CIA StarShip Speed 1 LightYear In 1 EarthYear

CIA StarShip Speed 1 LightYear In 1 EarthYear

by, Concept Activity Research Vault ( CARV / Paul Collin )

April 26, 2013 13:22 ( PST ) Update ( Originally Published: July 14, 2012 )

Relative Topics -i

– Virgo A ( constellation, of 5 ‘cluster galaxies’ );
– Supernovae ( ’2 star collision’, a ‘dual galaxy collision’ );
– Supermassive Black-Hole ( SmBH – resultant effect from a Supernovae dual galaxy collision );
– Centaurus A ( Cen-A, A1847, NGC 5128, PKS 1322-427, 1RXH J132519.8-430312, CXOU J132519.9-43031 );
– Gamma-Ray Burst ( GRB – inverse / reverse Compton effect Cherenkov Muons, Cherenkov Light, and Cherenkov Radiation );
– Jet ( Whole Jet, Counter Jet – extragalactic SmBH inverse / reverse Compton effect Cherenkov multi-messenger neutron light radiation Cosmic Ray particle beam jets );
– Atmosphere, Atmospherics;
– Oxygen ( Oxygen molecules ), Ozone atmospheric layer;
– Tau Air-Shower ( invisible Cherenkov light muon Thomson scatter patterned atmospheric showers );
– Planetary magamatic superconductivity volcanic excitations;
– Earthquake, seismicity;
– BowShock, Local Interstellar Cloud ( LIC ), InterStellar Medium ( ISM );
– NASA PlanetQuest ( Planet Quest );
– Living With a Star ( LWS ) U.S. Presidential Executive Order Programs and Projects [ ];
– U.S. President Executive Order ( 2004 – NASA missioned to locate exoplanets for Earth colonization ) [ ];
– ExoPlanetary exploration ( ExoPlanet, planets outside Earth solar system ) [ ];
– InterStellar SpaceCraft ( ISSC );
– Interstellar Propulsion;
– AntiHydrogen Energy Dense AntiMatter Hydrogen Propellants developed by CERN ( Geneva, Switzerland ) [ ];
– RAND CORPORATION ( AntiHydrogen energy development research );
– RAYTHEON CORPORATION ( AntiHydrogen energy propulsion development and test-engineering );
– ORBITAL SCIENCES CORPORATION ( AntiHydrogen energy propulsion test platform and demonstrator );
– BOEING CORPORATION ( AntiHydrogen Propulsion );
– National Reconnaissance Office ( NRO ), U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force ( USAF ), U.S. National Security Agency ( NSA );

Constellation Virgo A

Virgo A, extragalactic resident attributes, consist of:

– Five ( 5 ) Galaxies ( positioned in ‘1 cluster’ within ‘Virgo A’ );
– One ( 1 ) Supermassive Black-Hole ( SmBH ) resultant from a ‘dual galactic collision’ ( 2 );
– Two ( 2 ) InterStellar Medium ( ISM ) BowShock Radio-Frequency ( RF ) Wave ( Radio Wave ) Lobe Clouds; and,
– Two ( 2 ) Gamma-Ray Burst ( GRB ) Jets ( Whole Jet & Counter Jet ).

According to recent scientific reports, the central galactic universe source for ‘all Cosmic Rays’ ( CR ) continues ricocheting throughout our galactic universe today from, amongst many smaller extragalactic sources, one ( 1 ) lone Gamma-Ray Burst ( GRB ) “Whole Jet” ( ‘not’ its dual counter-part, the: “Counter Jet” ) that occured eons ago when two ( 2 ) Supermassive galaxies collided with one another forming what is known as a Supernovae ( ‘dual’ Supernovae ) that was so powerful and so bright that the GRB Cherenkov neutron light radiation particle beam jet was ‘visually observed with the human eye’ of an astronomer citing notes that were traced back to having been coming out-of the “Scorpius-Centaur” extragalactic universe during the 16th Century ( 1522 ) that astronomers identify as originating from near the center of “Centaurus A” ( also known as ) “Cen-A” where this gigantic particle beam jet diameter is about the same diameter size of Earth’s solar system, but wait – there’s more:

This same particle beam jet contains “Superluminous” light energy radiation particle elements moving at up to six ( 6 ) times faster than the speed of light. That’s correct, the jet light is moving 6 times faster than lightspeed, and was shot out of the extragalactic Supermassive Black-Hole in ‘forward time’ that began catching up with Earth time in December 2004 when within 48-hours of the Indonesia Andaman – Sumatra 9.3 magnitude earthquake that sent a tsunami killing nearly 300,000 people and also burnt an incredibly huge hole right out-of the Earth’s ozone atmospheric layer, and it is additionally unfortunate to note that not until very recently did these two ( 2 ) seemingly dissimilar Earth Events finally become put together by astrophysicists and geoastrophysicists – whom never saw to publicly announcing these facts to the public through mainstream news media. Why?

Earth ‘southern hemisphere’ telescope observatories view this galactic system hazard growing worse as it quickly nears our solar system, in-fact the National Science Foundation ( NSF ) has increased huge sums of global investment monies into the South Pole Telescope ( SPT ), Pierre Auger Observatory Sud ( Argentina ), Cherenkov Telescope Array ( CTA ), and more.

NASA pressed Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) retrofits and its new space-based replacement James Webb Telescope Observatory in-addition to many multiple other ground-based and space-based telescope observatories around the world trying to calculate the ‘date when’ the Cen-A GRB particle beam jet is expected to elminate all Earth oxygen particles.

How can this be? No one heas heard anything on the news about this! This is ‘why’ this report was written, to notify the public to begin researching it for themself because their governments are ‘no longer obligated to warn them of any pending natural disaster’, a new law just passed into effect for the United States during early 2012.

While the trajectory of this Cen-A GRB particle beam jet propagating velocity is directed just north and above our solar system the fact is that when this particle beam jet comes to within a range of 1,000 light-years away from Erath’s solar system it will become what scientists and astrophysicists and some mebers of government already know it has been labelled as, a “Planetary Atmosphere Killer.”

Earth already received a sample of the power involved within the Cen-A GRB particle beam jet when only a small scouting team of these particle beam entered Earth’s upper ionosphere from where it rained down into Earth’s oxygen atmosphere layer as recorded by detectors registering what are called “Tau Air-Showers” invisible pin-prick light streams characterized by straight line patterned Thomson scatter or self ricocheting sprays of intense radiation some just categorize as “Cosmic Rays” that hit Earth during latter December 2004.

Unfortunately, much more of the same is headed our way and such bombardments are continuing in intensity day by day with increasing frequencies too on Earth.

Enterprise Sustainability Black-Hole Economics

Public Private Partnership Program Project Sub-Contractor Sub-Program Sub-Projects

For more than 62-years, multiple trillions of dollars – allocated by authority of The World Bank through the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) to multi-national foundations have been and continue being spent under auspices of “Global Initiatives” instituting multi-national government agreements utilizing private-sector businesses, vendor sub-contractors, universities, colleges, institutes coordinated by liaisons with think-tanks conceptualizing, theorizing, calculating, researching, developing, testing, designing, building, launching, maintaining, retrofitting and relaunching ground-based and space-based platform monitoring stations equipped with ultra advanced emerging technology remote sensing collectors, systems and devices feeding incalculable amounts of raw data into high-performance supercomputers with centralized network analytic technicians translating human comprehendable information back to yet other think-tanks developing plans to somehow carry a ‘few’ ( ‘not all’ ) human beings off Earth and out of harms way; away from the Cen-A GRB particle beam jet – that has included, but not been limited to, some ( ‘not all’ ) of the following target areas ( below ):

– Earth-based Deserts ( high altitude and low-altitude ), Mountains ( high-altitude ), Waterways ( natural ocean and artificially controlled man-made lake ) and Polar Ice ( South Pole ) regions; plus,

– Space-based Satellite Spacecraft platforms monitoring Earth solar system local space regions, deep space and ultra-deep space extragalactic spectral imaging sensor and particle collector ‘downstreams’ to ground-stations, plus ‘classified spacecraft mission retrievables ( i.e. ‘particle collection unit replacement modules’ and ‘data platens’ ).

Detailed information, although publicly available, remains unpackaged and unknown for public comprehension.

