcement in 2002 indicated that they were going to focus their research efforts away from enhancing gold and other valuable metals and try harnessing or focusing on using these anomalies to project some type of dimensional travel. The group disappeared saying they were going underground to complete their experiments. No one has heard anything since then, until 2011.

Research Reference ( VIDEO ) –

If it hadn’t been for William Telander first having funded the Texas A&M University grant for experimental research, which used new cold-fusion and chemical isotope combinatorics to at least one (1) applied technology for metal transmutation processing, another off-shoot technology may have never been discovered by Bockris and Champion later on.

The second ( 2nd ) technology discovery remains a secret, has not been brought to the surface yet ( if ever ), and sounds to bizarre to be believed at this time.

Although Telander later confessed to the bank that he had brought “legal troubles” on his former friend, i.e. Joe E. Champion, that may have been perhaps to even a deep-seated grudge based on how he perceived that Champion may have been betraying his confidential information that he shared on his having funded the Dr. Bockris experiments at Texas A&M University..

Telander, learning that Champion had gone off to Mexico and was scheduled to meet the press to announce and demonstrate the gold process publicly, was perhaps the final straw that broke the camels back.

Champion had later teamed-up with Dr. Bockris, who Telander had originally funded. Bockris and Champion then began their own collective partnership on a new phase of gold transmutation process, while Telander went his own way.

Recalling how – back in the early-1990s – the metals transmutation process was quite hard for Dr. Bockris’ colleagues to accept. He suffered much ridicule and had been scoffed at in lecture circles about such experiments however, it eventually stopped when he won the Nobel Prize.

Champion was arrested again in 1998 in the U.S.. He was reported to have violated the terms of his former probation, which had been running for years on a previous charge.

With Champion possibly having to finish what remained of his original 10-year sentence, the secrets behind anything to do with transdimensional technology was taken over by others he entrusted.

Although these others began developing Champion’s formulas with some help from a new influx of alchemists, Bockris hung on until at least mid-2001, when he then departed from the group.

A high-level government scientist claims that experiments similar to what Champion described, had led to a secret technology that reportedly focused on a physical biological phenomena involving an uncharted transdimensional phase during a nuclear electromotive force engine reaction.

While the phrase beam me up, Scotty! used as from the American science-fiction television show, i.e. Star Trek, might actually be in order here now, the U.S. government has certainly has clamped a lid on it claiming, it involves dangerous high-energy physics that it was developed but abandoned several decades ago for safety reasons.

What appears as sheer absurdity in such notions surrounding an unknown ‘transdimension shifts’ and ‘spatial rifts’ that may affect human beings continues to grow even quieter today, It may just have something to do with that decades-old U.S. government classified program nicknamed as, “The Philadelphia Experiment,” which an American movie based on its rumored theory.

The ‘Philadelphia Project’ Secrets ?

The same experiment that many were led to believe had absolutely nothing to do with the original William Telander’s “Philadelphia Project” conception for his idea to fund the Texas A&M University project leading to metals transmutation experiments and a Nobel prize for Dr. Bockris.

Did William Telander actually ‘know’ something ‘secret’ he only shared with Dr. Joe Champion long ago?

This revelation coupled with the fact of no further information being made available to the public, leaves the subject of metals transmutation and the nuclear processed enhancement of gold and its reactive force of dimensional expansion, as one mysteriously difficult study. There may however, be an explanation to what happened and why it has been kept quiet for so many years now.

Ten ( 10 ) years ago, Dr. Joseph E. Champion and Nancy Meachum used prominent lawyers from Texas and Washington, D.C. to court senior aides of U.S. Senators, i.e. Dole and Kassenbaum, on Capitol Hill. But all of them, turned deaf ears toward the gold transmutation technology, but now it may have become clearer as to ‘why’ they did.

Although this story is now being written, certain other details of the physics and other applications to it continue to remain classified by the U.S. Department of Energy ( DOE ).

