Alien Contactee Movements

Colleen Thomas alien contactee fraudster

[ PHOTO ( above ): Colleen Thomas ‘alien contactee movement leader’ ( click to enlarge ) ]

Alien Contactee Movements
by, Kentron Intellect Research Vault ( KIRV )

November 8, 2011 13:22:08 ( PST ) Updated ( March 9, 2011 )

SACRAMENTO -November 8, 2011 – Although an avid following of X-Files television series and movie aficionados still believe the “Truth Is Out There,” few know the real facts surrounding what became of a plethora of radical New Age quasi-religious fundamentalists, festering national malcontents and environmental domestic terrorists that went in to hiding beneath anti-government anti-tax protest groups for decades that were under government microscopes until they resurfaced in a variety of ’new splinter groups’ – some entering what are known as ’extraterrestrial observation groups’ that for the most part remain untouched by law enforcement until ‘financial losses’ and /or ’deaths’ begin occurring on ’members of extraterrestrial alien groups’ – now known as the “Contactee Movement” that appears undergoing a new trend led by what some say is a seriously disturbed middle-class American woman named Colleen Thomas who’s not bashful about exhibiting sexy ways to get her points across to over now well over 60,000 followers she crosses-over many lines with including what some believe unlawful.

Interviewed recently on several news television broadcasts, claimed ‘alien contactee’ Colleen Mary Ellis ( also known as ) Colleen Thomas (aka) Archangel Destiny ( 2010 – California, USA ) promotes her ”alien agenda” history as a cover for an anti-tax and anti-government revolutionary movement, akin to other alien ‘contactee movement’ radical revolutionaries Ruth Norman ( 1954 – UNARIUS Academy Of Science – California, USA ), Lafayette Ron Hubbard (aka) L. Ron Hubbard ( 1952 – SCIENTOLOGY founder claiming aliens from planet Venus contacted him – California, USA ), George Admaski ( 1952 – claiming aliens from planet Venus contacted him – California, USA ), George Van Tassel, Howard Menger, Daniel Fry, those of The Order Of The Solar Temple ( see, e.g. October 1994 alien contactee movement deaths in Quebec, Canada and Switzerland ), Raelien and others claiming to be ’alien contactee’ leaders whom use a wide variety of ruses to attract money and more from a variety of gullible audiences.

Alien Contactee Movement – Frauds & Deaths

For those unfamiliar with how dangerous the “Contactee Movement” has become, telltale signs to be alerted to are provided in the investigative report video ( below ):

Colleen Thomas Alien Contactee – Russian Television RT News

[ Video ( above ): Russian Television ( RT ) News Interviews Colleen Thomas ( click arrow to watch video clip ) ]

Alien Contactee Movement Cults

Peering through an unfathomable pitch black sky, moon-bats may be flitting-about – either up in belfries or in cave group slumber conventions, however far beyond caverns and belfries people for centuries have gazed even-further upward to distant stars, not just stargazers but others – including some groups that congregate to discuss ‘extraterrestrials’ ( ET ) that some government officials refer to as ‘non-referenceable objects’ ( NRO ).

Topics such as ‘unidentified flying objects’ ( UFO ), ‘extraterrestrial biological entities ( EBE ) and “Close Encounters” ( of various “Kinds” ) include anything from those who “want to believe” that either “Hey, I just saw a UFO!” some traverse far beyond the night sky to horror story ‘alien abductions’ ( abductees ) where ‘alien contactees’ ( depending on their particular stories ) may land in a ‘variety of phenomena categories’, amongst many, which psychologists diagnose as versions of Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome ( PTSD ) involving anything from ‘past life experiences’ ( flash-backs ), ‘memory loss’ ( time travel ) and ‘foreign object implants’ documented by videotaped clinical removals from patients claiming inability to recall having been implanted with the retrieved  ’metallic object’ ( smaller than the diameter of a straight pin ).