People, especially in the United States of America ( USA ), are so busy with distractions that they barely allow time in their daily life for so much as even a ‘partial news broadcast’ so, there is a better than even chance that people as a whole are not going to ‘make time for researching anything’ ( ‘if they knew how’ ) or even bother opening their local telephone book Yellow Page directory where unfortunately ‘private researchers are not even listed’ in ‘local retail neighorhood directories’.

Just attempting to put all these galactic and technical observation puzzle pieces together into a ‘layman easily-read information package’ surrounding the Cen-A GRB particle beam headed toward Earth would not be difficult for the United States government. Why should government upset its citizenry status quo and that of market money heirarchy fueled by rat raced society today?

U.S. Government Printing Office ( Pueblo, Colorado, USA )

How does government sell a drastic change, to the way everyone currently lives their own lives today, without creating chaos?

How long will it take to fully adjust a global population?

You remember the pen name author George Orwell who wrote his book entitled “1984 ( printed in “1948″ ) that showed how future shock took place for citizen masses, and like any good snake oil salesman of yore, the key is all in how you pitch the new idea.

Living With AstroParticles ( LWA ) – Next Earth New Life Guides

– Oxygen Alternatives ( QxyAlt );
– OxyAlt Vitamin Energy Boosters ( Recreational Biosynthetic Narcotics By Rx Only );
– OxyAlt Breathing Boosters;
– OxyAlt Cosmetics ( Men & Women ); and,
– Others.

U.S. Government Printing Office ( Pueblo, Colorado, USA ) may very well hold a type of guidebook for population centers remaining in the dark on such matters involving “Carbony1 Sulfide” alternatives most human beings on Earth today know absolutely nothing about that alter molecular structures defining new breathable gas mixtures substituting what we breathe today ( oxygen ) for what we will be breathing ( carbony1 sulfide mixtures ) in the future.

Only a few looming questions remain:

1. “Will Government Ever Announce This?”
2. “Why Didn’t Government Announce The 2004 Particle Beam Ozone Destruction?”
3. “Has Government Announced ‘Your Preparatory Time’ ( 15-years, 20-years, 35-years )?”
4. “When Will You Prepare Your Timetable?”
5. “Will You Continue Waiting For A Government Announcement That Will Never Come?”
6. “Did You Elect Government Control Over Your Life And That Of Your Family?”

The Cen-A Cherenkov particle beam GRB jet possesses other enhanced characteristics still being studied, however we do know this particular hazardous light radiation beam, is:

– High-Directional ( light-beam focus length );
– Thick ( approx. diameter of Earth’s solar system );
– Planetary Atmosphere Killer ( ‘incredibly superbright’ and ‘intensely hot photonic’ and ‘extremely hazardous radiation particles’; and,
– Distant Death Ray ( even as far away as 1,000 light-years from any planet’, these ‘GRB jet light beams’ instantly disintegrate oxygen molecules’ throughout entire atmospheric ( ozone layer ) layers.

Few planets are rich in ‘oxygen molecules’, however many planets in our solar system ‘do have some atmosphere’, although believed by many as humanly unbreatheable, nevertheless Gamma-Ray Burst ( GRB ) jets destroy oxygen molecules ‘above planets’ and recently discovered ‘within planets’ to some degree.

Space-borne “Ray” ( “Radiation” ) Relative Yet Confusing Terms –

– Cosmic Rays ( CR );
– Gamma-Rays ( GR );
– Gamma Ray Bursts ( GRB );
– Whole Jet ( WJ );
– Counter Jet ( CJ );
– Jet ( e.g. Cherenkov muon multi-messenger astroparticles – atomic and subatomic spaceborne particles );
– Stream ( e.g. Cherenkov muon multi-messenger astroparticles – atomic and subatomic spaceborne particles );
– Beam ( e.g. Cherenkov muon multi-messenger astroparticles – atomic and subatomic spaceborne particles );
– FlashLight ( e.g. Cherenkov muon multi-messenger astroparticles – atomic and subatomic spaceborne particles );
– Tau AirShowers ( e.g. Space-borne invisible but powerful light energy ‘astroparticles’ penetrate Earth atmospherics beneath where “Thomson scatter” ‘patterned astroparticles’ ricochet Ultra-High Energies ( UHE ) penetrate Earth surfaces ( ground and waterway floor beds ) down to varying depths – including more than 1-mile deep );
– Sprites;
– Elves; and,
– Others.

Modern day terms define any “vehicle” as an “engine driven carrying machine” – a ‘generalized term identifying certain objects’. Further name labeling identifies “vehicle” object ‘types’, specifically:

– Automobile ( Car );
– Truck;
– Van;
– Motorcycle ( Motor-Bicycle / Motor Bike );
– ATV ( All Terrain Vehicle );
– Amphibian ( Amphibious Car / Boat / AS – Aerial Submersible );
– Boat ( Motorized Boat / Yacht / SailBoat / Jet-Ski );
– Submarine ( Submersible / Mini-Sub ); and,
– Train ( Locomotive );
– Helicopter;
– Airplane; and,
– Spacecraft.

Cen-A GRB is our solar system major point of origin for ‘all’ “Cosmic Rays”

Cosmic Rays ( CR ) encapsulate, for the most part, extragalactic high-energy, power and light radiation level atomic and subatomic particle element energy propagation velocity phenomenon.

Cosmic Ray GRB jets consist of intertwinded powerful behaviors, involving:

– ‘Atomic particles’ are ‘semi-visible Matter’, involving photons, protons, electrons, atoms, etc. we’ve all heard mentioned before; and,

– ‘Subatomic particles’ are ‘invisible AntiMatter’, involving neutrinos, muons, leptons, neutralinos, neutrinos, etc. we rarely hear anything about.

Neutrino type particles ‘penetrate planets and stars instantly’. In-fact, in ‘far less time than a human eye blink’ neutrino-like particles will penetrate a through solid rock or thermonuclear dynamos of any planet or sun and right out the other side shooting off into the rest of the universe ).

Subatomic neutrinos were believed by the public to typically pass through all Earth life human beings without any adverse affects as nothing appeared to happen, however, recent discoveries prove ‘subatomic particles’ ( penetrating incredible hard objects ) linked to ‘atomic particle radiation types’ and into the rest of galactic space ), e.g. Cherenkov muon light radiation, X-rays, Gamma-rays, Cosmic Rays ) beam ( 4,000 light-years long fro”Centaurus A” ( Cen-A ) GRB is known as the ‘brightest object from Earth’s southern sky telescope observatories.

Earth bombardments therefrom, consisting of certain Compton effect Cherenkov muon light radiation photonics bound with UltraHigh-Energy ( UHE ) extremely bright blue-white pin pricks of light of incredibly extreme heat intensity powered by ( multiple Trillion electron Volts / TeV) within two ( 2 ) Gamma-Ray Burst ( GRB ) jets streaming more than 4,000 lightyears in length – forward in time – out-of the accretion disk in a Supermassive Black-Hole ( SmBH ) resultant from a ‘dual galaxy collision’ Supernovae eons ago additionally producing a ‘dual lobe’ InterStellar Medium ( ISM ) Local Interstellar Cloud ( LIC ) packing two ( 2 ) bowshock gravitational wave shells travelling with incredible velocity already mushroomed now directly into the path of Earth’s solar system Sun.

What is being done to ‘protectively shelter Earth life’ and/or ‘prolong Earth life’?

Is Earth being abandoned? If so, ‘How’ and ‘When’?

Information was presented to the current President of the United States ( POTUS ) hurriedly co-signed his predecessor’s previous U.S. Presidential Executive Order ( EO ) instituting, the following:

Living With a Star ( LWS ) Program [ ].

Office of the President of the United States ( POTUS ) Executive Order ( EO ) 13326 Living With a Star Program [ ] involves something recently brought to light in the mainstream news media, surrounding:

– Exoplanetary Research, Exploration, Sustainability, and Colonization.

U.S. NASA Crazy? Like A Fox!

