Fireball Special Projects Program

Fireball Objects

Fireball Special Projects Program
by, Concept Activity Research Vault ( CARV )

August 16, 2011 12:30:08 ( PST ) Updated ( Published: April 11, 2011 )

CALIFORNIA, Los Angeles – August 16, 2011 – When a brilliant object appears twinkles while hanging motionless like a star against a darkened sky, but is ‘not a star’, what is it?

Between 2010 and 2011, residents throughout South Bay cities surrounding Los Angeles in southern California have been trying to figure out what keeps appears to them like an early dark morning star, but is not.

What’s odd about this object’s brilliance is that this ‘bright white light shines from the opposite side of the object facing the horizon where the early morning Sun rises later in the day. The only way the Sun could illuminate the object would be that the object would either have to be ‘transparent’ or equipped with the new advanced military defense ‘light reflection projection technology’ ( LRP ) also known as “Advanced Stealth.”

Does this mysterious hovering object belong to the U.S. Department of Defense ( DOD ) Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ( DARPA ), U.S. Navy ( USN ), U.S. Air Force ( USAF ), U.S. Navy National Reconnaissance Office ( NRO ), or is it an Unidentified Flying Object ( UFO )?

In early January 2011 an early rising resident of Carson, California assumed the ‘flickering starlight’ he saw against the pitch black sky of early morning was simply a passenger airline with runway lights on its approach to Los Angeles International Airport not far away, but a Torrance, California resident claimed he had been outside sipping on a coffee for almost 2-hours and the starlight object had ‘not moved’ from its position in the darkened sky so, he believed the starlight object was just a ‘star’ and that it would disappear when the Sun rose. Both residents were wrong because as the Sun rose the brilliant starlight remained where it had been positioned in the darkened sky for hours.

One businessman, stepping from his car in a West Carson, California McDonald’s fast food parking lot walked over to see what everyone was looking up at ( the starlight object ) in the early morning darkened sky, and overheard amongst a small crowd of people one woman say, “Maybe it’s a UFO!”

Smiling as though he would settle the dispute he asked, “Don’t you people ever read the newspaper around here? That’s just the U.S. Department of Defense ‘Unmanned Aerial Vehicle’ ( UAV ) assigned to keep watch over the Port of Los Angeles from terrorist attacks.”

A homeless man, sitting nearby drinking his cup of coffee, looked at the businessman and asked, “Does that ‘look’ like any UAV or balloon you ever saw before? The businessman shook his head in a negative reply, whereupon the homeless man further enquired, “Then ‘why’ hasn’t that object moved in the sky for over 2-hours now?”

The businessman, saying nothing further in reply, turned away and went inside to get his early morning McDonald’s breakfast.

Although few bother looking up around at darkened skies, or for that matter after daybreak, there are now more people – especially in southern California – beginning to look up and study what’s hovering overhead them. Are residents expecting to see something new or becoming paranoid after watching so many television news broadcasts about the rash of UFO sightings and lights all over the world?

One man pulled-up in a minivan with Virginia license plates for his early morning breakfast, but also strolled over to where the commotion was going on at whereupon after observing it for about a minute smiled and said, “Heck, we got one of those over in Charlottesville. Shows up like clockwork, every night, ’round 8:00 p.m.,” and then walked away toward his breakfast shaking his head while mumbling, “Durn government spooks – spyin’ on us everywhere!”

As the Virginian left with his McDonald’s bagged breakfast in-hand, he stopped at the table outside to share some of his first-hand experiences with ‘fireballs’ and other ‘strange lights’ in the sky – some that look like ‘aircraft landing lights’ twinkling off in the ‘low horizon distance’ and similar lights appearing like ‘real bright stars’ that suddenly disappear a short time later.

He reported that whatever this mysterious Virginia sighting really ‘was’, there was no public information detailing its ‘flight path trajectory’ or where it landed – and it ‘did land’! In fact, it exploded, according to our Green County Record newspaper in Stanardsville, Virginia spoke to an eyewitness named Judy Kilgus who gave her own experience about what happened just outside a farm neighborhood 7-Eleven convenience store.