Metals Transmutation & Cold Fusion –

Dr. Bockris at Texas A&M University, was reported to have mixed potassium nitrate with carbon and salts, and then heated his formula to precise temperatures used a new type of cold-fusion driven by radio wave frequencies at high temperatures, which resulted in producing ‘increased levels/amounts’ of gold, silver, and other precious metals out of materials found in specific rocks that were in abundance.

Joe Champion, got involved in his own backyard experiments (photos below) in what he calls the transmutation of metals processing. But, after he was arrested in Mexico – before he was about to release details of his experiments to the press – his whole world changed.

It was reported that federal law enforcement officials in Mexico were notified by the U.S. government to arrest Champion before he could leak information about his experiments to the public in his press meeting.

Champion was reportedly “handled” according to William Telander’s plan, and so he was subsequently arrested in Mexico and then turned over to U.S. federal agents who were waiting for him on the other side of the border.

But, what was he then charged with? Treason? Selling something he shouldn’t have been?

Champion was sentenced to serve only 1-year in prison from a greater sentence he had received, for a reported unrelated charge of ‘felony theft’, according to Sharon Begley of NEWSWEEK magazine ( January 10, 1994 ). Champion apparently violated ‘no secrets’ and was not considered unpatriotic; he just upset the wrong guy ( William Telander who funded the Texas A&M University science experiment program ) by carrying-forward further experiments on his own.

According to Dr. Bockris, “My first telephone calls with Joe [Champion] occurred in August of 1996. I had heard his name from Dan York, a Dallas, Texas-based engineer / chemist / alchemist who told me that Joe was converting mercury to gold.”

Champion explained his arrest, as follows:

“On December 11th 1992, I was preparing for an interview with media representatives in Mexico City. Unfortunately, I missed the meeting with the press because I was picked up and taken to Arizona by a combined group of FBI agents, Mexican Federales, and INTERPOL. As I was led into the Phoenix airline terminal, I was arrested by Arizona police and taken to the Maricopa County Jail.”

Champion supposedly learned, en route to jail from one of his FBI escorts, and later from a retired U.S. Navy Captain Roger Briggs, that his former business friend William Telander had somehow betrayed him [ Champion ] by issuing the story about Champion having been about to release nuclear secrets; a story accepted and acted upon by, U.S. federal agents in capturing Champion.

Champion states that it was William Telander who provided the U.S. government with information that he [ Champion ] was about to perform some sort of ‘traitorous act’ by passing ‘nuclear secrets’ to certain third world leaders ( i.e. Libya leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, and Cuba leader Fidel Castro ) at that time.

Simultaneous to Champion’s federal abduction out of Mexico, his personal effects and 20-years of computerized notes, files, experiments, data with all his experimental history was either secretly confiscated or stolen from out of his personal storage in Mexico by, William Telander and his female acquaintances, a Miss Mateo, and Nancy Meacham, who Dr. Champion claims had leaked much information about his [Champion’s] science experiments to Telander after having worked with Champion for over 8-years.

Champion continues with, “Even though I became a political prisoner in jail, my morale was not broken. I was able to continue my work in the science through others. I collaborated with Drs. Bockris, Bush ( California Polytechnic Institute ) and Robert Monti ( of Italy ) on a theoretical scientific paper that will be published in the near future.

I was received with mixed feelings inside Dr. Bockris’ group. Dr. Bhardwaj (the senior scientist), and Mr. Minevski ( a graduate student ), both of chemistry disciplines, were openly optimistic, while Dr. Guang Lin ( a nuclear physicist ), was negative. Dr. Lin’s favorite saying as he walked down the hall was, ‘No, no, no, no’!

Because of the time constraint, I rapidly attempted three (3) demonstrations of the electromagnetic resonance experiment, all failures. This made Dr. Lin happy. … [ You ] should not misunderstand the situation with Dr. Lin. We were not adversaries, but life would have been simpler for a physicist if my theories were proven wrong. However, with what was to happen next, Dr. Lin and I became close, while I unknowingly developed new opposition within the group at the [ Texas A&M ] University.

At least Dr. Torres was more open-minded. I gave him a chemical matrix consisting of mineral, carbon ( C ), sodium nitrate ( NaNOA ), lead ( Pb ) and mercury ( Hg ). I wrote out the procedures in total and departed, allowing him to acquire new chemicals and to proceed unobstructed by me.