Former high-ranking U.S. military personnel retirees, usually enter private-sector industrial U.S. defense complex companies funded by U.S. government citizen tax dollars [ ] involving educational institution Programs building brilliantly talented student minds recruited into certain entities missioned with herculean tasks ( e.g. design, engineer, test, demonstrate and produce advanced projects for secret programs ) of which the BOEING interstellar spacecraft reality bought and built all of the aforementioned through [;p=1&u=/netahtml/PTO/search-bool.html&r=1&f=G&l=50&d=PALL&RefSrch=yes&Query=PN/6813330 ] RAYTHEON ( and other entities ) where employees had no clue their Project was aonly a sub-Project for another larger Project that was part of a global network of sub-Programs tied into CERN ( Geneva, Switzerland ) that held 5 ( 5 ) other global Projects leading sub-Programs traversed in and out of several multinational government space Science & Technology ( S&T ) Programs leading many multiple sub-Project ultra-deep space ground-based and space-based observatory platforms retrofitted with new advanced adaptive optics, replacement mirrors, spectral sensor data imagery converters, extragalactic particle collectors.

CIA InterStellar Propulsion SpaceCraft Attains 1 Light-Year In 1 Earth-Year

[*k4pa0vsGaANzB1pp8fEmW0UUp/2008BOEINGElSegundoCaliforniaOrbitalSciencesandRaytheonSAS.jpg ]

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What began to develop from using Soviet bloc country physicists secretly smuggled in and out of the MCDONNELL DOUGLAS Space Systems Center “Quad Building” ( Huntington Beach, California, USA ) through today’s current successor BOEING Space Systems Center ( Huntington Beach, California ), RAYTHEON CORPORATION ( Waltham, MA ) and RAYTHEON SAS ( El Segundo, California, USA ) has been discovered [ ] and selling what other foreign nations spent billions of dollars on CERN ( Geneva, Switzerland ) projects, however secretly CERN knew well its sole mission for the United States of America: “Refine AntiMatter Hydrogen SubAtomic Production Into AntiHydrogen Propulsion Power for the U.S. Interstellar SpaceShip. Sound ridiculous?

In 1986, RAND CORPORATION ( Santa Monica, California, USA ) was the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency ( C.I.A. ) Science and Technology ( S&T ) private-sector foreign intelligence contractor missioned to spy and steal secrets from physicists particularly inside Eastern Europe countries and governments ( Czechoslovakia, Soviet Union, et. al. ) and on Western Europe U.S. friendly foreign nations. RAND CORPORATION primary intelligence mission was for the [ ] U.S. government military to obtain Anti-Hydrogen propulsion power for its own extragalactic starship [ ] one [ ] of [ ] two [ ] reports ).

In a novel published in 2000 that was turned into 2009 motion picture film entitled, “Angels & Demons,” a hidden vat of potentially explosive AntiHydrogen was depicted buried under the Holy Roman Catholic Church St. Peter Basilica cathedral ( Rome, Italy ), the CERN LBNL UCB physicists’ experiment numbers ( 38 ) of AntiHydrogen atoms and duration ( 1/10th of 1-second ) do not actually threaten the Vatican.

In 2002, CERN created the first ( 1st ) artificially produced Low-Energy ( LE ) antihydrogen atoms, consisting of a positron ( AntiMatter Electron / AntiElectron ) orbiting an AntiProton nucleus, but at that time atoms were ( striking normal ‘Matter’ ) were ( within microseconds ) instantly annihilated by Gamma-Rays.

Another CERN sub-Program sub-Project experimental test ( CPT symmetry ) named ALPHA ( Antihydrogen Laser PHysics Apparatus ) involved global collaboration, including physicists from Lawrence-Livermore Berkeley National Laboratory ( LBNL – Berkeley, California ) and the University of California at Berkeley ( UCB ) TRAPping ( for a little more than 1/10th of 1-second ) a total of thirty-eight ( 38 ) AntiHydrogen atoms before instantly annihilating ( again ).

Later, another CERN sub-Project experiment named ATHENA, a larger global collaboration shutdown in 2004, first ( 1st ) detection of Cold AntiHydrogen.

Alladin Magic Lamp Powerful Genie Trapped

CERN sole purpose was to create Interstellar Propulsion Power for the United States of America BOEING starship, which CERN successfully accomplished after ‘creating tens of millions of AntiHydrogen atoms’.

CERN used autoresonance on Cold AntiProtons compressed into two ( 2 ) individual tiny ( 20 mm long x 1.4 mm diameter / size of a ‘wooden match-stick head’ ) tubular-shaped bubbles.

In 2004, two ( 2 ) tiny tubular bubble clouds were positioned within an ‘expensive’ hollowed-out bottle, an octupole superconducting magnet wall bottle ( lamp ), used to stablize UltraHigh-Energy ( UHE ) Trillion electron Volt ( TeV ) plasmodic discharges.

One ( 1 ) tiny ( 20-mm x 1.4-mm ) tubular-shaped bubble cloud was tasked to flow over the other ( 2nd ) tiny tublar-shaped bubble when the AntiHydrogen power was finally trapped in the containment tank ( bottle ).

There is barely any weight involved at all for propulsion power.

AntiHydrogen SubAtomic power had been harnessed for almost 3-years before the BOEING U.S. interstellar starship was witnessed on November 11, 2011.

Interstellar starship staring-plane mosaic guidance systems and antihydrogen energy propellant has been confidentially reported as already having made interstellar flights in a spaceship that has travelled “1 light-year away away from Earth in about 1 Earth-year,” and on November 11, 2011 at 8:15 p.m. such interstellar starship was viewed by two ( 2 ) adult men.

Believed under secret flight orders dispatched through the U.S. National Reconnaissance Office ( NRO ) that dispacthes CIA overflight missions, the interstellar starship was recorded travelling silently above ground at an incredibly low altitude of approximately 1,000 feet and doing so at an incredibly slow speed of approximately 35-miles per hour. The men remarked at how such an incredibly huge elongated black triangle craft could even remain airborne while exhibiting such.

One ( 1 ) of the witnesses, was a former U.S. Air Force intelligence specialist who the following morning ( November 12, 2011 at 9:30 a.m. ) was visited by a retired Lieutenant General of the United States Air Force. Details of their conversation have not been released to the public to-date.

AntiMatter force deflection dematerializing space debris from otherwise penetrating the outer skin ( akin to ‘UltraViolet light zapping flying insects’ ) undoubtedly protected craft structural integrity of the BOEING interstellar starship ( “Enterprise III” ).

Exoplanetary Mission & Interstellar Spaceship ( NOA ARC ) Living With a Star Program – [ ] Moon, Mars and Beyond How ‘big’ would would an interstellar spacecraft need to be ‘extragalactic Noah Ark spacecraft’ be to ‘transport all Earth life’ out-of Earth’s current solar system to ‘another planet’ chosen as ‘suitable for sustaining human life?

Chances are more than likely today, that while much of the public is convinced ‘no human being ( living on Earth today )’ might ‘endure travelling at the speed of light’ ( or ‘live long enough throughout light-speed light-year distances’ ), CERN ( Geneva, Switzerland ) primary purpose was to develop interstellar propulsion power, which was successfully found in 2004 on behalf of the RAYTHEON CORPORATION to have already filed several [ ] U.S. Patents, one ( 1 ) patent of which subsequently led-up to the BOEING interstellar starship appearance on November 11, 2011 at a 1,000 foot altitude only a few miles south of RAYTHEON SAS ( El Segundo, California, USA ) and the Los Algeles Air Force Station Space Center, and 1-mile north of the U.S. National Petroleum Reserve facility adjacent the Port of Los Angeles in San Pedro, California but more specifically spotted by numerous witnesses at 8:15 p.m. navigating over Harbor City, California.

U.S. government secret spacecraft already travelling to other planets powered by already perfected CERN AntiHydrogen refinery fuel.

An anonymous individual indicated, “Yes, indeed!”

Reasons ‘why their so sure’?

1. Officially presented with officially-verified contract source text information;

2. Officially presented with officially-verified contract precise final diagramatics of the ‘interstellar propulsion antimatter containment tank’;

3. Officially presented with officially-verified color photographs of the antimatter propulsion system demonstrator test ( roof-mounted building bench test ) including color photo of opposing-positioned camera equipment; traced to multiple otherwise secret photographs; and,

4. Two ( 2 ) eyewitnesses whom together experienced ‘up-close’ ( less than 1,000-feet away ) and ‘very personal’ but short-viewing timeframe ( 15-minute ) of this particular U.S. antimatter propulsion interstellar spacecraft, a sharp-lined semi-flat and elongated version of what amounted to a “BattleStar Gallactica” ( former American television series and film ) but not as clumsy looking as the scapecraft depicted on the TV series. Anonymous individual, believes the spacecraft seen was nothing more than a U.S. National Reconnaissance Office Advanced Programs Long-Range Spacecraft – ‘not’ a “NOA ARC” as pictured elsewhere.