Further research, into the Virginian’s story, found the following details:

The 7-Eleven ( store number 21482 ) was located at 1199 29th Infantry Division Memorial Highway ( also known as ) U.S. Route 29 ( also known as ) North Seminole Trail in Madison, Virginia 22727-0024 where Judy Kilgus additionally experienced strange pungent aromatics she identified as an “eerie odor” lingering in the night air after the unidentified flying object ( UFO ) – resembling a “fireball” – crash landed. ( See Newspaper Report – Immediately Below )


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Source: GREENE COUNTY RECORD – a Medial General newspaper – ( Stanardsville, Virginia, USA )

Experts Offer Guesses On Mysterious Fire Ball Sighting
by, April Taylor – Greene County Record Reporter

April 2, 2009

VIRGINIA, Stanardsville – April 2, 2009 – Judy Kilgus of Stanardsville was driving on [ Virginia, U.S. ] Route 522 [ Sperryville Pike ] near Culpeper [ Virginia ] Sunday [ March 29, 2009 ] night when she saw what she says looked like a burning ball of fire falling from the sky.

“It was me, my mother and one of my brothers, and we were on our way back from Salem [ Virginia ],” Kilgus recalled. She said they were about 3-miles out of Culpeper ( Virginia ] when the “ball” came shooting across ( the sky ).

“At first it gave the appearance of a shooting ‘star’,  and then it was just huge,” she said continuing, This was not like some little light. The colors were brilliant and it was ‘flickering’. It was falling and looked as if it was burning like a ball of fire – reddish with the hint of a green tint.  It was frightening.”

Kilgus said that once the mysterious thing fell, “There was a big light, like an explosion. I said to my mom, ‘Oh, my gosh, it hit something’. I had never seen anything like it. It was traveling very fast.”

Kilgus said she stopped at the 7-Eleven in Madison [ Virginia ], about 15-miles or-so from where she saw the object, and then noticed an “eerie” odor when she got out of her car. She says she’s not sure if the smell is related to what she saw earlier.

Regardless, Kilgus is ‘not the only one who witnessed’ a strange “ball of fire” and big boom that night.

Reports of a “bright light,” and in some places an ‘explosion like sound’, poured into law enforcement offices across eastern Virginia, Maryland and North Carolina on Sunday night [ March 29, 2009 ].

“The phone is ringing off the hook,“ said meteorologist Sonia Mark at the U.S. National Weather Service ( NWS ) Wakefield station.

All of the reports dealt with incidents that occurred ‘about’ 9:45 p.m.

Several calls came to Richmond International Airport, but [ airport ] tower personnel did not see anything unusual related to aircraft, airport spokesman Troy Bell said.

It could have been caused by a ‘meteor’, or even a falling part from a Russia ‘spacecraft’, experts said earlier this week.

“I know it’s one of the two,” said Geoff Chester, an astronomer and public relations officer with the U.S. Naval Observatory in Washington, D.C. “I just can’t tell you definitively’ which one it actually was.” Geoff Chester suggested that a falling Russian booster rocket caused the hub-bub. The booster – a steel cylinder about 25-feet long and 8-feet wide – was part of the Soyuz spacecraft launched Thursday on a mission to the International Space Station [ ISS / MIR ]. The booster was expected to fall toward Earth on a path headed ‘East’ that would have taken it across the Chesapeake Bay [ eastern-most eastcoast ] region Sunday night, Chester said. The booster would have burned in the friction of Earth’s atmosphere and, as it slowed below the speed of sound, it would have released energy that caused a sonic boom, Chester said. “My feeling is this is what people actually saw,” Chester said.

Stefan Bocchino, a spokesman for the U.S. Joint Space Operations Center [ JSOC ] at Vandenberg Air Force Base [ VAFB ] in California, said experts there [ in California ] do ‘not think the light was caused by a manmade object’.

Joint Space Operations Center tracks manmade objects that enter the atmosphere.

U.S. National Weather Service ( NWS ) has ‘ruled out any weather related cause’.

Other experts said the ‘light’ and ‘boom’ sound like the work of a meteor.

Meteors are bits of space rock or gravel that burn and create light when they hit the atmosphere.

“Some very bright ones are known to explode,” creating a sound, said Phillip Ianna, a professor emeritus of astronomy at the University of Virginia.