On September 10, 1991, Dr. Torres prepared an affidavit stating the following results:


Mineral composition BEFORE the reaction ( 100 grams total ):

Silver ————– 0.35 mg

Gold ————— 4.00 mg

Mineral composition AFTER the reaction:

Silver ————– 0.96 mg

Gold————– 17.00 mg’.”

Translated excerpts from his [ Dr. Torres ] report, were as follows:

‘The tests, sample preparations, and analysis were conducted by University personnel, without comprise of Dr. Champion.

I cannot consider the increase to be from a chemical reaction. It’s probably a ‘new nuclear reaction’.

In the thermal process, there was no external or internal radiation source. Clearly the reaction ( nuclear ) started with the heat ( burn ) and terminated at the end.'”

Dr. Champion’s favorite quote was, “Ye who makes thy own gold, makes thy own rules,” continues to demonstrate for the public, apparently what the U.S. government considers to be a threat to national security perhaps, in-part due to how increased precious metals production around the globe could very well go on to create a significant disruption within world commodity marketplace trading futures.

Champion stated in a paper, “… you will learn different procedures on how one synthetically produces gold from a portion of mercury.

The reason I chose gold as the primary metal is, for years, gold has become the status symbol of wealth. It’s malleable and ductile conditioning makes for beautiful jewelry and artifacts. Gold is produced today from mining.

South Africa is producing 2/3rds of the world’s supply.

In America, South Dakota and Nevada are the only two ( 2 ) states in the U.S. producing commercial quantities.

Other countries involved in gold production include: Canada, Russia, Brazil and countries within Southeast Asia and especially the People’s Republic of China ( PRC ).

People today have little comprehension of the massive work that is required to make an ounce of gold.

People today have little comprehension of the massive work that is required to make an ounce of gold.

For example, an average mining company must process upwards of 20-tons of mineralized ore to produce 1-troy ounce (31.103 grams) of gold.

When the efficiency of the ‘process’ covered in this text is maximized, it will require the conversion of less than a pound of mercury to produce an ounce of gold and platinum.

Tests of the ‘Champion Process’ within the last year have shown the equivalence of up to 32-troy ounces of gold production from 1-ton of synthesized minerals.

This does not take into consideration the platinum and other metals produced in the same operation.

Of course, gold is financially vulnerable due to its relationship to the various international currencies. This was evident in a conversation with Mr. Brian Russell, Consulate For Energy and Mining, South African Embassy, Washington, D.C.”

Champion continues, “When I asked him [ Brian Russell ] for the cost to mine an ounce of gold in South Africa, he immediately asked the question, ‘What is the value of gold today?’ The answer is a numbers game, for if the value of gold is high they can afford to mine a much lower grade of ore at higher costs, and the reverse when the price is at a lower value.

However, there did appear to be an unwritten rule communicated that day. There would be a major problem for South Africa if the value of gold were to fall beneath, say, $300.00 ( USD ) per ounce. This is easily rationalized due to the centuries of mining within the country, which has depleted their high-grade reserves.

The point is, with new transmutation technologies, we can create the expensive metals from abundant, inexpensive premined base metals.

Platinum, another precious metal economically valued higher than gold, was discovered by Spainish military officer Don Antonio de Ulloa on a scientific mission in the mountains near New Granada, Colombia, South America in 1735.

Research Reference –

Later, large deposits were found in South Africa. This country now supplies 60% of the world’s production.

30% is produced in Russia, with the remaining 10% of the platinum reserves being mined as trace metals in the vast nickel deposits of Ontario, Canada.

In association with platinum, the precious metal industry recognized a series of elements within the Platinum Group Metals ( PGM ), in addition to Platinum ( Pt ), consist of iridium ( Ir ), osmium ( 0s ), palladium ( Pd ), rhodium ( Rh ), and ruthenium ( Ru ). A portion of these metals is now present in your everyday life.