Contactee movement stories, however are even more bizarre, claiming a wide variety of contacts albeit ‘in-body physical’ and/or via ‘extra sensory perceptions ( audio-visual and/or ESP ) or ’out-of-body interdimensional perceptions’ ( meaningful presence sensations with and/or without communications ( audio, visual and/or telepathic ) with ‘unknown entities’ that range anywhere in descriptions from:

– Humanoid figures in varying sizes ( child up-to giants ) displayed or projected as smoky wafts ( colors: charcoal grey, yellow, white and translucent ) ’with’ or ’without’ “wings” resembling ‘ghosts’;

– Android machines combinatoral  ’half human’ and ’half-machine’ referred to as ”man-chines” or “manchines”; and,

– Biological entities vary, to include:

– Alien hybrid bipeds varying in size ( height: 4-foot to 8-foot ), various skin tones ( colored: light grey, purple blue smoke ) various eye shapes ( small to large oval-like almond ) colored predominantly charcoal black with enlarged head shapes and skinny long arms;

– Humanoid bipeds varying in size ( 5-foot to 8-foot ), varying in skin tone ( colored: eggshell off-white tan or albino white ) with round eyes ( colored:light red, pink and red );

– Insect multilegs resembling an enlarged ’preying mantis’ with hexagonal faceted eyes;

– Reptile bipeds resembling a human-sized ‘lizard’, ‘tyrannosaur’, ‘dragon’ ( ‘with’ or ‘without’ “wings” ), ’serpent’ or ‘snake’ infamously referred-to as “Reptilians.”

Colleen Thomas claims, within her diatribe against the U.S. Department of Homeland Security ( see video “Colleen Thomas Demonstrating Symptoms of Paranoia Schizophrenia” further below ), that based solely on her own ’close observation’ of FOX News Rupert Murdoch that she wholeheartedly believes ‘he’ is actually a “Reptilian” who shape-shifted itself to resemble that man.

Alien contactee stories, of course, may be embellished-upon or enhanced for reasons unknown to the claimed contactee explaining-away their ‘unusual personal experiences’ as best they can. Some, however claim their ‘experience’ was spiritually “metaphysical” and that any ‘treatment’ they may have been subjected to was either ‘clinically extra high tech’ or ‘purely’ “holistic” whereby their ‘extraterrestrial alien visitor’ imparted within them an ‘enlightenment’, ‘awakening’ or  ’conveyance’ they believe was designed for only one ( 1 ) purpose – for the ‘contactee’ to share a ‘new belief system’ as a “message” passed-on from the alien ( in question ).

Contactee movement cult indoctrinates are predominantly ’co-dependent’ on ’peer acceptance’ that fades as the contactee’s peers do not typically share nor can they experience as much enthusiasm as the contactee wants from them, which typically results in an ever-growing insatiable thirst for acceptance by the contactee who then seeks-out those of a stature somewhat like themself. The contactee’s next step to ‘be accepted’ by ‘someone else’ is a mistake when they reach-out for ‘therapy sessions’ where clinicians typically lump the contactee in with all the rest of those needing as much – if not more- psychological help as the contactee, and typically the contactee ends-up in worse psychological shape than when they first arrived in ‘group therapy sessions’.

The fact is, the contactee ‘never finds peace within themself’ from ‘group therapy sessions’, which is ‘not designed to restore old order previous lives’ but to assist in allowing the patient to create a ‘newer more healthy life for themself’. Unfortunately, and because of these reasons, a contactee will likely veer down a dangerous road to emotional disaster while believing that ‘self-reliance’ was somehow to be ‘built on group acceptance’, which it isn’t nor will it ever be attained through ‘support group sessions’ or in Gestalt hot-seat therapy either. In short, the contactee becomes immmersed in their own unquenchable thirst to be accepted by like-minded individuals, which is what points contactees into extreme forms of therapy typically led by ‘occult practioners’ of ‘metaphysics therapy’ will – along with boat-loads of encouragement – convince contactees they ( alone ) ‘will be able to develop solutions to their own problems’ by ‘metaphysical focusing on their newly therapized inner strength’ by ‘leading others’ in what the ‘contactee knows best’ ( ‘not a practicing psychiatric clinician’ ). The contactee then goes off with what ‘they think they decided on their own’, which is to ‘start preaching to a larger audience’ about their ‘extraterrestrial interdimensional feelings of two-way telepath communications’, but ‘that communication’ is unfortunately ‘not founded in reality’ but within their inner self.