Meteors typically burn up in the atmosphere. Much ‘less often’, a small piece of the rock will hit Earth.

Steve Chesley, an astronomer with NASA [ National Aeronautics and Space Administration ] said the Sunday [ March 29, 2009 ] phenomena could be the work of a meteor the size of a ‘television set’ or ‘small car’. “These kinds of things hit the [ atmosphere ] once a month,” Chesley said. They usually fall over water or less populated areas and attract less attention. NASA doesn’t track such small objects, Chesley said, and focuses instead on big ones – ‘space rocks half the length of a football field or more’ – that are headed toward Earth. “It’s the big ones we’re worried about, and we need to find them decades in advance,” Chesley said.

The object on Sunday [ March 29, 2009 ] had to be ‘unusually bright’ to be ‘seen in urban areas’ where ‘artificial lights drown out’ most celestial objects, said David Hagan, a staff scientist with the Science Museum of Virginia.

At Record [ Greene County Record ] press time, on Tuesday, ‘experts were still offering various guesses’ as to ‘what the occurrence could have been’.

“One thing’s for sure,” says Kilgus, “It’s something I won’t soon forget. I was glad I saw ‘whatever it was’, but I kind-of ‘wonder what in the world is going on’,” she said. “I thought maybe it was a meteor, but whatever it was, it was ‘strange’.”

Article Reference:

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Now, the State of Virginia is infamous for its street and highway names – changing names – within a few miles of each other, making instant headaches for any outsider trying to provide location directions so, as close as can be determined – extrapolated from the newspaper description of the eyewitness ( Judy Kilgus ) account – Google Maps provides a “car” route that coincides with eyewitness Judy Kilgus’ claim she was “3-miles” outside “Culpepper, Virginia” on “Route 522″ ( also known as ) “Sperryville Pike” in “Salem, Virginia.” Interestingly, outsiders would ‘not know’ there are actually ‘two ( 2 ) towns’ named “Salem” in Virginia!

The particular town of “Salem, Virginia” the eyewitness ( Judy Kilgus ) mentions near “Culpepper, Virginia” and ‘that’ “Salem, Virginia” is ‘not easy to locate online’ at Google Maps.

After some ‘prodding’, Google Maps will eventually map ‘from’ “13300 Hunts Shade Drive, Salem, VA” providing its most direct route that quickly exits ( just outside Salem, Virginia ) off “U.S. Route 522″ ( also known as ) “Sperryville Pike” but turns onto “Norman Road” ( also known as ) “Hudson Mill Road” ( also known as ) “Reva Road” that leads to ‘yet another alias highway name’ for “U.S. Route 29″ – an address at 1199 on “29th Infantry Division Memorial Highway” in Madison, VA 22727 ( the 7-Eleven store ) where eyewitness Judy Kilgus claimed detecting a suspicious “eerie odor” outside that particular “7-Eleven” store ( Madison, Virginia ) on “U.S. Route 29.”

That aforementioned description explains why it’s no surprise as to ‘why’ or ‘how’ so many State of Virginia unidentified flying object ( UFO ) flightpath reports can so easily hide ‘landing site locations’ from much of the public observing them there.

The Green County Record newspaper account from eyewitness Judy Kilgus does not ‘detail the location’ ( e.g. NorthEast to SouthWest, etc. ) of where she was at 9:44 p.m. during the UFO fireball sighting.

Was Kilgus already traveling from Salem, Virginia – going through Madison, Virginia ( 16-miles from Salem, Virginia ) – enroute to her home ( Stanardsville, Virginia )?

Did she sight, on Sunday March 29, 2009 at 9:44 p.m., the UFO fireball ‘while she was still in Salem, Virginia’?

Did her sighting, ‘prompt her to leave’ Salem, Virginia earlier than she had planned, which placed her driving in a direction of her ‘home’ ( Stanardsville, Virginia )? If so, did the UFO sighting crash in the direction of where she resided ( Stanardsville, Virginia )?

Without a UFO ‘flightpath trajectory’ provided ( e.g. NorthEast to SouthWest, etc. ) information about this UFO fireball sighting, then perhaps only U.S. Fish & Game or U.S. Forest Service government officials located the UFO fireball landing / crash site. If so, it has undoubtedly been covered-up by now.