Exoplanetary Earth Life Seedings

Today ( 2012 ) it is no longer beyond belief and certainly within the realm of possibility to extragalactically transport, such things as ‘initial seedlings’:

A. “Early-Earth pure ( non-hybrid ) agricultural ( food ) seed storage;”

B. “Earth human genome structures ( genetic cryogenic ) storage;” and,

C. Humanoid tasking onboard spacecraft controls, certain experiments, and ‘other taskings’, See, e.g. International Space Station ( ISS ) Robonaut-2 ( R-2 ).

Earth Sudden Impact

Why are details being kept away-from the global public?

Ask ‘difficult questions’, be prepared for ‘soft information’, and don’t be surprised when you see what Anonymous witnessed with others.

Non-status-quo independent conceptualists are endangered low commodity human species government prefers not want to see poisioning its sheep.

Bah-bah black sheep, have you any ‘more’ wool – covering your eyes?

Submitted for review and commentary by,

Concept Activity Research Vault ( CARV ), Host
WWW: http://ConceptActivityResearchVault.WordPress.Com

Research Note(s)

Click to access 19890001573_1989001573.pdf



Global Environmental Intelligence ( GEI )

Global Environmental Intelligence - GEI

Global Environmental Intelligence ( GEI )
by, Kentron Intellect Research Vault ( KIRV )

TUCSON, Arizona – March 7, 2012 – Nebraska is part of America’s heartland where less than fifty ( 50 ) people are ‘officially designated’ – by the U.S. Air Force Weather Agency ( AFWA ) – to analyze the pulsebeat of ‘doom and gloom’ through ‘scientific terms’ calculated within a new ‘strategic center’ using the latest ultra high-tech computer system, software application program modules and networking capabilities for what ‘global government national infrastructures’ expect, based on what the National Aeronautic Space Administration ( NASA ) warned would hit Earth during the current ”Solar Maximum” ( Cycle 24 ) sending a ‘significant’ “Solar Energetic Particle Event” ( SEPE ) to Earth that “we all need to be concerned about.”

What possibly could go wrong?

We’re all protected, aren’t we?

We are ‘not protected against natural events’ that we have ‘no control over’, but governments have been doing their best to monitor activities, which is one ( 1 ) reason ‘why’ the United States Air Force ( USAF ) ‘subordinate organization’ known as its Air Force Weather Agency ( AFWA ) analyzes significant scientific data from horizons above and below the Earth, searching for clues as to what ‘natural significant event’ ( i.e. Solar Energetic Particle Event ( SEPE ), tectonic plate shift ( continental earthquakes ),  magnetic pole shift ( climate change ), or something else as dramatic will occur.

The sole “Mission” of the U.S. Air Force Weather Agency ( USAFWA ) is tasked as the only U.S. government Agency ‘officially designated to analyze’ incredible amounts of scientific doom and gloom information the public might think came from ‘doomsday prophets’ concerned about Earth calamities going to happen soon.

Space Weather Earth Forecasting

Current official information ( received 24-hours a day and 365-days a year ) by the U.S. Air Force Weather Agency ( USAFWA ) and its host Directorate of Operational Weather Squadrons ( OWS ), group of ‘solar observatories’, ‘satellites’, ‘spacecraft’, ‘interstellar lightwave spectral and radio-frequency ( RF ) imaging sensors’, ‘telescopes’ with a wide array of ‘cameras’ as well as ‘human observers’ are continuing to report enough worrisome information that would scare many of us, but – ‘officially’ – the public will never know ‘what’ is about to befall them or ‘when’ that will occur.

After a considerable amount of research into this subject, the U.S. Air Force was caught ‘publicly admitting’ they are able to “know within minutes” as to ‘what significant Earth Event is coming’ and just ‘when it will arrive’ – anywhere between a few hours up-to days in-advance’, but the public will never be informed. Why?

Doom & Gloom or Fantasy Island?

Undoubtedly, classified ( in the ‘interest of national security’ ), would be the officially given reason to the public. Some might ask, “But, for ‘whose’ “security?” People, for the most part, are ‘not secure’ – especially when facing a pending injurious consequence resulting in ruination of life as they may have come to know their’s – and most gravitate toward wanting to “be with family” ( or “loved ones” ) as any pending cataclysmic Earth Event draws nearer to them all. The U.S. Air Force Weather Agency ( AFWA ), however realizes that being occupants of planet Earth is ‘not the same thing as’ “Fantasy Island” or a trip to “McDonaldland” as the rest of the public at-large has come to know ‘their version’ of what planet Earth is for ‘them’ and their children.


What may even be more interesting to the public is to review official U.S. data surrounding what U.S. Air Force commands ‘are already preparing for’, what ‘they already have set in-place’ for ‘everyone living in the Continental United States ( CONUS )’, and ‘how they are going to accomplish’ their secret-sensitive “Mission” on ‘people’ throughout the United States. This is ‘definitely not’ a ‘science fiction movie’ or ‘Orwellian Theory’ within this report, but strictly what the U.S. Air Force Weather Agency and another U.S. Air Force ‘subordinate organization’, the Air and Space Operations ( ASO ), Director of Weather ( USAF Deputy Chief of Staff ) has ‘recently laid-out publicly’, but for the ‘public’ to decipher ‘all of what was so officially presented’ many were lost in the government psychobabble resulting in no impact on the public as to the ‘seriousness’ for what they need to ‘begin preparing for’.

Television Commercial ‘Official Advertisement’ Already Warned Public!

Recently ( 2010 and 2011 ), the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency ( FEMA ) began advertising its own advertising commercial on American television. The FEMA TV ad commercial ’warns the public to prepare’ for an “unexpected Event” that “can suddenly turn your life – and those around you – ‘upside down’.”

FEMA’s TV commercial advertisement ( see video clip – below ) is easily recalled by those who watch / watched it – depicting a ‘family inside a home’ where all of a sudden everything inside the home’ begins floating up in the air; as though ‘gravity was somehow suddeny lost’. This ‘professionally produced television commercial advertisement’ from FEMA ‘stylishly warns people to prepare for any unexpected natural disaster Earth Event, however FEMA did not describe ‘what type of event strike for people to expect’.

The sadest part about this is that the U.S. government actually considers this television commercial advertisement an “official public warning to prepare for a national disaster” while simultaneously the U.S. government hopes the commercial will ‘not’ create ‘panic’ or ‘chaos’ in the streets that would disrupt ‘skyrocketing profits’ received by ‘global elite’ and/or ‘big business’ through their stock market portfolios. In short, this alluding to a national disaster is nothing short of being the ‘Biggest Show On Earth’ continuing profits from basic living expenses saddling the ‘little people’, ‘worthless eaters’, and ‘consumers of “blue gold” ( water ) the global elite predict will rise – more-so than precious metals – after such an Earth Disaster Event ( EDE ).

Survival By Chance or Circumstance

One of the most worrisome concerns, after reviewing this report ( filled with official U.S. government information’ ), is: ‘What’, ‘when’ and ‘how’ U.S. government ‘decision-makers’ react to their ‘official alert’. Many will undoubtedly and instantly gather with ‘their families’, however ‘what about the rest of us’ gathering with ‘our families? We will not be provided the same ‘early alert’ to even know – until after it ( significant Earth Event ) already takes place! Is this ‘fair’? Is this ‘just’? Is this ‘humane’? Or, is this pure and unadulterated ‘elitist selfishness’ that government affords for only a ‘select few’ lucky souls fortunate enough to be provided with sufficient warning in-advance and additionally told were to go and what to do in order to escape the wrath of such a cataclysmic Earth Event? Few people realize that those ‘decision-makers’ have already been instructed in-advance as to ‘what’ they need to do and ‘when’ they need to do it.

AFWA Notifies 350 Military Installations About Earth Disaster Event

Even more frightening is, ‘what’ the U.S. military has ‘already been commanded’ as to ‘how to accomplish’ their “Mission” based on a highly-classified U.S. Presidential Executive Order ( EO ) turning the U.S. population over to U.S. military control. The U.S. Air Force Weather Agency ( AFWA ) was also ‘officially designated’ as the “Agency” ‘controlling internet ( cyberspace ) shutdown’, according to the report ( below ) and further researching the capabilities of its ‘subordinate organization’ ( un-named ) “Strategic Center.”