With external socialization deemed manditorily rampant amongst metaphysical like-mindeds, it’s only a matter of time before the contactee locates an ‘attractive supporter’ ( financially or otherwise beneficial in some fashion ) inspiring the contactee to launch themself either ‘into a cult’, as a ‘member’ who will grow-up through the rank and file structure learning most of what they need to know to get ‘other people’s money ( OPM ), or ‘start a fledgling a new cult’ and ‘lead it’ to such a point whereby the contactee’s ‘original financial supporter’ realizes some grateful benefit – one way or the other.

The ever-growing “Contactee Movement” is led by charismatic strategic thinkers able to articulate well-convincing stories designed to lead others to contribute something they otherwise might not do if they were not ‘followers’, ‘joiners’, and ‘risk-taking adventuresome spectators’.

Alien contactee movement leaders do not usually start-out with huge coffins filled with wealth, but usually sell all that is dear to them to obtain ‘seed money’, capital with which to grow a cult organization, and on their way kicking and scratching the eyes out-of anyone to get money, they start scamming others from a small group of followers by sucking as much out-of them as possible, while doling it back to themself as cash drawers fill fast.

Most alien contactee movement cults do ‘not pay taxes’, do ‘not even file taxes’, but instead hide the majority of fraudulent gained income through ‘real estate trusts’, ‘other name holding real estate assets’ that can be ‘liquidly portioned-off’, ‘corporate debenture’ profits, ‘stock derivative payments’ from interest on stock holdings, ‘corporate capitol holdings’, ‘corporate fluid inventory’ liquidations, ‘structured annuity payments’ ( scholastic, medical and other foundations ), and the list goes on besides the ‘old wall-safe’ or ‘sock’ trick where no trace of cash contributions can be frozen if otherwise deposited in a bank.

Alien contactee movement cults use subtle forms or blatant striking measures of intimidation on cult initiates whom receive claims of ‘protection from alien beings’ upon following instructions through guiding leaders of such groups. Let no one forget these venerable words: “We’re going to be murdered,” Marshall H. Applewhite told a reporter in 1972, “And when we are – after 3-1/2 days – we’re going to walk out into life in the next level above human.”

Colleen Thomas Alien Contactee – Anti-Christian Cult

[ Video ( above ): Colleen Thomas Contactee Anti-Religion & Anti-Government Pitch ( click arrow to view video ) ]

Colleen Thomas Alien Contactee – Government Threats

[ Video ( above ): Colleen Thomas Threatens U.S. President Barack Obama & Others ( click arrow on video to view ) ]

Colleen Thomas Alien Contactee – Sex Stunt Shows

Alien contactee leader Colleen Thomas used a ‘new publicity twist’ ( YouTube.Com videos and elsewhere on the internet ) by openly admitting she uses the oldest trick in the book – ”sex” – but not so subtle sexually suggestive techniques:

– Nudity ( total / partial ); – Deep cleavage displays ( bending over, hopping around, and a closet-full of more ); – Striptease ( tour bus group exposure and more ); and, – Pole dancing ( dirty-dancing and more ).

Alien contactee cult queen leader Colleen Thomas continues ‘bringing home the bacon’ ( OPM – ‘other people’s money’ ) by leading thousands of followers down the points ( ‘messages’ ) of her primrose pointed paths successfully growing her ‘extraterrestrial aficionado audience base’.

Colleen Thomas Alien Contactee – In A Nutshell

Information referenced ( immediately below ) includes ‘edited insertions’ [ ‘verified multiple named aliases’ ] for the purpose of ‘legal clarity’ to distinctly identify this particular “Colleen Thomas” as opposed to any others similarly named. Specifically, this Colleen Thomas ‘autobiography’ ( immediately below ) consists of ‘her self-written life story chosen by her as her public advertisement on the internet’ ( elsewhere ), it has been set-forth ‘herein otherwise’ to clearly demonstrate this one ( 1 ) example, amongst many others, surrounding a ‘leader’ within a trend setting ‘extraterrestrial alien’ themed “Contactee Movement” cult bordering on the occult, and while Colleen Thomas may not necessarily publicly promote the drinking of dead children’s blood, her ‘internet financial vampirical schemes’ are uniquely caught within the example ( immediately below ) of publicly ‘practicing fraudulent deceptions’ by espousing one’s self as an ‘alien contactee’, ‘claiming personal benefits to others upon their financial contributions’, ‘self financial enrichment’ using a ‘public artifice to defraud’ medium of the ‘internet’ as that ‘device’ or tool’ message pushing platform ‘simultaneously promoting non-payment of U.S. taxes’ ( against U.S. law ) to ’60,000 followers’, an array of malcontent bashing the U.S. government all of which is found being hosted from an ‘internet psychic hotline website’ ( immediately below ).