For example, palladium, platinum, and rhodium can be found in automobile ‘catalytic converters’. Their function is to transform or, reduce the harmful engine fumes to non-toxins.

These metals are also found in other similar industrial applications where, the reduction of harmful hydrogenous compounds is required.

Iridium appears in many fountain pen tips.

Palladium is used in numerous hydro generation, dehydrogeneration and jewelry applications.

Rhodium is the rarest of all PGM’s, which is of high demand for use in catalytic converters.

In the ‘Champion Process’, rhodium and palladium are created through a ‘nuclear conversion of silver’.

The largest natural reserve of silver is located in Mexico, which supplies approximately 80% of the world’s demand for native silver.

Silver, similar to lead, has been labeled a toxic substance by environmental laws. As a result, its use has been curtailed, whereas recycling efforts have been maximized.

One of silver’s largest industrial requirements is the production of diagnostic X-ray film.

Silver consists of two ( 2 ) natural isotopes, one of which (107) is partially consumed during the x-ray process. Because of this selective isotopic consumption, recycled silver is not recommended for the synthetic production of rhodium.

The sporadic rambling to this point was necessary to demonstrate the general requirements of the varying reactions and to illustrate the potential restructuring of wealth between nations.

For example, Mexico as a nation, hosts the largest in-ground reserves of mercury for the Western Hemisphere. Thus, the future of Mexico’s importance to the world increases as a supplier of synthetically produced gold and PGM’s.”

According to Champion, “The key to the future value of precious metals is not from the advancement of mining techniques, but from the advancement of transmutive techniques made possible by the ‘Champion Process’.”

If you took a poll now, skeptics should far outnumber the believers. However, new discoveries are coming forth daily.

On March 1993, LIFE magazine reported on that a 15-year old high school student, i.e. Lea Potts, created diamonds with a welding torch in the family’s garage. This is a known event within the scientific community. Scientists are now working on ways to create diamonds easier, cheaper and more efficiently.

The world of alchemy opens many new and exciting challenges to mankind, as well as setting forth potential disasters.

According to Dr. Champion, “Twentieth Century Alchemy is a publication that covers the debate which has plagued man for millenniums. ‘Can one cause an element to change from itself to another by a chemical reaction?'”

Dr. John O’M. Bockris from Texas A&M University was conjuring a new breed of scientists throughout their laboratories, converting common metals in rocks into gold.

However, the reality is alchemy, in the true sense of the word, has been present since the beginning of our Universe.

Man’s witness of alchemy was first recorded around 5,000 B.C. in Chinese and Egyptian writings.

During the last 2,000 years, claims to be able to chemically synthesize gold have been maintained in Europe and Asia. Such claims have undoubtedly been a vehicle to many frauds.

During the Middle Ages, laws were established against alchemy. Although after review of the book one might question the motives of such laws. Were they established to protect the innocent, or to prevent competition of elixirists of the kingdom?

During the early 1900’s, science was directed by Drs. Rutherford and Bohr to accept the fact that transmutation, i.e., nuclear change, occurs only from high-energy reactions and cannot be stimulated by chemical changes.

Even Champion was a disciple of this doctrine until the late 1980’s when experiments within his laboratory and the laboratories of others indicated that nuclear change can occur at extremely low energies. These low energies are what one would expect from a chemical reaction.

In 1989, Champion was asked to view a phenomenon witnessed for over 30-years by hobby chemist, Mr. Jack Keller.

The reaction, which Keller assumed to be that of a ‘collection process’, indeed was a newly discovered ‘nuclear event’.

This discovery now allows one to create, through nuclear transmutation, gold and platinum from mercury, silver and palladium from cadmium, rhodium from silver, plus numerous other elements from recorded reactions.

Champion pondered the implications and the science could have on society. Champion recognized there were positive, as well as negative aspects of the science to consider.

Champion continued, “I will never forget Dr. Jerry Gaston’s, Dean of Sociology at Texas A&M remarks, when he was first introduced to the scientific phenomenon.

Regarding the synthetic production of precious metals, he stated, words to the effect, ‘If this science is true, it would cause worldwide economic chaos with far reaching, irreparable damage to certain Third World nations’.”