Current Reporting Revelations

This report contains ‘no old news’ but ‘new official U.S. government revelations’, which cause the public to re-think where they are and what is coming. The only information this report does ‘not’ provide publicly are the ‘names’, ‘addresses, ‘phone numbers’, and ‘photographs’ of those ‘key individuals’ whom are ‘already designated’ as those ‘ready’, ‘willing’ and ‘able’ to ‘perform as ordered on-command’ – even if that command is ‘unable to be given’ after a cataclysmic Earth Event!

Reviewers Need To Know

There are only two ( 2 ) ‘official U.S. government reports’ provided ( below ) in this report, which contains internet links to more ‘official information’ on this subject.

Knowing the public at-large, and hot it predominantly enjoys ‘entertaining flowery written articles’ – they never bother to  ‘research’ anything further about’ – this report was purposely kept ‘short and sweet’ ( no flowers – no frills ). It includes an ‘official government article’ that was converted into a ‘very simple outline’, and that is followed-up with yet another ‘official government article’ left as-is. Hopefully, some may consume this report far-easier than others at this website so its point on this subject may be even-better publicly received.

The first ( 1st ) report ( included immediately below ) was ‘thoroughly analyzed’ in its ‘original format’, and then – based on ‘even more detailed official information’ discovered – was ‘re-formatted into an even-more proper perspective’, and – for the sake of making this report far-more easily comprehendible for public review – it was finally ‘converted into a simple outline format’ but only because of the fashion by-which government complicated the original public information release’; saying everything but not saying it very well for the public to easily understand.

The second ( 2nd ) report ( further below ) was left in its ‘original format’ because anyone reviewing it can quickly understand the nature of the ‘true problems’ surrounding what we all are going to be facing soon enough.

You be the judge, as to ‘what’ you will do, to ‘prepare’ for the ‘officially expected’ Earth Event. Enjoy the report ( below ) and be sure to click on the embedded links to learn more about ‘what effects’ are ‘coming’ and ‘what’ the U.S. Department of Homeland Security ( DHS ) is preparing for.

Tell a friend about what you review ( below ) and your reply may be, “You can’t trust what you read on the internet.” If anyone does ‘not trust’ this report ( below ) – or anything else on this website – they should click on the ‘official government website links’ ( provided at the bottom of this report, and other links found herein ) – if they are equipped with an ‘attention-span’ ( longer than a bug ) or ‘not easily distracted’ by something as simple as a ‘horn honk’ – then they can ‘research it all’ for themselves and try to prove this information and you are incorrect.

Many will be amazed at how much these official government revelations will help them to prepare for more than ‘entertainment’.

– – – –

Source: United States Air Force ( USAF ) Weather Agency ( AFWA )

Air Force Weather Agency ( AFWA ) 106 Peacekeeper Drive, Suite 2 Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska 68113-4039 USA TEL: +1 (402) 232-8166 ( Public Affairs ) TEL: DSN TEL: 272-8166 ( DSN )


United States Air Force Weather Agency ( USAFWA ) – aka – Air Force Weather Agency ( AFWA ) claims heritage extrapolated back to World War I, when the U.S. Army ( USA ) ‘subordinate organization’ Signal Corps ( ASC ) ‘subordinate organization’ “Meteorological Service” ( SCMC ) provided ‘weather support’ for U.S. Army defense aircraft pilots.

Amidst the legacy of the U.S. Secretary of War, ( known ‘today’ as ) U.S. Department of Defense ( DoD ), it – having realized its ‘subordinate organization’ U.S. Army had ‘increasing military personnel numbers’ due to an ‘increasing defense stockpile inventory’ of U.S. Army ‘militarized aircraft’ – created a ‘then-new subordinate organization’ known as the U.S. Army ( USA ) Air Corps ( AAC ) that became well-known as the U.S. Army Air Corps ( USAAC ).

On July 1, 1937 the U.S. Secretary of War ‘reorganized’ the U.S. Army ‘subordinate organization’ Signal Corps ( ASC ) ‘subordinate organization’ Metereological Service ( MS ) ‘out-of’ the Signal Corps ( SC ) and ‘in-to’ the U.S. Army ( USA ) ‘subordinate organization’ Air Corps ( ASC ) as its ‘then-new subordinate organization’ Meteorological Service ( ACMS ).

On April 14, 1943 the U.S. Army Air Corps ( USAAC ) ‘subordinate organization’ Meteorological Service ( MS ) was ‘renamed’ “Weather Wing” ( WW ) and ‘physically moved’ to an Asheville, North Carolina location – where ‘today’ the U.S. Air Force Weather Agency ( USAFWA ) has its 14th Operational Weather Squadron ( OWS ) located.

In 1945, the U.S. Army Air Corps ( USAAC ) Weather Wing ( ACWW ) was ‘renamed’ the U.S. Army Air Corps “Weather Service” ( ACWS ).

In early 1946, the U.S. Army Air Corps Weather Service ( ACWS ) was ‘physically moved’ from Asheville, North Carolina to the U.S. Army Air Corps Langley Field Station – where ‘today’ Langley Air Force Base ( LAFB ) is located.

On March 13, 1946 the U.S. Army Air Corps Weather Service ( ACWS ) was ‘reorganized’ under the U.S. Army Air Corps ( USAAC ) ‘new subordinate organization’ Air Transport Command ( ATC ) where its ‘then-new subordinate organization’ “Weather Service” ( ACWS ) was ‘renamed’ “Air Weather Service” ( AWS ).

Later-on, in 1946, the U.S. Army Air Corps ( USAAC ) Air Transport Command ( ATC ) Air Weather Service ( AWS ) was ‘physically moved’ to Gravelly Point, Virginia.

In 1947, the U.S. Army Air Corps ( USAAC ) was ‘renamed’ United States Air Force ( USAF ) whereupon the “Air Weather Service” ( AWS ) became ‘directly under it’ and assumed ‘sole responsibility’ over ‘all global weather reporting’ and ‘all global weather forecasting’ for ‘both’ the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Army.

In 1948, the USAF ‘newly activated’ Military Air Transport Service ( MATS ) – ( known ‘today’ as ) Military Airlift Command ( MAC ) – then-received its ‘newly-transferred subordinate organization’ Air Weather Service ( AWS ) that was ‘removed from being directly under’ USAF ‘headquarters’. USAF Military Air Transport Service ( MATS ) ‘subordinate organization’ Air Weather Service ( AWS ) was then ‘physically moved’ to Andrews Air Force Base ( AAFB ) in Maryland.

In 1958, the USAF Military Airlift Command ( MAC ) ‘subordinate organization’ Air Weather Service ( AWS ) was then ‘physically moved’ to Scott Air Force Base ( SAFB ) in Illinois where – for almost 40-years – it remained.

In 1991, the USAF Military Airlift Command ( MAC ) ‘subordinate organization’ Air Weather Service ( AWS ) was ‘redesignated’ as a “field operating agency” and then ‘reorganized’ directly back under USAF ‘headquarters’.

On October 15, 1997 the USAF Air Weather Service ( AWS ) was ‘redesignated’ as the “Air Force Weather Agency” ( AFWA ) and ‘physically moved’ to Offutt Air Force Base ( OAFB ) in Nebraska where it remains ‘today’ – at least for the moment.

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United States Air Force ( USAF )

USAF Weather Agency ( USAFWA )


$183,000,000 million U.S. dollars ( annually ) includes $98,000,000 million dollars for ‘Operations’ and ‘Maintenance’.


October 15, 1997.


Offutt Air Force Base ( OAFB ) in Nebraska ( USA ).


USAF Air and Space Operations ( ASO ), Director of Weather ( DOW ), Deputy Chief of Staff ( DCS ).


Enable U.S. decision makers’ exploitation of all ‘resources’ based-on ‘relevant’ Global Environmental Intelligence ( GEI ) for a ‘global spectrum of military warfare’ by ‘maximizing U.S. power, over:

– Land; – Air; – Space; and, – Internet ( cyberspace ).


1,400 + manned, by:

– Military ( active-duty and reserve ); – Contractors ( government contracts ); and, – Civilians.