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Colleen Thomas – Spiritual Light Worker


Colleen [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] was born into a large family in 1960. The family was plagued with mental illness and depraved individuals that preyed upon the young and the weak.

Colleen [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] is no stranger to evil, and has been confronted with the dark ones, even ‘to the point of attempts on her life’.

At the age of 14 [ Colleen Mary Ellis ], the wild and virtually uncontrollable 8th grader [ Colleen Mary Ellis ], was sent away to live with a sister in Russellville, Arkansas where within 1-year the unsupervised wild girl [ Colleen Mary Ellis ] was sexual active and then pregnant.

Never having attended High School, and always being treated like she [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] were defective in her [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] mind because she [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] was not intelligent “like men are,” Colleen [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] let education go and became a full-time mother [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] of 5 children.

Were it not for her [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] personal ethics – that pained inside her every time she claimed to have graduated high school in order to look good on a job application – Colleen [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] would likely still have an 8th grade education to this day.

At the age of 32 Colleen [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] took her [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] GED and did so well she [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] was ‘talked into taking classes’ at the community college she [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] had gone to for the test.

When the youngest [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] of 5 children started attending school all day, Colleen [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] began a full-time Biological Sciences program at the University of Nevada Reno where Colleen [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] earned her nursing degree.

Over the course of her [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] lifetime Colleen [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] has shown unusual resilience and tolerance for others, even those channeling the dark toward her [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] in frequently tormenting, even life threatening ways.

A chaotic military life [ the husband of Colleen Thomas ] made for a very adjustable pliable personality is Colleen [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] that is tough as nails – when times get hard – but completely flexible with life and people otherwise.

It was always in Colleen’s [ Colleen Mary Ellis’ (aka) Colleen Thomas’ ] nature to stick up for the underdog – even when it was her [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] – but especially when it was someone else.

Colleen [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] has always been very adventurous and daring – too much so at times – getting into situations that could have cost her [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] her [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] life, but close calls never detoured her [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] from pressing herself [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] even harder the next time.

As a girl – and young woman – Colleen [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] was very much like a strong and powerful man; at 105-pounds and 5-foot 4-inches tall Colleen [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] was like a toy poodle that chases after Great Dane’s unaware of the size issue.

Colleen’s [ Colleen Mary Ellis’ (aka) Colleen Thomas’ ] tough reputation was tried time and again, growing-up moving from one school district to another more often than she can count; all of them [ school districts ] always on the poor side of town where Colleen [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] was ‘not always in the majority race’ [ ethnicity ].

Under such trying – and often times ‘dangerous gang conditions’ – Colleen [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] ‘learned how to put fear into those who challenged her [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ]’ and how to be very diplomatic under fire – ‘resorting to blows’ – only as a last resort when attacked.

A lifetime of seemingly unrelenting hardships and hostility from the dark never killed Colleen’s [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] happy go lucky spirit, that is until her 28-year old daughter Victoria Amour Meckler (aka) Tory A. Meckler (aka) “Margaret Tracy” unexpectedly died 2-years ago.

For the first time in her life Colleen [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Mary Thomas ] had lost all will to live, but lacked the will to die either; she [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] was simply ambivalent and adrift.

Three [ 3 ] hostile marriages, persistent problems with money, and 20-years in a ‘Christian cult’ came crashing in all at once as the anguish of losing a child overtook her [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ].

In the depths of despair, a shift took place that caused Colleen [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] to call everything she [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] ever knew or believed into doubt; earlier this year that positionless place Colleen [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] found herself in – was finally jerked into a new reality through a ‘kundalini awakening’ that cleared all her [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] chakras at once on January 31st of this year.

On Valentine’s Day of this year a Pleiadian man – an 8-foot tall giant who is a gifted and talented astrophysicist known throughout the galaxy – melded minds with Colleen [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] causing her [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] to awaken – knowing things about physics she [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] had never learned before – and had sudden clarity on all the quantum physical matters that had puzzled and eluded her [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] understanding before.