In mid-1992 Champion had spent considerable time in Washington, D.C., trying to obtain Government support.

Through the coordinating efforts of a highly respected attorney, i.e. Glen Young, Esq., and a woman, i.e. Nancy Meacham, (both from Wichita, Kansas), Champion met with senior aides of U.S. Senator Bob Dole, and U.S. Senator Kassenbaum.

Champion educated the senior aides on the technological aspects of the science. They were presented the envisioned positive capabilities of the science in ridding the world of radioactive waste, providing low energy, non-polluting, low cost energy, and cleaning up the global environment as well as the negative possibility cited by Dr. Gaston, i.e. “If this science is true, it would cause worldwide economic chaos with far reaching, irreparable damage to certain Third World nations.”

Apparently, Dr. Champion and his aforementioned group, were ‘not’ the U.S. Senators’ first introduction to the science though, as their initial exposure to the technology came from a private presentation 2-months earlier by a Chicago, Illinois attorney, i.e. Alan Loiben, Esq., and Nancy Meacham.

Attorney Loiben and Ms. Meacham had been involved with the science since its inception and had represented Champion for his past 8-years in various scientific endeavors.

Because of his professional involvement, the attorney was able to articulate directly to the Senators, in better vernaculars they could understand, the dangers this technology posed for mankind if improperly supported. However and oddly enough, Washington, D.C. apparently turned a deaf ear to the technology presented to them.

Was it because, the technology had already been accomplished in a secret laboratory and classified as a national security secret? Or, were they just not interested in looking at such new evidence as this technology possessed that had global market and other implications?

This was not the first case of technology deafness coming from Capitol Hill, as there were others.

In November 1991, a Congressional Representative from Houston, Texas, contacted on Dr. Champion’s behalf by another attorney, i.e. George Jacobs Esq. ( Houston, Texas ), was notified of the implications of the science, and oddly enough, so were U.S. intelligence agencies mysteriously informed during the same period.

“Since within the minerals to metals transmutation processing technology possesses nuclear reactive occurrences, administrators and scientists attached to the Department of Energy ( DOE ) and Nuclear Regulatory Commission ( NRC ) were presumed to have been notified and supplied technical papers,” according to Dr. Champion who continues to assess, “They all apparently swept interest in the science, under the rug.”

Dr. Champion claims to have made valid, sincere efforts to involve the leaders of the U.S. Government in the proper control, administration and support of the science but Champion claims, “Many offices in our Government have heard of the advantages as well as the possible side effects of the science. The question is, why the deaf ear from the Government? Was it due to my lack of pedigree? Was the technology considered impossible since it challenged the laws of high-energy physics?”

When Champion first notified the U.S. government he states, “I was only producing milligrams of precious metals from a kilogram of starting material. Now we are obtaining ‘grams’ from the same kilogram of material. Our cost of production is only $.10-cents ( U.S. ) per gram of precious metals, or roughly $3.00 ( USD ) per ounce. Further improvements in the cost of production are considered likely as we continue our commercial production venture.”

Dr. Champion is fully aware that many will have the question, “Why write … on the subject?” His answer, simply stated is, “Too many learned scientists and governments have been unwilling to open their minds to the possibility that yet undiscovered laws exist in science which effect our Universe.”

Champion claims that people should just “verify the science,” and that those capable of duplicating the detailed procedures will be able to provide personal verification through replication of experiments.

Briefing The Science –

Background information surrounding Dr. Champion begins when he announced in the 1990s, a variety of methods of transmutations of black sands by thermal burns, melts and kinetic methods. He was convicted of fraud in Arizona after being accused by an irate investor who failed to achieve satisfactory results.

Other researchers (including physicists Bockris and Sundaresan, 1994) validated his processes.

The process was developed from a method of “growing gold” in an electrolytic cell, which was originally developed by Dr. Walter Lussage, a Czechoslovakian geologist ( died 1977 ).

Dr. Lussage revealed his process to Mr. Jack Keller, who taught it to Joe Champion in 1989. Champion subsequently developed the method further but, that’s not where it ended.