– ? ( # ) Agencies ( staff ); – Two ( 2 ) Weather Groups ( WXG – Coordinators ); – Fourteen + ( 14 + ) Weather Squadrons ( OWS – Directorates ); – Five ( 5 ) Observatories ( solar ); and, – One ( 1 ) Strategic Operation Systems Center ( Unknown – ‘subordinate organization’ ).

– –


Global Environmental Intelligence ( GEI )


Global Environmental Intelligence ( GEI ) data is ‘collected’ from a variety of ‘information monitoring sources’ ( Earth based and space based locations ) providing a variety of ‘data feed streams’ of information from a computer operated system network out-of a ‘Strategic Center’ processing indications detecting almost any ‘significant natural negative impact’ that ‘could occur’ on ‘people’ and ‘national infractures’ throughout ‘global geographic regions’ and in ‘outerspace’.


GEI data is provided by, many sources, amongst-which, its ( subordinate ) Strategic Center that processes data through its Computer Operation Systems Network that receives ‘channeled data streams’ from ‘encoded data telemetry’ sent from ‘ground-base sourced’ and ‘space-based sourced’ detection monitors comprised, of:

– Ground Sensors ( infra-red, spectral and sonic );; – Submerged Sensors ( infra-red, spectral and sonic );; – Space-based Sensors ( lightwave, spectral and sonic ); – Long-Range Telescopes ( radio-frequency wave, optical lightwave and sonic ); – Imaging Cameras ( lightwave, spectral and sonic ); and, – Human Observers ( various means ).



The U.S. Air Force ( USAF ) Air and Space Operations ( ASO ) Communications Directorate ( ” A6 ” ) ‘provides’ the ‘policy oversight’ and ‘planning  oversight’ of Command, Control, and Communication Intelligence ( C3I ) for the U.S. Air Force Weather Agency ( USAFWA ).

USAF Air and Space Operations ( ASO ) Communications Directorate ( A6 ) also ‘provides support’ over ‘daily operations’, ‘contingency actions’, and ‘general’ Command, Control, Communication and Computer Intelligence ( C4I ) for the U.S. Air Force Weather Agency ( USAFWA ).

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Weather Groups ( WXD ) –

Weather Groups ( WXD ) are specifically designated to, coordinate:

– Global Environmental Intelligence ( GEI ) – Operational Weather Squadrons ( OWS ).

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Operational Weather SquadronS ( OWS ) –


A ‘minimum’ of fourteen ( 14 ) Operational Weather Squadrons ( OWS ) are on-station ( active ) 24 hours per day 7 days per week 365 weeks per year to mitigate ( handle ) Global Environmental Intelligence ( GEI ) issues.

Operational Weather Squadrons ( OWS ) – also known as – Weather Squadrons ( WS ) are ‘designated’, to:

– ‘Process’ Global Environmental Intelligence ( GEI ) data; and, – ‘Provisionally Distribute’ Global Environmental Intelligence ( GEI ) data.

Operational Weather Squadron Global Environmental Intelligence ( OWS GEI )

– –

2nd Weather Group ( WXD )



– 2nd ( Strategic Computing Network Center ) Systems Operations Squadron ( SOS ) – Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska; – 2nd Operational Weather Squadron ( OWS ) – Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska; and, – 14th Operational Weather Squadron ( OWS ) – Asheville, North Carolina.

2ND WXD Global Environmental Intelligence ( GEI )


– U.S. Agency ‘decision-makers’; – U.S. Department of Defense ( DoD ) ‘decision-makers’; – U.S. Allied Foreign Nation ‘decision-makers’; and, – U.S. Joint Operations ‘Warfighters’.



USAF Air and Space Operations ( ASO ) Plans and Requirements Directorate ( PRD ) – also known as – ( ” A3 ” and ” A5 ” ) ‘develops’ and ‘maintains’ the ‘concepts of operations’ for how U.S. Air Force Weather Agency ( USAFWA ) – also known as – Air Force Weather ( AFW ) supports “most weather sensitive” areas of ‘joint capabilities’.


– Timely; – Relevant; and, – Specialized.


Solar Observatories ( Detachments – Det. ), four ( 4 ):

Det. 1 ( 2ND WXG SO Detachment 1 – Learmonth, Australia ); Det. 2 ( 2ND WXG SO Detachment 2 – Sagamore Hill, Massachusetts ); Det. 4 ( 2ND WXG SO Detachment 3 – Holloman Air Force Base – New Mexico ); and, Det. 5 ( 2ND WXG SO Detachment 4 – Palehua, Hawaii ).



USAF Air and Space Operations ( ASO ) Plans and Requirements Directorate ( PRD ) – also known as – ( ” A3 ” and ” A5 ” ) ‘works in conjunction with’ MAJCOM ‘functional counterpart users’ of products, data and services supplied from U.S. Air Force Weather Agency ( USAFWA ) – also known as – Air Force Weather ( AFW ).

USAF Air and Space Operations ( ASO ) Plans and Requirements Directorate ( PRD ) – also known as – ( ” A3 ” and ” A5 ” ) is ‘one ( 1 ) agent’ of the ‘lead Command’ for ‘gathering operational requirements’.


– Planning – Military Operation Missions ( global spectrum ); and, – Executing – Military Operation Missions ( global spectrum ).



USAF Air and Space Operations ( ASO ) Plans and Requirements Directorate ( PRD ) – also known as – ( ” A3 ” and ” A5 ” ) ‘coordinates’ U.S. Air Force Weather Agency ( USAFWA ) – also known as – Air Force Weather ( AFW ) policy issues.


Four ( 4 ) Operational Weather Squadrons ( OWS ) ‘specifically conduct’ Global Environmental Intelligence ( GEI ):

– Warnings ( 24-hours / 7-days a week / 365-weeks a year ); – Military Mission Briefings ( 24-hours / 7-days a week / 365-weeks a year ) – Forecasts ( 24-hours / 7-days a week / 365-weeks a year ); and, – Analysis ( 24-hours / 7-days a week / 365-weeks a year ).


Strategic Center ( cost: $277,000,000 million dollars ) ‘subordinate organization’, provides:

– Computer System Complex; – Computer System Network Productions; – Computer System Applications; – Computer System Operations; – Computer System Sustainment; and, – Computer System Maintenance.

Air Force Weather Enterprise ( AFWE ) is a ‘computer system’ of the U.S. Department of Defense  (DoD ). AFWE computer system access is ‘restricted’ to members of the United States military ( Active Duty, National Guard, or Reserve Forces), U.S. Government, or U.S. government contractors that do business with the U.S. government and require ‘weather information’.



The U.S. Air Force ( USAF ) Air and Space Operations ( ASO ) Strategic Plans and Programs Directorate ( ” A8 ” ) ‘directs’ the ‘planning’, ‘programming’, ‘budgeting’, ‘development’, ‘acquisition’, ‘engineering’, ‘configuration management’, ‘modification’, ‘installation’, ‘integration’, ‘logistics’ and ‘life cycle maintenance support’ over ‘all’ of the ‘computer processing equipment’ and over ‘all’ of the ‘standard weather systems’.

– –


1st Weather Group ( 1ST WXG ) Directorate


Global Environmental Intelligence ( GEI )


The USAF Air Force Weather Agency ( AFWA ) 1st Weather Group ( 1ST WXG ) Directorate uses ‘four’ ( 4 ) Operational Weather Squadrons ( OWS ) ready 24-hours a day 7-days a week 365-days a year to provide its Global Environmental Intelligence ( GEI ) notification distributions to U.S. ‘military forces’ ( see military branches below ) at 350 ‘specific installations’ located in ‘five’ ( 5 ) Continental United States ( CONUS ) Regions.



9th Operational Weather Squadron ( OWS ) Shaw Air Force Base South Carolina

9TH OWS – Notifies:

– U.S. Air Force; – U.S. Air Force Reserve; – U.S. Air Force National Guard; – U.S. Army; – U.S. Army Reserve; and, – U.S. Army National Guard.


15th Operational Weather Squadron ( OWS ) Scott Air Force Base Illinois

15TH OWS – Notifies ( Both Regions ):

– U.S. Air Force; – U.S. Air Force Reserve; – U.S. Air Force National Guard; – U.S. Army; – U.S. Army Reserve; and, – U.S. Army National Guard.