For the last several weeks, Colleen [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] has become consciously aware of her [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] ‘telepathic connection’ to ‘mother Earth’, ‘other planets’ and ‘stars’ and the ‘alien peace keeping forces’ that have the ‘dark’ pinned down here on Earth.

Colleen [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] was given the all-clear, that humanity was safe ‘because the dark were on the run’ – as they realize that the aliens that had simply observed their activity in the past had suddenly began engaging Vril [ Third Reich era – Vril Society ] ships [ UFO disk shaped spaceships ] and ‘human nuclear weapons’ of war.

As a Pleiadian contactee, Colleen [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] will no doubt have a ‘role to play’ in ‘building the world of tomorrow’ where the humans are free from the dark spirited carnivorous sentient reptilians who have been feeding on human suffering for 10,000 years.

Earth, will be restored to her original purpose, which is to serve as an oasis for star travelers to visit and enjoy in peace – a vacation destination of intergalactic fame.

Colleen [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] has become a ‘virtual overnight hit’ with the ‘pop New Age culture’ and ‘spiritual people’ who have always been open to the possibility of sentient life from other star systems.

After launching her [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] first [ 1st ] speech on July 27th – to the public on her YouTube.Com [ ] website to report on her [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] new knowledge of physics and alien affairs – Colleen [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] has ‘attained International attention’ and ‘support’.

Over 60,000 people had tuned in to hear what Colleen [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] had to say, in just 8-weeks time clearly her [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] ‘messages’ are as ‘timely’ as they are ‘beneficial to others’.

Colleen [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] has joined this service [ PREDICT MY FUTURE INC., at: http://www.SpiritualLightWorkers.Com ] so she [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] can ‘earn a living’ as a ‘world teacher’ of ‘Pleiadian physics’, ‘spirituality’ and ‘new forms of community based governance without the need for a central government’ – that ‘only served to enslave Americans and other nations to paying taxes’ with over half their invested energies from working to earn a living. A ‘living need not be earned’ and the ‘abundance of nature need not be sold’; ‘bartering will be the new currency’ of ‘energy exchange’ in the ‘future economy’ that ‘replaces the one that collapsing now’.

Colleen [ Colleen Mary Ellis (aka) Colleen Thomas ] will be happy to answer any question you may have, with regard to ‘her personal life’, ‘alien affairs’ and ‘physics’.


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Colleen Thomas Alien Contactee Stripping For Fun, Money, Or More?

Colleen Thomas partying

Colleen Thomas admits publicly [ in one of her many YouTube.Com videos that ‘she personally posted’ ] to utilizing ’sex’as her ”creative marketing tools” capturing ‘financial support’ from those she claims are predominately ‘wealthy old men’ willing to donate money because of exhibiting her ‘special attractions’ – supporting her wantonly wicked lifestyle.

 Colleen Thomas office

Colleen Thomas Alien Contactee Nude Tour Bus Escort Service

From the privacy of her residence – or wherever she happens to be at the time – Colleen Thomas operates an ’alien contactee nude tour bus escort service’ for those attracted through her online ‘nude video chat’ – wanting to see more of ‘her’ and ‘she promises’ the extraterrestrial “Mothership” too, if  ’they send her money’ to be taken on her ‘fraudulent alien contactee gala bus ride’.

7 Colleen Thomas

Colleen Thomas on Tour Bus

Colleen Thomas, alien contactee ’nude tour bus guide’, escorts enthusiastic passengers on a sight-seeing tour bus visiting her various favorite ‘hotspots’ – up and down northern California west coastline of the Pacific Ocean – where out upon cliffs she points to various  ’natural sights’ ( daytime ocean seawater reflecting a spot of the Sun, sparkling glimmers in the ocean, etc. ) she points to and exclaims, “See, over there! That’s the extraterrestrial alien “Mothership!”

Colleen Thomas alien contactee nude tour bus escort service is a ‘device or artifice to defraud’ via her ‘alien nude platform’ or ’mood room’  filled by her with a gala atmosphere of music, drinking, jokes, laughter, dancing and yes, nudity, designed to loosen-up more customer monies from gullible gawkers looking for cheap nude thrills. Well? They get what they pay for, taken for a ride, the Colleen Thomas way!