Was the March 29, 2009 9:44 p.m. central Virginia UFO fireball sighting really only just a “meteor” that ‘U.S. Space Command ( SPACOM ) government experts claim they were ‘unable to track’? What if it was some king of a rocket or missile launched from another location within the United States?

Could the sighting have been one of many U.S. Air Force Special Programs project spacecraft undergoing ‘classified flight tests’ for the Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA ) that is conducted primarily by the U.S. Department of Defense ( DoD ) National Reconnaissance Office ( NRO )?

Were Virginians used as an unsuspecting audience for part of the test flight for the new U.S. Department Of Defense ( DoD ), U.S. Navy, National Reconnaissance Office ( NRO ) new ‘stealth starlight surveillance dirigible’ – a lighter-than-air vessel believed designed from the 1990 patented Aereon lighter than airship [ similar in design to that of the NASA VentureStar, X-31 and X-33 spaceplanes  [ Image References: ] – that may emit what is tantamount to ‘artificially produced starlight’; flickering akin to ‘aircraft landing lights’ on an aircraft the public would only suspect appears about ready to land but doesn’t?

May even more mysteries continue hiding amidst ‘seemingly peaceful night skies’ where reconnaissance and other spacecraft are now capable of being missioned to commence activation of ‘classified artificial landing strategies’ cleverly resembling a ‘fireball meteor flight’ – complete with a firework flares jettisoned to additionally resemble ‘meteor crash explosions’ too?

Research into conflicting news report information suggests that one ( 1 ) UFO fireball incident may have actually been confused with another UFO fireball on the same date and around the same time of night, a ‘dual event’ in Virginia.

One ( 1 ) eyewitness report – in the central Virginia geographic region – may have been mixed with ‘another press report’ using its central Virginia eyewitness interview in-conjunction with another news wire service report.

Simultaneous report sightings along the eastern seaboard of the United States from up and down the Atlantic Ocean coastline as far south North Carolina ( far northeast ), Virginia ( far east ) and Maryland ( far east ) in the region of the Chesapeake Bay as being the ‘same’ as what was seen in Madison, Virginia as reported by the Stanardsville, Virginia newspaper?

A few miles south of eyewitness Judy Kilgus UFO sighting near the 7-Eleven store ( Madison, Virginia ), also on “U.S. Route 29″ ( also known as ) “South Seminole Trail” at the east corner where 2055 Boulders Road ( Albemarle County ) sees the U.S. National Ground Intelligence Center ( NGIC ).

Adjacent to NGIC ( National Ground Intelligence Center ) is a new construction site for the new U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency ( DIA ) complex buildings as well.

Just a few miles further south – again on “South Seminole Trail” ( Virginia U.S. Route 29 ) – is the NORTHRUP-GRUMMAN Sperry Marine Division where a classified secret-sensitive multi-story windowless bricked-up test site building is perched behind an innocent looking single-story red brick office building – also on “South Seminole Trail” (aka) “U.S. Route 29″ (aka) “Emmett Road” where all these spooky government offices are popping up all around Charlottesville, Virginia.


A few miles further north on the west side of “South Seminole Trail” ( Virginia U.S. Route 29 ) – is the old single story red brick face building that the other three ( 3 ) sides are painted white complete with pyramid shaped surveillance cameras mounted high-up on the building, and while it only ‘appears vacant’ is a honeycombed-out floor-plan inside, shared by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency annex with the DIEBOLD CORPORATION, but you’d never know it to drive by the facility or drive up onto the terraced hill it sits atop and drive around the building either because you’ll only see a few vehicles outside where everyone enters through the north facing single glass door where everything appears just normal. Again, just a few miles north of this facility is the U.S. National Ground Intelligence Center ( NGIC ) buildings on the east side of Seminole Trail ( Virginia State Highway 29 ) about 95-miles southwest of Washington, D.C.

In any event, loud noise explosions – especially when they are conducted over U.S. population areas – should have provided the public with more concrete information, especially what it hit during its crash landing.
Submitted for review and commentary by,

Concept Activity Research Vault ( CARV ), Host
E-MAIL: ConceptActivityResearchVault@Gmail.Com
WWW: http://ConceptActivityResearchVault.WordPress.Com