25th Operational Weather Squadron ( OWS ) Davis-Monthan Air Force Base Tucson, Arizona

25TH OWS – Notifies:

– U.S. Air Force; – U.S. Air Force Reserve; – U.S. Air Force National Guard; – U.S. Army; – U.S. Army Reserve; and, – U.S. Army National Guard.


26th Operational Weather Squadron ( OWS ) Barksdale Air Force Base Louisiana

26TH OWS – Notifies:

– U.S. Air Force; – U.S. Air Force Reserve; – U.S. Air Force National Guard; – U.S. Army; – U.S. Army Reserve; and, – U.S. Army National Guard.



USAF Air and Space Operations ( ASO ) Plans and Requirements Directorate ( PRD ) – also known as – ( ” A3 ” and ” A5 ” ) ‘works with’ USAF Air and Space Operations ( ASO ) staff to integrate U.S. Air Force Weather Agency ( USAFWA ) – also known as – Air Force Weather ( AFW ) Continental Operations ( CONOPS ) with U.S. Air Force ‘plans’ and ‘Programs’.

USAF Air and Space Operations ( ASO ) Plans and Requirements Directorate ( PRD ) – also known as – ( ” A3 ” and ” A5 ” ) ‘assists’ in the ‘exploitation of weather information’ for ‘warfighting operations’.

– –

The aforementioned four ( 4 ) Operational Weather Squadrons ( OWS ) additionally, provide:

– USAF Weather Agency officer ‘upgrade’ training; and, – Apprentice forecaster ‘initial’ qualification.

– –

USAFWA Manpower & Personnel Directorate ( A1 ) ‘provides’ the global spectrum, of:

– Manpower; – Organization; – Personnel; and, – Training.



USAF Air and Space Operations ( ASO ) Plans and Requirements Directorate ( PRD ) – also known as – ( ” A3 ” and ” A5 ” ) ‘oversees’ and ‘executes’ U.S. Air Force Weather Agency ( USAFWA ) – also known as – Air Force Weather ( AFW ) Standardization and Evaluation Program for ‘Weather Operations’.

U.S. Air Force ( USAF ) Air and Space Operations ( ASO ) Plans and Requirements Directorate ( PRD ) – also known as – ( ” A3 ” and ” A5 ” ) ‘assists’ the USAF Air and Space Operations ( ASO ) staff with managing U.S. Air Force Weather Agency ( USAFWA ) – also known as – Air Force Weather ( AFW ) the ‘process’ of ‘career field-training’ by ‘obtaining training’ and ‘implementing training’ to meet ‘career field-training requirements’.

– –


Air Force Combat Weather Center ( USAFCWC – aka – AFCWC )

USAF Combat Weather Center ( Hurlburt Field, Florida ) ‘develops’, ‘evaluates’, ‘exploits’ and ‘implements’ a variety of ‘new tactics’, ‘new techniques’, ‘new procedures’ and ‘new technologies’ across U.S. Air Force Weather Agency ( USAFWA ) – also known as – Air Force Weather ( AFW ) ‘enhancing effectiveness’ for U.S.  military force branches, of the:

U.S. Special Forces; U.S. Joint Operations; U.S. Combined Operations; U.S. Air Force; and, U.S. Army.

– – – –

Source: Global Security



Space Weather Team Readies For Upcoming Solar Max by, Ryan Hansen ( 55th Wing Public Affairs )

February 25, 2011

NEBRASKA, Offutt Air Force Base – February 25, 2011 – Solar Maximum may sound like the name of a super hero, but it’s certainly no comic book or 3-D movie. Solar Maximum is actually the name for the Sun’s most active period in the solar cycle, consistently producing solar emissions, solar flares and sun spots.

For a little background on the sun’s activities, the star goes through roughly 11-year cycles of where it is very active and also relatively calm. The Sun’s last Solar Maximum occurred in 2000 and it is expected to awaken from its current solar minimum and get more active this year.

According to the members of the 2nd Weather Squadron ( WS ), an active sun can cause all sorts of problems for us. “Solar weather plays a huge part in the warfighter’s mission,” said Staff Sgt. Matthew Money, a forecaster with the space weather flight. “Impacts from solar weather can cause radio blackouts, satellite communication failure, satellite orbit changes, satellite surface charging, or short circuits, and radar clutter.”

That is why the squadron’s worldwide space weather team of roughly 50 active-duty members, civilians and contractors continually analyze, forecast and provide alert notifications for the entire U.S. Department of Defense ( DoD ), as well as a slew of other government agencies.

“When ‘space weather’ causes impacts to earth that meet or exceed warning thresholds our end users are informed within minutes,” said Staff Sgt. Jonathan Lash, space weather flight forecaster. We send out warning bulletins through a computerized distribution system, [ and ] we have other graphical products that show what happened in the past 6-hours around the globe as well as what we expect to happen in the upcoming 6-hours,” he said.

Members of the 2nd Weather Squadron [ OWS ] rely on five ( 5 ) ground-based Solar Observatories, as well as a network of satellites orbiting the earth, to accomplish their mission.

“There aren’t too many opportunities to be the Air Force’s sole provider of something,” said Lt. Colonel Jim Jones, 2nd Weather Squadron [ OWS ] Commander. “In this case, the mission is unique to the entire DoD.”

Solar Observatories are ‘strategically placed’ around the globe in such places, as:

– Australia; – Hawaii; – Italy; – Massachusetts; and, – New Mexico.

They include both optical telescopes and radio telescopes and ensure the Weather Squadron always has one eye, or ear, on the sun.

“The optical telescope network monitors solar surface features,” said Master Sgt. Shane McIntire, the space weather flight chief. “It automatically tracks the sun and directs light to the instruments, which collect data and are controlled by computers. It scans specific regions at a rate of at least twice per minute.”

Through filtered lenses space weather analysts are able to perform flare patrol and view sunspots to determine the magnetic complexity of the region.

“The telescope has special filters that isolate a single optical wavelength,” said Master Sgt. Shane Siebert, who leads the Detachment 4 solar observatory for the 2nd Weather Squadron at Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico. This wavelength ( 6563 angstroms ) is called ‘hydrogen alpha’ ( H-Alpha ) where the majority of solar activity occurs,” he said, “Analysts monitor this wavelength from sunrise to sunset, and are looking for specific signatures that may lead to solar flares and other adverse activity.”

But not all of the sun’s activities can be captured using optical telescopes.

Some events have a unique radio-frequency signature that can also be measured.

Using a mixture of technology from the 1970s to the present day, radio observatories are able to monitor frequencies in the 25 MhZ to 180 megahertz range, as well as eight ( 8 ) other discrete frequencies. Their digitized output is collected by a computer and then processed and analyzed for solar activity.

“We actually are able to detect the specific strength at a given radio frequency,” said Major Bradley Harbaugh, who commands the Detachment 5 solar observatory for the 2nd Weather Squadron [ OWS ] at Palehua, Hawaii. What we detect are energetic solar emissions in [ specific ] frequency bands or ranges. When detected, we [ are able to describe ] the start time, duration, intensity and type of solar emission. This helps describe the potential impacts by identifying the characteristics of what may impact earth,” he said.

Identifying these solar emissions is crucial to warfighter communication abilities.

“If there is solar energy that increases on your frequency, you can try to talk into your radio, but the noise from the sun will be stronger than your transmission, therefore drowning-out what you are saying,” Major Harbaugh said, “As an operator, you can increase your radio power to try and ‘out-broadcast’ the sun but you are also now broadcasting over a much larger area, making your transmission more susceptible to enemy detection. Therefore, the Sun’s impact must be a consideration when planning a mission.”

The Weather Squadron network of satellites includes those owned and operated by the U.S. Department of Defense ( DoD ), National Aeronautic and Space Administration ( NASA ) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ( NOAA ) that include a combination of systems that are dedicated solely to space weather as well as a few utilizing space weather sensors.

“We gather a significant amount of data from satellites,” Sergeant McIntire said. “Imagery from [ satellites ] can augment the ground-based network, providing real-time monitoring of solar features at wavelengths that can’t be seen from the ground.”

Data from all of these sources combined, are continually pushed to the space weather operations center at the U.S. Air Force Weather Agency ( USAFWA ) here.