Colleen Thomas, unfortunately cannot keep her clothes on for those ‘older men’ she taunts, claiming they’re the largest contributors of money to her, while the rest aboard her tour bus go for the ride witnessing part of ’her nude comedy act’  ( below ):

Has anybody complained about the ‘services’ Colleen Thomas continues providing? That was not easily discovered, until one man from the nude tour bus ride came forward with a complaint, however as for now – until eventually incarcerated by law enforcement for blatant displays of ‘indecent exposure’ and/or ‘accepting money under false pretenses’ ( fraud ) – both of which ‘she has delivered plenty of’ to-date – no criminal fraud charges have yet been filed against Colleen Thomas; or, any of her alien contactee movement co-conspirators.

Colleen Thomas exudes an inordinate amount of energy some say is financially driven. Those watching her emotional-ticks soon come to realize her soft parts are rapidly collapsing when delivering her ‘coven-fostered’ spider web of ‘out-of-touch with reality’ spacey broadcasts about ‘interplanetary doom and gloom’ she claims to receive updates from a fourth ( 4th ) dimension and/or fifth ( 5th ) ‘interdimensional being’ – another ‘imaginary man’ ( this one 8-feet tall ! ) in her life – warning her ( she claims ) about what is ‘about to befall everyone on the face of God’s green Earth’ at which point her message turns-to ‘woeth those not buying her psychobabble diatribe’ of ‘the sky is falling’ as she trails-off howling at the moon like a banshee ranting over ‘internet radio’, internet videos’, Twitter, Facebook, and a host of ‘internet blogcasts’ sufficient enough to even make a maggot puke over what some say is ‘just entertainment’.   Colleen Thomas’ gimmick is simply ‘kinky’, without typical ‘sex and violence’ additives, but applies ‘titillating sex’, ‘tantalizing stripteases’, and while encouraging audiences about ‘extraterrestrial interdimensional alien friendlies’, preaches the U.S. government is out to lock-up all its citizens, and then outlines an extremely violent ending for all mankind by claiming an Extinction Level Event ( ELE ) is coming to her audiences everywhere. She is impetuous about being brought-on talkshows and news programs to “warn everyone.”

Colleen Thomas’ gimmick is simply ‘kinky’, without typical ‘sex and violence’ additives, but applies ‘titillating sex’, ‘tantalizing stripteases’, and while encouraging audiences about ‘extraterrestrial interdimensional alien friendlies’, preaches the U.S. government is out to lock-up all its citizens, and then outlines an extremely violent ending for all mankind by claiming an Extinction Level Event ( ELE ) is coming to her audiences everywhere. She is impetuous about being brought-on talkshows and news programs to “warn everyone.”

Cult Queen Enjoying Galactic Immunity?

While this savvy buxom business matron may appear to have not covered her operation bases very well either, some of her most avid followers speculate that her protection from federal, state and local laws stretch to the planet Venus and beyond. What say you, U.S. revenuers?

Colleen Thomas was not always an ‘alien contactee movement sex idol’ thousands see her as today, but in Nevada as a ‘promiscuous nurse’ – according to a ‘few professionals’ intimately familiar with her personalware tradecrafts – who after attending a plethora of colleges, learned ‘how to easily manipulate human behavior’ and ‘administer dangerous chemotherapy drugs’ to weak an dying patients ( including children and the elderly ) suffering a variety of maladies associated with cancer and more.

Colleen Thomas rose through hospital ranks where with her eye keenly fixed on a position as an “Administrator,”  that is what led her into the midst of the Visiting Nurse Association ( VNA ) – dealing with healthcare providers where the eventual niche of ‘administration’ finally fell into place, but ‘not long being able to maintain herself’ as one of the ‘team players’ she saw arranged a relatively new ‘private practice’ niche and dove into it head-first.

In 1998, Colleen Thomas became a registered nurse in Nevada working for KAISER PERMANENTE HOSPITAL, CARSON TAHOE HOSPITAL, and SAINT MARY’S REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER, dabbled in the field of ‘home healthcare’ ( GENTIVA HEALTH SERVICES and HOMECARE PLUS ), but as an “Administrator” for ‘visiting home nurse healthcare providers’ she appears self-employed working part-time out-of her home-office with ‘home healthcare administrative management’ ( REHABFOCUS HOME HEALTH INC. – Stockton, California ) as well as her ‘more publicly known other activities’ too.