The Lussage findings however, were being worked on long before Champion, Keller or, Dr. Bockris ever knew that such a process existed or could be used in such discoveries.

In 1965, at the University of Washington, a very secret blue-green liquid, which now appears to have been even more significant and secret, was privately tested against the rules of the university for a friend, by one of the chemistry department professors, who then sent it to another professor for further tests.

The secrets discovered at the University of Washington was that ‘huge increases’ in gold, platinum, palladium, and other precious metals from the sample they were testing, violated all the scientific, chemical and radiological principles these professionals had long believed and had been teaching at universities for decades.

Those research findings eventually led to a mining claim being taken out in Idaho and much more.

What is contained in a package of previously hidden information along with loads of other documentations pertaining to different precious metals processings that have been used by relatively ordinary people, scientists, and others around the world is about to surface.

What has nations so concerned? Probably, that the information now collected and packaged, may just be ready for release to the public. See, more, below:


For scientific details and instructions on how others are said to have grown significant quantities of valuable mineral metals out of basic ores found in abundant rocks, sands, and gravels by using several types of enhancement techniques, ingredients, formulas, and instructions, click:


After $1,000,000 ( USD ) had been spent by the First International Band of Grenada Ltd. investment on the Phoenix Project laboratory experiments and a secretly stolen formula from Englehard in South Africa by Dr. Guang H. Lin, all the equipment and thousands of hours spent by numerous individuals, they were only missing one ( 1 ) equation that personally took me 4-years to find in Russia where the key to documented sucessful returns would have resulted, however to-date none of the individuals involved ever discovered that answer to their wild quest, and that key was strategically hidden by the U.S. National Security Agency ( N.S.A. ) so ‘nobody’ would ever be able to succeed in any such experiments; not even Englehard-CLAL. That mystery is quite interesting although no mystery to ‘me’.

In 2013 and 2014, I made several trips to a Nevada ranch near a U.S. federal government Range Test Site ( RTS ) known as Area 51. Locked inside a 53-foot long steel shipping container were the ‘thousands of missing files’ that no government, organization, business or individual could have ever found for they had been removed from what later became known as “The Howard Hughes Vault” containing many-many secrets I spent months pouring over until I was able to retrieve. It took me 14-years to locate all the answers and more for yet ‘other global government financial banking commodities of precious metals.

All needs to be publicly revealed, and since there is quite a bit more information to the aforementioned ( including the excerpt above ), voluminous documentation exists of private research notes, formula image documents, photographs, foreign and domestic information communications, abandoned foreign company research files and documents, laboratory experiment reports, independent laboratory analysis reports, foreign and domestic university studies and white papers on ‘precise temperature coefficients effectuating positive results’, national and international standards of testing ‘designed to purposely net negative laboratory material results’, U.S. National Security Agency ( NSA ) precious metals recovery program projects and facility operations information, and much more than could be listed herein ) supporting this report, which cannot all be currently accommodated within this report or on any standardized non-secure website platform offering no protection from unwarranted outside influences seeking to subvert displays of ‘original documentary evidence’ for public information consideration deemed sensitive by governments due to undocumented claims of material that nay be later classified within definitions and/or categories under national security interest provisions, however there ‘are’ alternatively secure ways and means by which such can and will provide such to and for the public so, in such interest, donations are only being passively sought at this time.

Those interested in learning more are invited to contact the original author ( below ) in determining the status of unique disclosure project broadcasts undergoing further development for a greater public knowledgeability upon securely platforming these private intelligence files to enable easier comprehension upon review understanding that in order to speed progress receipt of donations is of considerable importance making far more possible and sooner now.

Thank you for your interest.

Cordially submitted for review and commentary by,


Paul Collin ( The Unwanted Publicity Intelligence Guy ( at Project Camelot )
E-MAIL: UnwantedPublicity@GMAIL.Com

WWW: https://KentronIntellectResearchVault.WordPress.Com


Please consider a donation ( small or large ) to the author ( Paul Collin / The UPI Guy ( Click Link Below ):


John Bockris Obituary ( Download .pdf ):