With this information in hand, the Weather Squadron can produce the most reliable space weather forecast possible, however even with all of this data, producing a space weather forecast is still much more difficult than creating one for terrestrial weather.

“Space weather is a terribly difficult science and it takes a lot of training and experience,” Colonel Jones said.

“Space weather forecasting is very reactive,” Sergeant Money said. “The ‘knowledge and tools are not quite up to par in order to do accurate forecasting’ like we do here on Earth.”

It is also important to note that today the world is much more reliant on space-based assets than they were during the last Solar Maximum, officials said. With cellphones, portable navigation devices and satellite television receivers, all part of our daily lives, a huge solar weather event could wreak havoc on quite a few different platforms.

“The impact of a solar storm in 2000 was probably not as great, due to the lower density of space technology, and the limited number of consumers utilizing the data,” Major Harbaugh said, “However, the ripple from a ‘major solar event now will more likely be felt across a much broader consumer base’ [ the public ] since there are many more assets and many more users of space data.”

However, with improved technology and an increased knowledge of the sun’s activities, the Weather Squadron ( WS ) is more prepared than ever for the upcoming Solar Maximum, Colonel Jones said. “Since the last solar maximum, we’ve upgraded most of our numerical models in terms of both their basic science and the data they ingest,” he said. “That’s a direct result of the advances in sensors and the technology that enables rapid data transfer. We can react faster and see farther than ever before.”

“We already have members within the unit developing forecast techniques based on signatures we see on the sensors,” Sergeant Money said.

So it’s a safe bet, that ‘the next 2-years’ will be ‘hectic’ for the 2nd Weather Squadron [ OWS ].

Their mission, to provide ‘situational awareness to key decision-makers’ will certainly keep ‘them’ busy.

“In the last 30-days alone ( February 2011 ), we’ve had [ more than 30 ] reportable [ solar ] energy events,” Major Harbaugh said. “The workload has ‘already increased’ and ‘will continue to do so’ for probably ‘the next 1-year’ or ’2-years’.”

“About 1-year ago, it was not uncommon for an analyst to only have one ( 1 ) very small Solar Region of the Sun to monitor,” Sergeant Siebert said. “Today, it is normal for analysts to keep fairly busy monitoring 4 Solar Regions to 6 Solar Regions. Studies, of the last Solar Maximum, show that typically 1-day included twenty-two ( 22 ) active Solar Regions – almost 4 times our current workload,” he added.

Regardless, Weather Squadron [ OWS ] ‘space weather’ analysts, forecasters and technicians globally are ready for the upcoming solar fury [ see, e.g. Solar Energetic Particle Event ], Colonel Jones said.

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The U.S. Air Force obviously needs ‘far-more’:

– More personnel for U.S. Air Force Weather Agency ( USAFWA ) Weather Group ( WXD ) Operational Weather Squadrons ( OWS ) effortings;

– Independent ’governing board’ or ‘blue ribbon watchdog committee’ overseeing an ’independent monitoring agency’ placing the U.S. Air Force Weather Agency ( AFWA ) and its USAF Air and Space Operations ( ASO ) under an independent ‘microscope’; and,

– Public Transparency notifications, would also be nice, but then…

– – – –


Huge Solar Flare’s Magnetic Storm May Disrupt Satellites, Power Grids

March 7, 2012 13:19 p.m. Eastern Standard Time ( EST )

A massive solar flare that erupted from the Sun late Tuesday ( March 6, 2012 ) is unleashing one of the most powerful solar storms in more than 5-years, ‘a solar tempest that may potentially interfere with satellites in orbit and power grids when it reaches Earth’.

“Space weather has gotten very interesting over the last 24 hours,” Joseph Kunches, a space weather scientist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ( NOAA ), told reporters today ( March 7, 2012 ). “This was quite the Super Tuesday — you bet.”

Several NASA spacecraft caught videos of the solar flare as it hurled a wave of solar plasma and charged particles, called a Coronal mass Ejection ( CME ), into space. The CME is not expected to hit Earth directly, but the cloud of charged particles could deliver a glancing blow to the planet.

Early predictions estimate that the Coronal Mass Ejections ( CMEs ) will reach Earth tomorrow ( March 8, 2012 ) at 07:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time ( EST ), with the ‘effects likely lasting for 24-hours and possibly lingering into Friday ( March 9, 2012 )’, Kunches said.

The solar eruptions occurred late Tuesday night ( March 6, 2012 ) when the sun let loose two ( 2 ) huge X-Class solar flares that ‘ranked among the strongest type’ of sun storms. The biggest of those 2 flares registered as an X Class Category 5.4 solar flare geomagnetic storm on the space weather scale, making it ‘the strongest sun eruption so far this year’.

Typically, Coronal Mass Ejections ( CMEs ) contain 10,000,000,000 billion tons of solar plasma and material, and the CME triggered by last night’s ( March 6, 2012 ) X-Class Category 5.4 solar flare is ‘the one’ that could disrupt satellite operations, Kunches said.

“When the shock arrives, the expectation is for heightened geomagnetic storm activity and the potential for heightened solar radiation,” Kunches said.

This heightened geomagnetic activity and increase in solar radiation could impact satellites in space and ‘power grids on the ground’.

Some high-precision GPS ( Global Positioning Satellite ) users could also be affected, he said.

“There is the potential for ‘induced currents in power grids’,” Kunches said. “‘Power grid operators have all been alerted’. It could start to ’cause some unwanted induced currents’.”

Airplanes that fly over the polar caps could also experience communications issues during this time, and some commercial airliners have already taken precautionary actions, Kunches said.

Powerful solar storms can also be hazardous to astronauts in space, and NOAA is working close with NASA’s Johnson Space Center to determine if the six ( 6 ) spacecraft residents of the International Space Station ( ISS ) need to take shelter in more protected areas of the orbiting laboratory, he added.

The flurry of recent space weather events could also supercharge aurora displays ( also known as the Northern Lights and Southern Lights ) for sky-watchers at high latitudes.

“Auroras are probably the treat that we get when the sun erupts,” Kunches said.

Over the next couple days, Kunches estimates that brightened auroras could potentially be seen as far south as the southern Great Lakes region, provided the skies are clear.

Yesterday’s ( March 6, 2012 ) solar flares erupted from the giant active sunspot AR1429, which spewed an earlier X Class Category 1.1 solar flare on Sunday ( March 4, 2012 ). The CME from that one ( 1 ) outburst mostly missed Earth, passing Earth by last night ( March 6, 2012 ) at around 11 p.m. EST, according to the Space Weather Prediction Center ( SWPC ), which is jointly managed by NOAA and the National Weather Service ( NWS ).

This means that the planet ( Earth ) is ‘already experiencing heightened geomagnetic and radiation effects in-advance’ of the next oncoming ( March 8, 2012 thru March 9, 2012 ) Coronal Mass Ejection ( CME ).

“We’ve got ‘a whole series of things going off’, and ‘they take different times to arrive’, so they’re ‘all piling on top of each other’,” Harlan Spence, an astrophysicist at the University of New Hampshire, told “It ‘complicates the forecasting and predicting’ because ‘there are always inherent uncertainties with any single event’ but now ‘with multiple events piling on top of one another’, that ‘uncertainty grows’.”

Scientists are closely monitoring the situation, particularly because ‘the AR1429 sunspot region remains potent’. “We think ‘there will be more coming’,” Kunches said. “The ‘potential for more activity’ still looms.”

As the Sun rotates, ‘the AR1429 region is shifting closer to the central meridian of the solar disk where flares and associated Coronal Mass Ejections ( CMEs ) may ‘pack more a punch’ because ‘they are more directly pointed at Earth’.

“The Sun is waking up at a time in the month when ‘Earth is coming into harms way’,” Spence said. “Think of these ‘CMEs somewhat like a bullet that is shot from the sun in more or less a straight line’. ‘When the sunspot is right in the middle of the sun’, something ‘launched from there is more or less directed right at Earth’. It’s kind of like how getting sideswiped by a car is different than ‘a head-on collision’. Even still, being ‘sideswiped by a big CME can be quite dramatic’.” Spence estimates that ‘sunspot region AR 1429 will rotate past the central meridian in about 1-week’.

The sun’s activity ebbs and flows on an 11-year cycle. The sun is in the midst of Solar Maximum Cycle 24, and activity is expected to ramp up toward the height of the Solar Maximum in 2013.


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