While some question the ‘mental health’ of any alien contactee cult leader, Colleen Thomas previous drug abuse treatment at an Arizona drug rehabilitation center has had her ‘personal well-being’ well diagnosed by at least two ( 2 ) psychiatric professionals on two ( 2 ) seperate occassions.

Colleen Thomas Demonstrating Symptoms of Paranoia Schizophrenia

Colleen Thomas demonstrates her own seething personal attacks on the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, FOX News mogul Rupert Murdoch, and others within a video clip she produced and then published on the internet, at:

Corporate Hospitality Tradecraft Tricks

Colleen Thomas claims a so-called “marketing background,” but from her apparent open public displays of ‘nudity marketing’, she may have been positioned for what Corporate America curiously uses as a “hospitality hostess” or ‘party-curious corporate girl’ suited better for performing ‘business relation services’ capturing ‘more hard-to-get contracts’ and eventual funding by keeping visiting representatives, brokers and businessmen ‘happily marketed’.

Colleen Thomas went on to apply her coven-like tradecrafts and personalwares hoping to boost a smaller business ( BLUESUMMITS LAND CAPITAL and AMICK ENTERPRISES – Roseville, California ), which only appeared at-first to pay-off but eventually encountered difficulties.

Alien Contactee Queen Has To Be Shasta Mountain Bound

Colleen Thomas visions, amongst a very long list of others, exclaim extraterrestrial interdimensional alien beings exist in an ancient alien underground safehaven city known – by followers of the “Hollow Earth” theory – as “Telos” further claimed secretly located deep down inside the base of Mr. Shasta in northern California where ‘only select enlightened ones’ will be allowed entry to unimaginable wonderful things, but with a catch – somewhat akin perhaps to the old rock ‘n roll song “Hotel California” ( “… you can get anything you want, but when you check-in you can never check-out …” ) – leading victims on a ‘fraud to nowhere’. Unless people are led to their demise ( e.g. as were those in the Jim Jones massacre ), law enforcement will continue failing its ’alert test’ on the Colleen Thomas alien contactee movement.

U.S. Marine Corps Married Life Tossed – Alien Style – By Queen Of Cult

In-addition to Colleen Thomas’ believed part-time work as a home healthcare “Administrator” and “Consultant” to a small group of curiously nearby ”satellite offices,” she not only maintains she’s a “Pleiadian” alien contactee ( spreading more than just words on what is about ready to come ) she goes on claiming she’s ”Executive Director” for QUANTUM AETHERDYNAMICS INSTITUTE and a “Theoretical Physicist” and “Inventor” for DESTINY TECHNOLOGIES – her “galactic plane” headquartered somewhere between the images in her mind, her ‘home office’ ( sewing room ) and ’main office’ ( garage ) where she sits piloting her almighty ”mothership” – an upscale Placer County home ( 1756 Park Oak Drive, Roseville, California, USA ) foreclosed upon her “galactic plane” in the suburbs.

Colleen Thomas XXX-Files Star Sees “The Truth Is Not Out There!”

Whether Colleen Thomas is in-front of an audience of her peers, shamans, witches, alien abductee fanatics or UFO aficionados, her other ‘abhorrent behavior patterns demonstrated’ remain, and although she’s certainly no Al Pacino ( Scarface ) or James Cagney ( White Heat ) – respective motion picture film stars seeing phrases coined such as “The World Is Yours” or “Top Of The World” it appears she’s the only one in-heat over implanted scars that should have her own neon sign blinking, “The Truth Is Not Out There!” ( XXX-Files ) because some – able to pierce veils of secrecy – see quite clearly through a myriad of far-more smoke and mirrors than she or whomsoever she’s taking instructions from could ever conger.

Should anyone know of someone who may have had a bad experience within a “Contactee Movement,” your replies ( by e-mail ) or comments ( below ) are helpful proactive steps to prevention of financial fraud and other serious crimes associated with these types of activities.

Submitted for review and commentary by,

Kentron Intellect Research Vault ( KIRV )
WWW: http://KentronIntellectResearchVault.WordPress.Com
